List of Figures

2.1 CMake user interface
2.2 ITK Group Configuration
2.3 Default ITK Configuration
4.1 ITK Image Geometrical Concepts
4.2 PointSet with Vectors as PixelType
6.1 ITK image iteration
6.2 Copying an image subregion using ImageRegionIterator
6.3 Using the ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex
6.4 Maximum intensity projection using ImageSliceIteratorWithIndex
6.5 Neighborhood iterator
6.6 Some possible neighborhood iterator shapes
6.7 Sobel edge detection results
6.8 Gaussian blurring by convolution filtering
6.9 Finding local minima
6.10 Binary image morphology
7.1 ImageAdaptor concept
7.2 Image Adaptor to RGB Image
7.3 Image Adaptor to Vector Image
7.4 Image Adaptor for performing computations
8.1 Relationship between DataObjects and ProcessObjects
8.2 The Data Pipeline
8.3 Sequence of the Data Pipeline updating mechanism
8.4 Composite Filter Concept
8.5 Composite Filter Example