class | itk::AnnulusOperator< TPixel, TDimension, TAllocator > |
class | itk::Array< TValue > |
class | itk::Array2D< TValue > |
class | itk::AtanRegularizedHeavisideStepFunction< TInput, TOutput > |
class | itk::AtomicInt< T > |
class | itk::AutoPointer< TObjectType > |
class | itk::AutoPointerDataObjectDecorator< T > |
class | itk::BackwardDifferenceOperator< TPixel, TDimension, TAllocator > |
class | itk::Barrier |
class | itk::BarycentricCombination< TPointContainer, TWeightContainer > |
class | itk::BinaryThresholdSpatialFunction< TFunction > |
class | itk::BoundingBox< TPointIdentifier, VPointDimension, TCoordRep, TPointsContainer > |
class | itk::BSplineDerivativeKernelFunction< VSplineOrder, TRealValueType > |
class | itk::BSplineInterpolationWeightFunction< TCoordRep, VSpaceDimension, VSplineOrder > |
class | itk::BSplineKernelFunction< VSplineOrder, TRealValueType > |
class | itk::ByteSwapper< T > |
class | itk::NeighborhoodAlgorithm::CalculateOutputWrapOffsetModifiers< TImage > |
class | itk::CellInterface< TPixelType, TCellTraits > |
class | itk::CellInterfaceVisitor< TPixelType, TCellTraits > |
class | itk::CellInterfaceVisitorImplementation< TPixelType, TCellTraits, CellTopology, UserVisitor > |
class | itk::CellTraitsInfo< VPointDimension, TCoordRep, TInterpolationWeight, TPointIdentifier, TCellIdentifier, TCellFeatureIdentifier, TPoint, TPointsContainer, TUsingCellsContainer > |
class | itk::ColorTable< TPixel > |
class | itk::Command |
class | itk::CompensatedSummation< TFloat > |
class | itk::ConditionalConstIterator< TImage > |
class | itk::ConditionVariable |
class | itk::ConicShellInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction< VDimension, TInput > |
class | itk::ConstantBoundaryCondition< TInputImage, TOutputImage > |
class | itk::IndexedContainerInterface< TElementIdentifier, TElement >::ConstIterator |
class | itk::ConstNeighborhoodIterator< TImage, TBoundaryCondition > |
class | itk::ConstNeighborhoodIteratorWithOnlyIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::FixedArray< TValue, VLength >::ConstReverseIterator |
class | itk::ConstShapedNeighborhoodIterator< TImage, TBoundaryCondition > |
class | itk::ConstSliceIterator< TPixel, TContainer > |
class | itk::ConstSparseFieldLayerIterator< TNodeType > |
class | itk::ContinuousIndex< TCoordRep, VIndexDimension > |
class | itk::CorrespondenceDataStructureIterator< TStructureType > |
class | itk::CovariantVector< T, NVectorDimension > |
class | itk::CreateObjectFunction< T > |
class | itk::CreateObjectFunctionBase |
class | Cross |
class | itk::CStyleCommand |
class | itk::DataObject |
class | itk::DataObjectConstIterator |
class | itk::DataObjectDecorator< T > |
class | itk::DataObjectError |
class | itk::DataObjectIterator |
class | itk::DefaultConvertPixelTraits< PixelType > |
class | itk::DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< TPixelType, VPointDimension, VMaxTopologicalDimension, TCoordRep, TInterpolationWeight, TCellPixelType > |
class | itk::DefaultPixelAccessor< TType > |
class | itk::DefaultPixelAccessorFunctor< TImageType > |
class | itk::DefaultStaticMeshTraits< TPixelType, VPointDimension, VMaxTopologicalDimension, TCoordRep, TInterpolationWeight, TCellPixelType > |
class | itk::DefaultVectorPixelAccessor< TType > |
class | itk::DefaultVectorPixelAccessorFunctor< TImageType > |
class | itk::DerivativeOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
class | itk::DiffusionTensor3D< TComponent > |
class | itk::Directory |
class | itk::DomainThreader< TDomainPartitioner, TAssociate > |
class | itk::DynamicLoader |
class | itk::EllipsoidInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction< VDimension, TInput > |
class | itk::EquivalencyTable |
