![]() |
Insight Toolkit
►NDetails | |
►Nop | |
CCanBeAddedOrSubtracted | |
CCanBeDivided | |
CCanBeMultiplied | |
►Nitk | The "itk" namespace contains all Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) classes. There are several nested namespaces within the itk:: namespace |
►NAccessor | |
CAbsPixelAccessor | Give access to the itk::Math::abs() function of a value |
CAcosPixelAccessor | Give access to the std::acos() function of a value |
CAddPixelAccessor | Simulates the effect of adding a constant value to all pixels |
CAsinPixelAccessor | Give access to the std::asin() function of a value |
CAtanPixelAccessor | Give access to the std::atan() function of a value |
CComplexConjugatePixelAccessor | Provide access to the conjugate of a std::complex<> value |
CComplexToImaginaryPixelAccessor | Give access to the Imaginary part of a std::complex<> value |
CComplexToModulusPixelAccessor | Give access to the Modulus of a std::complex<> value |
CComplexToPhasePixelAccessor | Give access to the Phase part of a std::complex<> value |
CComplexToRealPixelAccessor | Give access to the Real part of a std::complex<> value |
CCosPixelAccessor | Give access to the std::cos() function of a value |
CExpNegativePixelAccessor | Give access to the std::exp() function of a value |
CExpPixelAccessor | Give access to the std::exp() function of a value |
CLog10PixelAccessor | Give access to the std::log10() function of a value |
CLogPixelAccessor | Give access to the std::log() function of a value |
CRGBToLuminancePixelAccessor | Give access to Luminance of a color pixel type |
CRGBToVectorPixelAccessor | Give access to a RGBPixel as if it were a Vector type |
CSinPixelAccessor | Give access to the std::sin() function of a value |
CSqrtPixelAccessor | Give access to the std::sqrt() function of a value |
CTanPixelAccessor | Give access to the std::tan() function of a value |
CVectorImageToImagePixelAccessor | Extract components from a VectorImage |
CVectorToRGBPixelAccessor | Give access to a Vector pixel type as if it were a RGBPixel type |
►NConcept | |
►NDetail | |
CUniqueType | |
CUniqueType_bool | |
CUniqueType_int | |
CUniqueType_unsigned_int | |
►CAdditiveAndAssignOperators | |
CConstraints | |
►CAdditiveOperators | |
CConstraints | |
►CAssignable | |
CConstraints | |
►CBitwiseOperators | |
CConstraints | |
►CBracketOperator | |
CConstraints | |
►CComparable | |
CConstraints | |
►CConvertible | |
CConstraints | |
►CCopyConstructible | |
CConstraints | |
►CDefaultConstructible | |
CConstraints | |
►CDivisionAndAssignOperators | |
CConstraints | |
►CDivisionOperators | |
CConstraints | |
►CEqualityComparable | |
CConstraints | |
CFloatOrDouble | |
CFloatOrDouble< double > | |
CFloatOrDouble< float > | |
►CGreaterThanComparable | |
CConstraints | |
►CHasJoinTraits | |
CConstraints | |
►CHasNumericTraits | |
CConstraints | |
►CHasPixelTraits | |
CConstraints | |
►CHasValueType | |
CConstraints | |
►CHasZero | |
CConstraints | |
►CIncrementDecrementOperators | |
CConstraints | |
►CIsFixedPoint | |
CConstraints | |
►CIsFloatingPoint | |
CConstraints | |
►CIsInteger | |
CConstraints | |
►CIsNonInteger | |
CConstraints | |
►CIsUnsignedInteger | |
CConstraints | |
►CLessThanComparable | |
CConstraints | |
►CMultiplyAndAssignOperator | |
CConstraints | |
►CMultiplyOperator | |
CConstraints | |
►CNotOperator | |
CConstraints | |
►COStreamWritable | |
CConstraints | |
►CSameDimension | |
CConstraints | |
►CSameDimensionOrMinusOne | |
CConstraints | |
►CSameDimensionOrMinusOneOrTwo | |
CConstraints | |
►CSameType | |
CConstraints | |
►CSigned | |
CConstraints | |
►Ndetail | |
►CVectorContainer | Define a front-end to the STL "vector" container that conforms to the IndexedContainerInterface |
CConstIterator | |
CIterator | |
►Nfftw | |
CComplexToComplexProxy | |
CComplexToComplexProxy< double > | |
CComplexToComplexProxy< float > | |
CProxy | |
CProxy< double > | |
CProxy< float > | |
►NFunction | |
CAdaptiveEqualizationHistogram | |
CAutumnColormapFunction | Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB colormap value |
