[Insight-users] documentation...

Matt McCormick matt.mccormick at kitware.com
Wed May 30 21:10:03 EDT 2012

Hi Luke,

The Doxygen documentation is a good place to look.  Look at the Set/Get
methods for a parameter and the class documentation found under "Detailed
Description".  For more the source code itself tells the most detailed

Hope this helps,

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 7:27 PM, Luke Hetrick <lhetrick at nnu.edu> wrote:

> Hello,
>    I am a new user to ITK and am running through some of the webinars and
> examples to get accustomed to how to properly use and work with ITK but I
> am running into a small hang up. Many of the examples have me pass in
> arguments into the filters that are relevant to the output of the filters
> but yet I can find no where that explains what these arguments do or what
> they are. For Example, in one of the practice examples I am working with
> the Sgmoid Image Filter. Once I fix the code in the *.cxx file, I compile
> it, and then execute it and this particular filter asks for the arguments
> inputImageFile, outputFileImage, alpha, and beta. I know what the first two
> arguments are but I would like to understand specifically what the alpha
> and beta parameters are doing. I have been searching on the Doxygen wiki
> and can only find these arguments in the itkSgmoidImageFIlter.h file but no
> other information. Anyone know where I can educate myself with these filter
> arguments (not just the alpha and beta specifically)? Thanks for reading
> this and trying to help me out.
> Luke H
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