class | itk::EventObject |
class | itk::ExceptionObject |
class | itk::ExtractImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage > |
class | itk::ImageToImageFilterDetail::ExtractImageFilterRegionCopier< T1, T2 > |
class | itk::FastMutexLock |
class | itk::FileOutputWindow |
class | itk::FiniteCylinderSpatialFunction< VDimension, TInput > |
class | itk::FixedArray< TValue, VLength > |
class | itk::FloodFilledFunctionConditionalConstIterator< TImage, TFunction > |
class | itk::FloodFilledImageFunctionConditionalConstIterator< TImage, TFunction > |
class | itk::FloodFilledImageFunctionConditionalIterator< TImage, TFunction > |
class | itk::FloodFilledSpatialFunctionConditionalConstIterator< TImage, TFunction > |
class | itk::FloodFilledSpatialFunctionConditionalIterator< TImage, TFunction > |
class | itk::ForwardDifferenceOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
class | itk::FrustumSpatialFunction< VImageDimension, TInput > |
class | itk::FunctionBase< TInput, TOutput > |
class | itk::GaussianDerivativeSpatialFunction< TOutput, VImageDimension, TInput > |
class | itk::GaussianKernelFunction< TRealValueType > |
class | itk::GaussianOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
class | itk::GaussianSpatialFunction< TOutput, VImageDimension, TInput > |
class | itk::HeavisideStepFunction< TInput, TOutput > |
class | itk::HeavisideStepFunctionBase< TInput, TOutput > |
class | itk::HexahedronCell< TCellInterface > |
class | itk::HexahedronCellTopology |
class | itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > |
class | itk::ImageAlgorithm |
class | itk::ImageBase< VImageDimension > |
class | itk::ImageBoundaryCondition< TInputImage, TOutputImage > |
class | itk::NeighborhoodAlgorithm::ImageBoundaryFacesCalculator< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageConstIterator< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageConstIteratorWithIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageConstIteratorWithOnlyIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageContainerInterface< TElementIdentifier, TElement > |
class | itk::ImageDuplicator< TInputImage > |
class | itk::ImageHelper< NImageDimension, NLoop > |
class | itk::ImageIORegion |
class | itk::ImageIORegionAdaptor< VDimension > |
class | itk::ImageIterator< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageIteratorWithIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageKernelOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
class | itk::ImageLinearConstIteratorWithIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageLinearIteratorWithIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageRandomConstIteratorWithIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageRandomConstIteratorWithOnlyIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageRandomIteratorWithIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageRandomNonRepeatingConstIteratorWithIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageRandomNonRepeatingIteratorWithIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageRegion< VImageDimension > |
class | itk::ImageRegionConstIterator< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageRegionConstIteratorWithOnlyIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageToImageFilterDetail::ImageRegionCopier< D1, D2 > |
class | itk::ImageRegionExclusionConstIteratorWithIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageRegionExclusionIteratorWithIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageRegionIterator< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageRegionReverseConstIterator< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageRegionReverseIterator< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageRegionSplitterBase |
class | itk::ImageRegionSplitterDirection |
class | itk::ImageRegionSplitterMultidimensional |
class | itk::ImageRegionSplitterSlowDimension |
class | itk::ImageReverseConstIterator< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageReverseIterator< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageScanlineConstIterator< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageScanlineIterator< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageSliceConstIteratorWithIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageSliceIteratorWithIndex< TImage > |
class | itk::ImageSource< TOutputImage > |
class | itk::ImageSourceCommon |
class | itk::ImageToImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage > |
class | itk::ImageToImageFilterCommon |
class | itk::ImageTransformer< TInputImage > |
class | itk::ImageTransformHelper< NImageDimension, R, C, TPointValue, TMatrixValue > |
class | itk::ImageVectorOptimizerParametersHelper< TValue, NVectorDimension, VImageDimension > |
class | itk::ImportImageContainer< TElementIdentifier, TElement > |
class | itk::ImportImageFilter< TPixel, VImageDimension > |
class | itk::IncompatibleOperandsError |
class | itk::Indent |
class | itk::Index< VIndexDimension > |
class | itk::IndexedContainerInterface< TElementIdentifier, TElement > |
class | itk::Functor::IndexLexicographicCompare< VIndexDimension > |
class | itk::InPlaceImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage > |
class | itk::InputDataObjectConstIterator |
class | itk::InputDataObjectIterator |
class | itk::InteriorExteriorSpatialFunction< VDimension, TInput > |
class | itk::InvalidArgumentError |
class | InvalidRequestRegionError |
class | itk::IterationReporter |
class | itk::IndexedContainerInterface< TElementIdentifier, TElement >::Iterator |
class | itkFloatingPointExceptions |
class | itkTreeIteratorClone |
class | itk::JoinTraits< TValue1, TValue2 > |
class | itk::KernelFunctionBase< TRealValueType > |
class | itk::LaplacianOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
class | itk::LevelOrderTreeIterator< TTreeType > |
class | itk::LightObject |
class | itk::LightProcessObject |
class | itk::LineCell< TCellInterface > |
class | itk::LineConstIterator< TImage > |
class | itk::LineIterator< TImage > |
class | itk::Logger |
class | itk::LoggerBase |
class | itk::LoggerManager |
class | itk::LoggerOutput |
class | itk::LoggerThreadWrapper< SimpleLoggerType > |
class | itk::LogOutput |
class | itk::MapContainer< TElementIdentifier, TElement > |
class | itk::MapData |
class | itk::MapFileParser< TMapData > |
class | itk::MapRecord |
class | itk::Matrix< T, NRows, NColumns > |
class | itk::MatrixResizeableDataObject< TItemType > |
class | itk::MemberCommand< T > |
class | itk::MemoryAllocationError |
class | itk::MemoryProbe |
class | itk::MemoryProbesCollectorBase |
class | MemoryUsageObserver |
class | itk::Statistics::MersenneTwisterRandomVariateGenerator |
class | itk::MetaDataDictionary |
class | itk::MetaDataObject< MetaDataObjectType > |
class | itk::MetaDataObjectBase |
class | itk::MinimumMaximumImageCalculator< TInputImage > |
class | itk::MultipleLogOutput |
class | itk::CellInterface< TPixelType, TCellTraits >::MultiVisitor |
class | itk::MutexLock |
class | itk::MutexLockHolder< TMutex > |
class | itk::Neighborhood< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
class | itk::NeighborhoodAccessorFunctor< TImage > |
class | itk::NeighborhoodAllocator< TPixel > |
class | itk::NeighborhoodInnerProduct< TImage, TOperator, TComputation > |
class | itk::NeighborhoodIterator< TImage, TBoundaryCondition > |