CBinaryThresholdAccumulator | |
CBlackmanWindowFunction | Window function for sinc interpolation |
CBlueColormapFunction | Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB colormap value |
CColormapFunction | Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB colormap value |
CConvergenceMonitoringFunction | Abstract base class which monitors convergence during the course of optimization |
CCoolColormapFunction | Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB colormap value |
CCopperColormapFunction | Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB colormap value |
CCosineWindowFunction | Window function for sinc interpolation |
CCustomColormapFunction | Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB colormap value |
CGreenColormapFunction | Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB colormap value |
CGreyColormapFunction | Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB colormap value |
CHammingWindowFunction | Window function for sinc interpolation |
CHistogramEntropyFunction | |
CHistogramIntensityFunction | |
CHistogramLogProbabilityFunction | |
CHistogramProbabilityFunction | |
CHotColormapFunction | Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB colormap value |
CHSVColormapFunction | Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB colormap value |
CJetColormapFunction | Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB colormap value |
CLanczosWindowFunction | Window function for sinc interpolation |
CMorphologicalGradientHistogram | |
CMorphologyHistogram | |
COverUnderColormapFunction | Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB colormap value |
CRankHistogram | |
CRedColormapFunction | Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB colormap value |
CSpringColormapFunction | Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB colormap value |
CSummerColormapFunction | Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB colormap value |
CVectorMorphologicalGradientHistogram | |
CVectorMorphologyHistogram | |
CVectorRankHistogram | |
CWelchWindowFunction | Window function for sinc interpolation |
CWindowConvergenceMonitoringFunction | Class which monitors convergence during the course of optimization |
CWinterColormapFunction | Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB colormap value |
►NFunctor | |
CAbs | Computes the absolute value of a pixel |
CAbsoluteValueDifference2 | |
CAccessorFunctor | Convert an accessor to a functor so that it can be used in a UnaryFunctorImageFilter |
CAcos | Computes the Acos of a pixel |
CAdd1 | |
CAdd2 | |
CAdd3 | |
CAND | Bitwise AND functor |
CAsin | |
CAtan | |
CAtan2 | |
CAttributeLabelObjectAccessor | |
CBinaryAccumulator | |
CBinaryNot | |
CBinaryThreshold | |
CBitwiseNot | Performs the C++ unary bitwise NOT operator |
CBoundedReciprocal | |
CBoundingBoxLabelObjectAccessor | |
CCenterOfGravityLabelObjectAccessor | |
CCentroidLabelObjectAccessor | |
CChangeLabel | |
CClamp | Functor used to clamp a value to a specified range |
CCoLexicographicCompare | Checks if one range of elements colexicographically comes before another one |
CComplexToImaginary | |
CComplexToModulus | |
CComplexToPhase | |
CComplexToReal | |
CConstrainedValueAddition | |
CConstrainedValueDifference | |
CCos | |
CDiv | |
CDivFloor | Cast arguments to double, performs division then takes the floor |
CDivideOrZeroOut | |
CDivReal | Promotes arguments to real type and performs division |
CEdgePotential | |
CElongationLabelObjectAccessor | |
CEqual | Functor for == operation on images and constants |
CEquivalentEllipsoidDiameterLabelObjectAccessor | |
CEquivalentSphericalPerimeterLabelObjectAccessor | |
CEquivalentSphericalRadiusLabelObjectAccessor | |
CExp | |
CExpNegative | |
CFeretDiameterLabelObjectAccessor | |
CFlatnessLabelObjectAccessor | |
CGPUBinaryThreshold | |
CGPUCast | |
CGPUFunctorBase | Base functor class for GPU functor image filters |
CGreater | Functor for > operation on images and constants |
CGreaterEqual | Functor for >= operation on images and constants |
CHistogramLabelObjectAccessor | |
