[Insight-users] Serious problem with BSpline Registration

Dr. Tim Allman dr.tim.allman at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 12:46:25 EST 2012

I am trying to do 2D BSpline based registrations but with little 
success. It appears that there is a problem inside ITK which is 
demonstrated by the ITKWikiExample 
"Registration/ImageRegistrationMethodBSpline.cxx". I get the same 
results when I compile on Linux and OSX, 32 or 64 bits. The default 
Superbuild exhibits the same behaviour.

The first thing I noticed is that the example does not give the result 
presented on the web page 
Further, small adjustments to the optimizer parameters make wild changes 
to the appearance of the image.

If the tests are run, the following results:

The following tests FAILED:
       1 - CheckPagesForImages (Failed)
     171 - Registration-ImageRegistrationMethodBSpline (Failed)
     235 - Statistics-KdTreeBasedKMeansClustering_1D (SEGFAULT)
     236 - Statistics-KdTreeBasedKMeansClustering_3D (SEGFAULT)
Errors while running CTest

Any help in this would be much appreciated.

Tim Allman, Ph.D.
35 Margaret Street,
Guelph Ontario N1E 5R6

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