class | itk::NeighborhoodOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
class | itk::NodeOfPermutation |
class | itk::NumberToString< TValue > |
class | itk::NumericTraits< T > |
class | itk::NumericTraits< CovariantVector< T, D > > |
class | itk::NumericTraits< DiffusionTensor3D< T > > |
class | itk::NumericTraits< FixedArray< T, D > > |
class | itk::NumericTraits< RGBAPixel< T > > |
class | itk::NumericTraits< RGBPixel< T > > |
class | itk::NumericTraits< std::vector< T > > |
class | itk::NumericTraits< SymmetricSecondRankTensor< T, D > > |
class | itk::NumericTraits< VariableLengthVector< T > > |
class | itk::Object |
class | itk::ObjectFactory< T > |
class | itk::ObjectFactoryBase |
class | itk::ObjectStore< TObjectType > |
class | itk::Octree< TPixel, ColorTableSize, MappingFunctionType > |
class | itk::OctreeBase |
class | itk::OctreeNode |
class | itk::Offset< VOffsetDimension > |
class | itk::Functor::OffsetLexicographicCompare< VOffsetDimension > |
class | itk::OptimizerParameters< TValue > |
class | itk::OptimizerParametersHelper< TValue > |
class | itk::OutputDataObjectConstIterator |
class | itk::OutputDataObjectIterator |
class | itk::OutputWindow |
class | itk::ObjectFactoryBase::OverrideInformation |
class | itk::PeriodicBoundaryCondition< TInputImage, TOutputImage > |
class | itk::PhasedArray3DSpecialCoordinatesImage< TPixel > |
class | itk::PixelTraits< TPixelType > |
class | itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension > |
class | itk::PointSet< TPixelType, VDimension, TMeshTraits > |
class | itk::PointSetToImageFilter< TInputPointSet, TOutputImage > |
class | itk::PolygonCell< TCellInterface > |
class | itk::ProcessAborted |
class | itk::ProcessObject |
class | itk::ProcessObject::ProcessObjectDomainThreader< TDomainPartitioner, TAssociate > |
class | itk::ProgressAccumulator |
class | itk::ProgressReporter |
class | itk::QuadraticEdgeCell< TCellInterface > |
class | itk::QuadraticTriangleCell< TCellInterface > |
class | itk::QuadraticTriangleCellTopology |
class | itk::QuadrilateralCell< TCellInterface > |
class | itk::QuadrilateralCellTopology |
class | itk::RandomPermutation |
class | itk::Statistics::RandomVariateGeneratorBase |
class | itk::RangeError |
class | itk::RealTimeClock |
class | itk::RealTimeInterval |
class | itk::RealTimeStamp |
class | itk::ReceptorMemberCommand< T > |
class | itk::ExceptionObject::ReferenceCounterInterface |
class | itk::Region |
class | itk::RegularizedHeavisideStepFunction< TInput, TOutput > |
class | itk::ResourceProbe< ValueType, MeanType > |
class | itk::ResourceProbesCollectorBase< TProbe > |
class | itk::FixedArray< TValue, VLength >::ReverseIterator |
class | itk::RGBAPixel< TComponent > |
class | itk::RGBPixel< TComponent > |
class | itk::ShapedFloodFilledFunctionConditionalConstIterator< TImage, TFunction > |
class | itk::ShapedFloodFilledImageFunctionConditionalConstIterator< TImage, TFunction > |
class | itk::ShapedFloodFilledImageFunctionConditionalIterator< TImage, TFunction > |
class | itk::ShapedNeighborhoodIterator< TImage, TBoundaryCondition > |
class | itk::SimpleConstMemberCommand< T > |
class | itk::SimpleDataObjectDecorator< T > |
class | itk::SimpleFastMutexLock |
class | itk::SimpleFilterWatcher |
class | itk::SimpleMemberCommand< T > |
class | itk::SimpleMutexLock |
class | itk::SinRegularizedHeavisideStepFunction< TInput, TOutput > |
class | itk::Size< VDimension > |
class | itk::SliceIterator< TPixel, TContainer > |
class | itk::SmapsData_2_6 |
class | itk::SmapsFileParser< TSmapsDataType > |
class | itk::SmapsRecord |
class | itk::SmartPointer< TObjectType > |
class | itk::SmartPointerForwardReference< T > |
class | itk::SobelOperator< TPixel, VDimension, TAllocator > |
