[Insight-users] I want to segment the blood vessel using the code included in Example\Segmentation , GeodesicActiveContourImageFilter and FastMarchingImageFilter

Jon Haitz Legarreta jhlegarreta at vicomtech.org
Mon Oct 21 07:15:32 EDT 2013

Dear zhq,
if you are using unmodified code from the Insight examples, it is not
necessary to attach them to your e-mail. Just tell the name and everybody
will be able to look them up.

On the other hand, if you are debugging the example using the
GeodesicActiveContourImageFilter and you find that the debugger is halting
at some point in your code, then you may want to track down the problem,
either verifying the memory consumption, verifying that the input image
type is the one your code expects if not templated, trying with a different
image, using exception handling, etc.

If you need to modify the code to introduce some of the above mechanisms,
you should do it.

On the other hand, and related to your specific application, blood vessel
segmentation is not trivial, and as  other medical imaging problems,
depends on your input data/image modality.

It is usually useful to post the information as precisely as possible on
the issue you are facing.


On 19 October 2013 04:45, zhq <15891495523 at 126.com> wrote:

> Dear all
>          I want to segment the blood vessel using the code , which were
> included in Example\Segmentation , GeodesicActiveContourImageFilter and
> FastMarchingImageFilter .  I can successfully run the
> FastMarchingImageFilter code but failed the run the
> GeodesicActiveContourImageFilter code .
>         the two codes are attached to the mail . When I run the
> GeodesicActiveContourImageFilter code , code will be parked in one place .
> I mean, even I run the code for half an hour, the code always be parked in
> the place .
>         Please help me . Thank you in advance ! The data is too big that
> the mail which include the data can't be send successfully . The data was
> 18.4M , what should I do ?
> zhq
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