CIntensityLinearTransform | |
CIntensityWindowingTransform | |
CInverseDeconvolutionFunctor | |
CInvertIntensityFunctor | |
CInvertIntensityTransform | |
►CJoinFunctor | Join the components of two pixel types into a single pixel type |
CCopierDispatch | |
CCopierDispatchBase | |
CKurtosisLabelObjectAccessor | |
CLabelLabelObjectAccessor | |
CLabelObjectComparator | |
CLabelObjectLineComparator | Performs a comparison of l1 < l2. Returns true if l1 is strictly less than l2 |
CLabelObjectReverseComparator | |
CLabelOverlayFunctor | Functor for applying a colormap to a label image and combine it with a grayscale image |
CLabelToRGBFunctor | Functor for converting labels into RGB triplets |
CLandweberMethod | Functor class for computing a Landweber iteration |
CLess | Functor for < operation on images and constants |
CLessEqual | Functor for <= operation on images and constants |
CLexicographicCompare | Order Index instances lexicographically |
CLog | |
CLog10 | |
CLogicOpBase | Base class for some logic functors. Provides the Foreground and background setting methods |
CMagnitudeAndPhaseToComplex | |
CMakeJoin | |
CMaskInput | |
CMaskNegatedInput | |
CMatrixIndexSelection | |
CMaximum | |
CMaximum1 | |
CMaximumAccumulator | |
CMaximumIndexLabelObjectAccessor | |
CMaximumLabelObjectAccessor | |
CMeanAccumulator | |
CMeanLabelObjectAccessor | |
CMedianAccumulator | |
CMedianLabelObjectAccessor | |
CMinimum | |
CMinimumAccumulator | |
CMinimumIndexLabelObjectAccessor | |
CMinimumLabelObjectAccessor | |
CModulus | |
CModulus2 | |
CModulus3 | |
CModulusSquare3 | |
CMult | |
CNOT | Unary logical NOT functor |
CNotEqual | Functor for != operation on images and constants |
CNumberOfLinesLabelObjectAccessor | |
CNumberOfPixelsLabelObjectAccessor | |
CNumberOfPixelsOnBorderLabelObjectAccessor | |
COR | Bitwise OR functor |
CPerimeterLabelObjectAccessor | |
CPerimeterOnBorderLabelObjectAccessor | |
CPerimeterOnBorderRatioLabelObjectAccessor | |
CPhysicalSizeLabelObjectAccessor | |
CPow | |
CPrincipalAxesLabelObjectAccessor | |
CPrincipalMomentsLabelObjectAccessor | |
CRGBToLuminance | |
CRound | |
CRoundnessLabelObjectAccessor | |
CScalarToRGBPixelFunctor | A Function object which maps a scalar value into an RGB pixel value |
CSigmoid | |
CSimilarPixelsFunctor | |
CSimilarVectorsFunctor | A connected components filter that labels the objects in a vector image. Two vectors are pointing similar directions if one minus their dot product is less than a threshold. Vectors that are 180 degrees out of phase are similar. Assumes that vectors are normalized |
CSin | |
CSkewnessLabelObjectAccessor | |
CSqrt | |
CSquare | |
CSquaredDifference2 | |
CStandardDeviationAccumulator | |
CStandardDeviationLabelObjectAccessor | |
CSub2 | |
CSumAccumulator | |
CSumLabelObjectAccessor | |
CSymmetricEigenAnalysisFixedDimensionFunction | |
CSymmetricEigenAnalysisFunction | |
CTan | |
CTensorFractionalAnisotropyFunction | |
CTensorRelativeAnisotropyFunction | |
CTernaryOperator | Return argument 2 if argument 1 is false, and argument 3 otherwise |
CThresholdLabeler | |
CTikhonovDeconvolutionFunctor | |
CUnaryMinus | Apply the unary minus operator |
CVarianceLabelObjectAccessor | |
CVectorIndexSelectionCast | |
CVectorMagnitude | |
CVectorMagnitudeLinearTransform | |
CWeightedAdd2 | |
CWeightedElongationLabelObjectAccessor | |
CWeightedFlatnessLabelObjectAccessor | |
CWeightedPrincipalAxesLabelObjectAccessor | |
CWeightedPrincipalMomentsLabelObjectAccessor | |
CWienerDeconvolutionFunctor | |
CXOR | Bitwise XOR functor |
►NGTest | The GTest namespace contains GTest extensions for ITK, and convenience type alias, and functions to aid in analytic testing of results and values |
►NTypedefsAndConstructors | |
►NImageToImageFilterDetail | |
CBinaryBooleanDispatch | Templated class to produce a unique type for a pairing of booleans |
CBinaryIntDispatch | Templated class to produce a unique type for a pairing of integers |
CBinaryUnsignedIntDispatch | Templated class to produce a unique type for a pairing of unsigned integers (usually two dimensions) |
