ITK  4.2.0
Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit
Module ITKRegistrationCommon
Group Registration
+ Collaboration diagram for Module ITKRegistrationCommon:


class  itk::BlockMatchingImageFilter< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TFeatures, TDisplacements, TSimilarities >
 Computes displacements of given points from a fixed image in a floating image. More...
class  itk::BSplineSmoothingOnUpdateDisplacementFieldTransformParametersAdaptor< TTransform >
 Helper class for multiresolution image registration. More...
class  itk::BSplineTransformParametersAdaptor< TTransform >
 BSplineTransformParametersAdaptor adapts a BSplineTransform to the new specified fixed parameters. More...
class  itk::CenteredTransformInitializer< TTransform, TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 CenteredTransformInitializer is a helper class intended to initialize the center of rotation and the translation of Transforms having the center of rotation among their parameters. More...
class  itk::CenteredVersorTransformInitializer< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 CenteredVersorTransformInitializer is a helper class intended to initialize the center of rotation, versor, and translation of the VersorRigid3DTransform. More...
class  itk::CommandIterationUpdate< TOptimizer >
class  itk::CommandVnlIterationUpdate< TOptimizer >
class  itk::CompareHistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 Compares Histograms between two images to be registered to a Training Histogram. More...
class  itk::CorrelationCoefficientHistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 Computes correlation coefficient similarity measure between two images to be registered. More...
class  itk::DisplacementFieldTransformParametersAdaptor< TTransform >
 DisplacementFieldTransformParametersAdaptor is a helper class intended to definition. More...
class  itk::EuclideanDistancePointMetric< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet, TDistanceMap >
 Computes the minimum distance between a moving point-set and a fixed point-set. A vector of minimum closest point distance is created for each point in the moving point-set. No correspondance is needed. For speed consideration, the point-set with the minimum number of points should be used as the moving point-set. If the number of points is high, the possibility of setting a distance map should improve the speed of the closest point computation. More...
class  itk::ImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::FixedImageSamplePoint
class  itk::GaussianSmoothingOnUpdateDisplacementFieldTransformParametersAdaptor< TTransform >
 Helper class for multiresolution image registration. More...
class  itk::GradientDifferenceImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 Computes similarity between two objects to be registered. More...
class  itk::HistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 Computes similarity between two objects to be registered. More...
class  itk::ImageRegistrationMethod< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 Base class for Image Registration Methods. More...
class  itk::ImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 Computes similarity between regions of two images. More...
class  itk::ImageToSpatialObjectMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingSpatialObject >
 Computes similarity between a moving spatial obejct and an Image to be registered. More...
class  itk::ImageToSpatialObjectRegistrationMethod< TFixedImage, TMovingSpatialObject >
 Base class for Image Registration Methods. More...
class  itk::KappaStatisticImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 Computes similarity between two binary objects to be registered. More...
class  itk::KullbackLeiblerCompareHistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 Computes the Kubler Lieblach(KL) metric between the histogram of the two images to be registered and a training histogram. More...
class  itk::MatchCardinalityImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 Computes similarity between two objects to be registered. More...
class  itk::MattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 Computes the mutual information between two images to be registered using the method of Mattes et al. More...
class  itk::MeanReciprocalSquareDifferenceImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 Computes similarity between two objects to be registered. More...
class  itk::MeanReciprocalSquareDifferencePointSetToImageMetric< TFixedPointSet, TMovingImage >
 Computes similarity between pixel values of a point set and intensity values in an image. More...
class  itk::MeanSquareRegistrationFunction< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >
class  itk::MeanSquaresHistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 Computes mean squared difference similarity measure between two images to be registered. More...
class  itk::MeanSquaresImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 TODO. More...
class  itk::MeanSquaresPointSetToImageMetric< TFixedPointSet, TMovingImage >
 Computes similarity between pixel values of a point set and intensity values of an image. More...
class  itk::MultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 Base class for multi-resolution image registration methods. More...
class  itk::MultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Framework for creating images in a multi-resolution pyramid. More...
class  itk::MutualInformationHistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 Computes the mutual information between two images to be registered using the histograms of the intensities in the images. This class is templated over the type of the fixed and moving images to be compared. More...
class  itk::MutualInformationImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 Computes the mutual information between two images to be registered. More...
class  itk::NormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 Computes similarity between two images to be registered. More...
class  itk::NormalizedCorrelationPointSetToImageMetric< TFixedPointSet, TMovingImage >
 Computes similarity between pixel values of a point set and intensity values of an image. More...
class  itk::NormalizedMutualInformationHistogramImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >
 Computes normalized mutual information between two images to be registered using the histograms of the intensities in the images. More...
class  itk::PDEDeformableRegistrationFunction< TFixedImage, TMovingImage, TDisplacementField >
class  itk::PointSetToImageMetric< TFixedPointSet, TMovingImage >
 Computes similarity between a point set and an image. More...
class  itk::PointSetToImageRegistrationMethod< TFixedPointSet, TMovingImage >
 Base class for PointSet to Image Registration Methods. More...
class  itk::PointSetToPointSetMetric< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet >
 Computes similarity between two point sets. More...
class  itk::PointSetToPointSetRegistrationMethod< TFixedPointSet, TMovingPointSet >
 Base class for PointSet to PointSet Registration Methods. More...
class  itk::PointSetToSpatialObjectDemonsRegistration< TFixedPointSet, TMovingSpatialObject >
 Implementation of Demons Registration between a PointSet and a SpatialObject. More...
class  itk::PointsLocator< TPointIdentifier, VPointDimension, TCoordRep, TPointsContainer >
 Accelerate geometric searches for points. More...
class  itk::RecursiveMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
 Creates a multi-resolution pyramid using a recursive implementation. More...
class  itk::MutualInformationImageToImageMetric< TFixedImage, TMovingImage >::SpatialSample
class  itk::TimeVaryingBSplineVelocityFieldTransformParametersAdaptor< TTransform >
 TimeVaryingBSplineVelocityFieldTransformParametersAdaptor is a helper class intended to definition. More...
class  itk::TimeVaryingVelocityFieldTransformParametersAdaptor< TTransform >
 TimeVaryingVelocityFieldTransformParametersAdaptor is a helper class intended to definition. More...
class  itk::TransformParametersAdaptor< TTransform >
 Base helper class intended for multi-resolution image registration. More...
class  itk::TransformParametersAdaptorBase< TTransform >
 Base helper class intended for multi-resolution image registration. More...

Detailed Description

This module contains classes to perform registration within the default ITK registration framework. A moving image is registered against a fixed image by optimizing the parameters of a transform. This module contains metrics to compare the fixed and moving image and classes to coordinate the registration procedure. There are classes to perform multi-resolution image registration and also classes to registrations other that image-to-image registrations, e.g. point set-to-image or point set-to-point set registrations. Transforms used in the registration can be found in Module ITKTransform, and optimizers can be found in Module ITKOptimizers. To compare the moving image to the fixed image with the image metric, an interpolator is required– these can be found in Module ITKImageFunction.
