[ITK-users] SimpleITK, read MHD volume and convert it into a numpy array respecting its transformation

fausto milletarì fausto.milletari at gmail.com
Wed May 4 13:14:37 EDT 2016

Hello everyone,

I have a probably naive question about simpleITK. I find simpleITK extremely useful to process medical data such as MRI scans but I would like also to enjoy being able to convert my images in numpy format while respecting the transformation of the volume.

In other words I would like to get the MRI image in numpy rotated by the correct amount around each axis with zero padding for example.

when i do simply sitk.GetArrayFromImage(imgResampledCropped)I get back the raw data itself, but what I would like to do is to have a numpy array that contains the data “ready to visualise” by simple slicing of the array itself.

Do you think this is doable? Is there a standard way of doing it?

Kind regards,


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