CBooleanDispatch | Templated class to produce a unique type "true" and "false" |
CDispatchBase | Base class for a class used to dispatch to dimension specific implementations |
CExtractImageFilterRegionCopier | A special variation of ImageRegionCopier for when the output image has fewer dimensions than the input image |
CImageInformationCopier | A Function object used to copy image meta-data of an image |
CImageRegionCopier | A Function object used to dispatching to a routine to copy a region (start index and size) |
CIntDispatch | Templated class to produce a unique type for each integer |
CUnsignedIntDispatch | Templated class to produce a unique type for each unsigned integer (usually a dimension) |
►NMakeUniqueForOverwriteImplDetail | |
Cis_unbounded_array | |
Cis_unbounded_array< T[]> | |
►NMath | |
►NDetail | |
CAlmostEqualsFloatVsFloat | |
CAlmostEqualsFloatVsInteger | |
CAlmostEqualsFunctionSelector | |
CAlmostEqualsIntegerVsFloat | |
CAlmostEqualsPlainOldEquals | |
CAlmostEqualsSignedVsUnsigned | |
CAlmostEqualsUnsignedVsSigned | |
CFloatIEEE | |
CFloatIEEETraits | |
CFloatIEEETraits< double > | |
CFloatIEEETraits< float > | |
►NMetaDataObjectDetail | |
Cdeclval< std::ostream & >()<< std::declval< T >())> > | |
Chas_output_operator | |
Chas_Print | |
Chas_Print< T, std::void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().Print(std::declval< std::ostream & >()))> > | |
►NNeighborhoodAlgorithm | |
CCalculateOutputWrapOffsetModifiers | Sets up itkNeighborhoodIterator output buffers |
►CImageBoundaryFacesCalculator | Splits an image into a main region and several "face" regions which are used to handle computations on the boundary of an image |
CResult | |
►NStatistics | |
CChiSquareDistribution | ChiSquareDistribution class defines the interface for a univariate Chi-Square distribution (pdfs, cdfs, etc.) |
CCovarianceSampleFilter | Calculates the covariance matrix of the target sample data |
CDecisionRule | Base class for decision rules that return a class label based on a set of discriminant scores |
CDenseFrequencyContainer2 | This class is a container for frequencies of bins in an histogram |
CDistanceMetric | This class declares common interfaces for distance functions |
CDistanceToCentroidMembershipFunction | DistanceToCentroidMembershipFunction models class membership using a distance metric |
CEuclideanDistanceMetric | Euclidean distance function |
CEuclideanSquareDistanceMetric | Computes Euclidean distance between origin and given measurement vector |
CExpectationMaximizationMixtureModelEstimator | This class generates the parameter estimates for a mixture model using expectation maximization strategy |
CExpectationMaximizationMixtureModelEstimatorEnums | Contains all enum classes used by ExpectationMaximizationMixtureModelEstimator class |
CGaussianDistribution | GaussianDistribution class defines the interface for a univariate Gaussian distribution (pdfs, cdfs, etc.) |
CGaussianMembershipFunction | GaussianMembershipFunction models class membership through a multivariate Gaussian function |
CGaussianMixtureModelComponent | Component (derived from MixtureModelComponentBase) for Gaussian class. This class is used in ExpectationMaximizationMixtureModelEstimator |
CGaussianRandomSpatialNeighborSubsampler | A subsampler that randomly selects points according to a gaussian distribution within the specified radius of the query point |
►CHistogram | This class stores measurement vectors in the context of n-dimensional histogram |
CConstIterator | Class that walks through the elements of the histogram |
CIterator | Class that walks through the elements of the histogram |
CHistogramToRunLengthFeaturesFilter | This class computes texture feature coefficients from a grey level run-length matrix |
CHistogramToRunLengthFeaturesFilterEnums | Contains all enum classes used by HistogramToRunLengthFeaturesFilter class |
CHistogramToTextureFeaturesFilter | This class computes texture feature coefficients from a grey level co-occurrence matrix |
