[Insight-users] Hello World Registration

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 19:04:51 EST 2011

2011/11/14 Pushpitha Atapattu <pushpitha at apollomit.com>:
> Hi,
> I am new to ITK and would be grateful if someone could give me a hand in
> below question.
> I am trying to execute the ''Hello World" Registration example provided with
> the 'insightToolkit-3.20.1'.
> The source code of the above example is can be found in the file
> 'Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration1.cxx.'
> The above example requires two input images. As the ItkSoftwareGuide
> instructs, I have picked;
> BrainProtonDensitySliceBorder20.png
> BrainProtonDensitySliceShifted13x17y.png
> Above images are provided in 'insightToolkit-3.20.1' inside
> 'Examples/Data' folder.
> However, I can't find the location where I should store these two images for
> the source code to read these images. To elaborate, I copied the above
> source code to a new folder called 'Registration' in my C drive and used
> CMake to build the project. My question is where in 'Registration' folder
> should I save above two images for the source code to read these two images.
> I appreciate any help extended on this question.
> Kind regards,
> Pushpitha Atapattu

You can just place them in your build directory (where your example
binary gets generated) and then hard code the file names into the


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