class | itk::SparseFieldLayer< TNodeType > |
class | itk::SparseFieldLayerIterator< TNodeType > |
class | itk::SparseImage< TNode, VImageDimension > |
class | itk::SpatialFunction< TOutput, VImageDimension, TInput > |
class | itk::SpatialOrientationAdapter |
class | itk::SpecialCoordinatesImage< TPixel, VImageDimension > |
class | itk::SphereSpatialFunction< VImageDimension, TInput > |
class | itk::StdStreamLogOutput |
class | itk::StdStreamStateSave |
class | itk::STLConstContainerAdaptor< TContainer > |
class | itk::STLContainerAdaptor< TContainer > |
class | itk::StoppingCriterionBase |
class | itk::StreamingImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage > |
class | itk::StructHashFunction< TInput > |
class | itk::SymmetricEigenAnalysis< TMatrix, TVector, TEigenMatrix > |
class | itk::SymmetricEllipsoidInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction< VDimension, TInput > |
class | itk::SymmetricSecondRankTensor< TComponent, NDimension > |
class | itk::TetrahedronCell< TCellInterface > |
class | itk::TetrahedronCellTopology |
class | itk::ThreadedDomainPartitioner< TDomain > |
class | itk::ThreadedImageRegionPartitioner< VDimension > |
class | itk::ThreadedIndexedContainerPartitioner |
class | itk::ThreadedIteratorRangePartitioner< TIterator > |
class | itk::ThreadedIteratorRangePartitionerDomain< TIterator > |
class | itk::ThreadJob |
class | itk::ThreadLogger |
class | itk::ThreadPool |
class | itk::ThreadPool::ThreadProcessIdentifiers |
class | itk::TimeProbe |
class | itk::TimeProbesCollectorBase |
class | itk::TimeStamp |
class | itk::TorusInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction< VDimension, TInput > |
class | itk::TreeAddEvent< TTreeType > |
class | itk::TreeChangeEvent< TTreeType > |
class | itk::TreeContainer< TValue > |
class | itk::TreeContainerBase< TValue > |
class | itk::TreeIteratorBase< TTreeType > |
class | itk::TreeNode< TValue > |
class | itk::TreeNodeChangeEvent< TTreeType > |
class | itk::TreePruneEvent< TTreeType > |
class | itk::TreeRemoveEvent< TTreeType > |
class | itk::TriangleCell< TCellInterface > |
class | itk::TriangleCellTopology |
class | itk::TriangleHelper< TPoint > |
class | itk::UnaryCorrespondenceMatrix< TItemType > |
class | itk::UnaryFunctorImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage, TFunction > |
class | itk::ValarrayImageContainer< TElementIdentifier, TElement > |
class | itk::VariableLengthVector< TValue > |
class | itk::VariableSizeMatrix< T > |
class | itk::Vector< T, NVectorDimension > |
class | itk::VectorContainer< TElementIdentifier, TElement > |
class | itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, VImageDimension > |
class | itk::VectorImageNeighborhoodAccessorFunctor< TImage > |
class | itk::VectorNeighborhoodInnerProduct< TImage > |
class | itk::Version |
class | itk::Versor< T > |
class | itk::VertexCell< TCellInterface > |
class | itk::VMMapData_10_2 |
class | itk::VMMapFileParser< TVMMapDataType > |
class | itk::VMMapRecord |
class | itk::VMMapSummaryRecord |
class | VNLIterativeSparseSolverTraits< T > |
class | VNLSparseLUSolverTraits< T > |
class | itk::WeakPointer< TObjectType > |
class | itk::XMLFileOutputWindow |
class | itk::XMLFilterWatcher |
class | itk::ZeroFluxNeumannBoundaryCondition< TInputImage, TOutputImage > |
This module contains the central classes of the ITK toolkit. They include, basic data structures (such as Points, Vectors, Images, Regions) the core of the process objects (such as base classes for image filters) the pipeline infrastructure classes, the support for multi-threading, and a collection of classes that isolate ITK from platform specific features. It is anticipated that most other ITK modules will depend on this one.