CHistogramToTextureFeaturesFilterEnums | This class contains all enum classes used by HistogramToTextureFeaturesFilter class |
CImageClassifierFilter | Image classification class |
CImageJointDomainTraits | This class provides the type definition for the measurement vector in the joint domain (range domain – pixel values + spatial domain – pixel's physical coordinates) |
CImageToHistogramFilter | This class generates a histogram from an image |
►CImageToListSampleAdaptor | This class provides ListSample interface to ITK Image |
CConstIterator | Const Iterator |
CIterator | Iterator |
CImageToListSampleFilter | The class takes an image as input and generates a list sample as output |
►CImageToNeighborhoodSampleAdaptor | This class provides ListSample interface to ITK Image |
CConstIterator | Const Iterator |
CIterator | Iterator |
►CJointDomainImageToListSampleAdaptor | This adaptor returns measurement vectors composed of an image pixel's range domain value (pixel value) and spatial domain value (pixel's physical coordinates) |
CConstIterator | Const Iterator |
CIterator | Iterator |
►CKdTree | This class provides methods for k-nearest neighbor search and related data structures for a k-d tree |
CNearestNeighbors | Data structure for storing k-nearest neighbor search result (k number of Neighbors) |
►CKdTreeBasedKmeansEstimator | Fast k-means algorithm implementation using k-d tree structure |
►CCandidateVector | Candidate Vector |
CCandidate | |
CKdTreeGenerator | This class generates a KdTree object without centroid information |
CKdTreeNode | This class defines the interface of its derived classes |
CKdTreeNonterminalNode | This is a subclass of the KdTreeNode |
CKdTreeTerminalNode | This class is the node that doesn't have any child node. The IsTerminal method returns true for this class. This class stores the instance identifiers belonging to this node, while the nonterminal nodes do not store them. The AddInstanceIdentifier and GetInstanceIdentifier are storing and retrieving the instance identifiers belonging to this node |
CKdTreeWeightedCentroidNonterminalNode | This is a subclass of the KdTreeNode |
►CListSample | This class is the native implementation of the a Sample with an STL container |
CConstIterator | Const Iterator |
CIterator | Iterator |
CMahalanobisDistanceMembershipFunction | MahalanobisDistanceMembershipFunction models class membership using Mahalanobis distance |
CMahalanobisDistanceMetric | MahalanobisDistanceMetric class computes a Mahalanobis distance given a mean and covariance |
CManhattanDistanceMetric | Euclidean distance function |
CMaskedImageToHistogramFilter | Generate a histogram from the masked pixels of an image |
CMaximumDecisionRule | A decision rule that returns the class label with the largest discriminant score |
CMaximumRatioDecisionRule | A decision rule that operates as a frequentest's approximation to Bayes rule |
CMeanSampleFilter | Given a sample, this filter computes the sample mean |
CMeasurementVectorPixelTraits | |
CMeasurementVectorTraits | |
CMeasurementVectorTraitsTypes | |
CMeasurementVectorTraitsTypes< std::vector< T > > | |
CMembershipFunctionBase | MembershipFunctionBase defines common interfaces for membership functions |
►CMembershipSample | Container for storing the instance-identifiers of other sample with their associated class labels |
CConstIterator | |
CIterator | |
CMersenneTwisterRandomVariateGenerator | MersenneTwisterRandom random variate generator |
CMinimumDecisionRule | A decision rule that returns the class label with the smallest discriminant score |
CMixtureModelComponentBase | Base class for distribution modules that supports analytical way to update the distribution parameters |
CNeighborhoodSampler | Generates a Subsample out of a Sample, based on a user-provided distance to a MeasurementVector |
CNormalVariateGenerator | Normal random variate generator |
►CPointSetToListSampleAdaptor | This class provides ListSample interface to ITK PointSet |
CConstIterator | |
CIterator | |
CProbabilityDistribution | ProbabilityDistribution class defines common interface for statistical distributions (pdfs, cdfs, etc.) |
