[Insight-users] Installing ITK 3.20.1 on Widnows 7 - PNG Issue

Kristen Lurie kristen.lurie at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 16:45:06 EST 2013

I am trying to install ITK 3.20.1 on Windows 7 using cygwin. I am using the older version to work with the n-sift package. I was able to install and run ITK 3.20.1 and n-sift previously on my Mac (10.6.8), but need the Windows machine as it is a more powerful computer than my own.

I am getting an error linking itkTestDriver.exe. It seems to be an issue related to undefined references in libITKIO.a and itkPNGImageIO.cxx. I attached the terminal output and CMakeLists.txt files.

I've tried a few things that haven't enabled the build to get any further. 
* Commenting out the following line of CMakeList: ITK_THIRD_PARTY_OPTION(PNG png)
* Adding target link libraries as it suggested in this post: http://www.itk.org/pipermail/insight-users/2003-March/002732.html. (This post also asks if the itkpng or itkzlib files are in the bin directory - they are not)

Thank you in advance for your help.


(P.S. Apologies if this message is in duplicate - I received a reject post on my first attempt)


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