CRandomVariateGeneratorBase | Defines common interfaces for random variate generators |
CRegionConstrainedSubsampler | This an abstract subsampler that constrains subsamples to be contained within a given image region |
CSample | A collection of measurements for statistical analysis |
CSampleClassifierFilter | Sample classification class |
CSampleToSubsampleFilter | Base class of filters intended to select subsamples from samples |
CScalarImageToCooccurrenceListSampleFilter | Converts pixel data into a list of pairs in order to compute a cooccurrence Histogram |
CScalarImageToCooccurrenceMatrixFilter | This class computes a co-occurrence matrix (histogram) from a given image and a mask image if provided. Cooccurrence matrices are used for image texture description |
CScalarImageToHistogramGenerator | TODO |
CScalarImageToRunLengthFeaturesFilter | This class computes run length descriptions from an image |
CScalarImageToRunLengthMatrixFilter | This class computes a run length matrix (histogram) from a given image and a mask image if provided. Run length matrices are used for image texture description |
CScalarImageToTextureFeaturesFilter | This class computes texture descriptions from an image |
CSparseFrequencyContainer2 | His class is a container for an histogram |
CSpatialNeighborSubsampler | A subsampler that selects all points within the specified radius of the query point |
CStandardDeviationPerComponentSampleFilter | Calculates the covariance matrix of the target sample data |
►CSubsample | This class stores a subset of instance identifiers from another sample object. You can create a subsample out of another sample object or another subsample object. The class is useful when storing or extracting a portion of a sample object. Note that when the elements of a subsample are sorted, the instance identifiers of the subsample are sorted without changing the original source sample. Most Statistics algorithms (that derive from StatisticsAlgorithmBase accept Subsample objects as inputs) |
CConstIterator | |
CIterator | |
CSubsamplerBase | This is the base subsampler class which defines the subsampler API |
CTDistribution | TDistribution class defines the interface for a univariate Student-t distribution (pdfs, cdfs, etc.) |
CUniformRandomSpatialNeighborSubsampler | A subsampler that uniformly randomly selects points within the specified radius of the query point |
►CVectorContainerToListSampleAdaptor | This class provides ListSample interface to ITK VectorContainer |
CConstIterator | |
CIterator | |
CWeightedCentroidKdTreeGenerator | This class generates a KdTree object with centroid information |
CWeightedCovarianceSampleFilter | Calculates the covariance matrix of the target sample data. where each measurement vector has an associated weight value |
CWeightedMeanSampleFilter | Given a sample where each measurement vector has associated weight value, this filter computes the sample mean |
►Ntesthelper | |
CImageRegistrationMethodImageSource | |
►NTesting | |
CComparisonImageFilter | Implements comparison between two images |
CExtractSliceImageFilter | Decrease the image size by cropping the image to the selected region bounds |
CExtractSliceImageFilterEnums | Contains all enum classes used by the ExtractSliceImageFilterEnums class |
CHashImageFilter | Generates a md5 hash string from an image |
CHashImageFilterEnums | Enum classes for HashImageFilter |
CStretchIntensityImageFilter | Applies a linear transformation to the intensity levels of the input Image |
►Nv3 | |
CRigid3DTransform | ITK3.x compatible Rigid3DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
►Nwatershed | |
►CBoundary | |
Cface_pixel_t | |
Cflat_region_t | |
CBoundaryResolver | |
CEquivalenceRelabeler | |
CRelabeler | |
►CSegmenter | |
Cconnectivity_t | |
Cflat_region_t | |
►CSegmentTable | |
Cedge_pair_t | |
Csegment_t | |
►CSegmentTree | |
Cmerge_comp | |
Cmerge_t | |
Csort_comp | |
CSegmentTreeGenerator | |
CAbsImageAdaptor | Presents an image as being composed of the itk::Math::abs() of its pixels |
CAbsImageFilter | Computes the absolute value of each pixel |
CAbsoluteValueDifferenceImageFilter | Implements pixel-wise the computation of absolute value difference |
CAccumulateImageFilter | Implements an accumulation of an image along a selected direction |
CAcosImageAdaptor | Presents an image as being composed of the std::acos() of its pixels |
CAcosImageFilter | Computes the inverse cosine of each pixel |
CAdaptImageFilter | Convert an image to another pixel type using the specified data accessor |
CAdaptiveHistogramEqualizationImageFilter | Power Law Adaptive Histogram Equalization |
CAddImageAdaptor | Presents an image as being the addition of a constant value to all pixels |
CAdditiveGaussianNoiseImageFilter | Alter an image with additive Gaussian white noise |
CAffineTransform | |
CAggregateLabelMapFilter | Collapses all labels into the first label |
CAmoebaOptimizer | Wrap of the vnl_amoeba algorithm |
CAmoebaOptimizerv4 | Wrap of the vnl_amoeba algorithm |
CAnatomicalOrientation | Representations of anatomical orientations and methods to convert between conventions |
CAnchorCloseImageFilter | |
CAnchorDilateImageFilter | |
CAnchorErodeDilateImageFilter | Class to implement erosions and dilations using anchor methods. This is the base class that must be instantiated with appropriate definitions of greater, less and so on. The SetBoundary facility isn't necessary for operation of the anchor method but is included for compatibility with other morphology classes in itk |
CAnchorErodeDilateLine | Class to implement erosions and dilations using anchor methods. This is the base class that must be instantiated with appropriate definitions of greater, less and so on. There is special code for cases where the structuring element is bigger than the image size that aren't particularly anchor related, but use the same data structures. Hopefully these sections occupy a very minor proportion of the time |
CAnchorErodeImageFilter | |
CAnchorOpenCloseImageFilter | Class to implement openings and closings using anchor methods |
CAnchorOpenCloseLine | Class to implement openings and closings using anchor methods. This is the base class that must be instantiated with appropriate definitions of greater, less and so on |
CAnchorOpenImageFilter | |
CAnd | |
CAndC | |
CAndImageFilter | Implements the AND bitwise operator pixel-wise between two images |
CAnisotropicDiffusionFunction | |
CAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter | |
CAnisotropicFourthOrderLevelSetImageFilter | This class implements the 4th-order level set anisotropic diffusion (smoothing) PDE |
CAnnulusOperator | A NeighborhoodOperator for performing a matched filtering with an annulus (two concentric circles, spheres, hyperspheres, etc.) |
CAntiAliasBinaryImageFilter | A method for estimation of a surface from a binary volume |
CANTSNeighborhoodCorrelationImageToImageMetricv4 | Computes normalized cross correlation using a small neighborhood for each voxel between two images, with speed optimizations for dense registration |
►CANTSNeighborhoodCorrelationImageToImageMetricv4GetValueAndDerivativeThreader | Threading implementation for ANTS CC metric ANTSNeighborhoodCorrelationImageToImageMetricv4 . Supports both dense and sparse threading ways. The dense threader iterates over the whole image domain in order and use a neighborhood scanning window to compute the local cross correlation metric and its derivative incrementally inside the window. The sparse threader uses a sampled point set partitioner to computer local cross correlation only at the sampled positions |
CScanMemType | |
CScanParametersType | |
CApproximateSignedDistanceMapImageFilter | Create a map of the approximate signed distance from the boundaries of a binary image |
CArchetypeSeriesFileNames | Generate an ordered sequence of filenames |
CAreaClosingImageFilter | Morphological closing by attributes |
CAreaOpeningImageFilter | Morphological opening by attributes |
CArray | Array class with size defined at construction time |
CArray2D | Array2D class representing a 2D array |
CArrowSpatialObject | Representation of a Arrow based on the spatial object classes |
CAsinImageAdaptor | Presents an image as being composed of the std::asin() of its pixels |
CAsinImageFilter | Computes the sine of each pixel |
CAtan2ImageFilter | Computes two argument inverse tangent |
CAtanImageAdaptor | Presents an image as being composed of the std::atan() of its pixels |
CAtanImageFilter | Computes the one-argument inverse tangent of each pixel |
CAtanRegularizedHeavisideStepFunction | Atan-based implementation of the Regularized (smoothed) Heaviside functions |
►CAttributeKeepNObjectsLabelMapFilter | Keep N objects according to their attribute value |
CComparator | |
CReverseComparator | |
CAttributeLabelObject | A LabelObject with a generic attribute |
►CAttributeMorphologyBaseImageFilter | Morphological opening by attributes |
CCompareOffsetType | |
CAttributeOpeningLabelMapFilter | Remove the objects according to the value of their attribute |
CAttributePositionLabelMapFilter | Mark a single pixel in the label object which correspond to a position given by an attribute |
►CAttributeRelabelLabelMapFilter | Relabel objects according to their shape attributes |
CComparator | |
CReverseComparator | |
CAttributeSelectionLabelMapFilter | Remove the objects according to the value of their attribute |
►CAttributeUniqueLabelMapFilter | Make sure that the objects are not overlapping |
CLineOfLabelObject | |
CLineOfLabelObjectComparator | |
CAuthalicMatrixCoefficients | Compute a matrix filled with Authalic Coefficients of the edge, wherever two vertices are connected with an edge |
CAutoCropLabelMapFilter | Crop a LabelMap image to fit exactly the objects in the LabelMap |
►CAutomaticTopologyMeshSource | Convenience class for generating meshes |
CIdentifierArrayEqualsFunction | |
CIdentifierArrayHashFunction | |
CAutoPointer | Implements an Automatic Pointer to an object |
CAutoPointerDataObjectDecorator | Decorates any pointer to a simple object with a DataObject API using AutoPointer semantics |
CAuxVarTypeDefault | Level set auxiliary variables type information |
CAzimuthElevationToCartesianTransform | Transforms from an azimuth, elevation, radius coordinate system to a Cartesian coordinate system, or vice versa |
CBackwardDifferenceOperator | Operator whose inner product with a neighborhood returns a "half" derivative at the center of the neighborhood |
CBandNode | |
CBarycentricCombination | Computes the barycentric combination of an array of N points |
CBasicDilateImageFilter | Grayscale dilation of an image |
CBasicErodeImageFilter | Grayscale erosion of an image |
CBayesianClassifierImageFilter | Performs Bayesian Classification on an image |
CBayesianClassifierInitializationImageFilter | This filter is intended to be used as a helper class to initialize the BayesianClassifierImageFilter |
CBilateralImageFilter | Blurs an image while preserving edges |
CBinaryBallStructuringElement | A Neighborhood that represents a ball structuring element (ellipsoid) with binary elements |
CBinaryClosingByReconstructionImageFilter | Binary closing by reconstruction of an image |
CBinaryContourImageFilter | Labels the pixels on the border of the objects in a binary image |
CBinaryCrossStructuringElement | A Neighborhood that represents a cross structuring element with binary elements |
CBinaryDilateImageFilter | Fast binary dilation of a single intensity value in the image |
CBinaryErodeImageFilter | Fast binary erosion of a single intensity value in the image |
CBinaryFillholeImageFilter | Remove holes not connected to the boundary of the image |
CBinaryFunctorImageFilter | Implements pixel-wise generic operation of two images, or of an image and a constant |
CBinaryGeneratorImageFilter | Implements pixel-wise generic operation of two images, or of an image and a constant |
CBinaryGrindPeakImageFilter | Remove the objects not connected to the boundary of the image |
CBinaryImageToLabelMapFilter | Label the connected components in a binary image and produce a collection of label objects |
CBinaryImageToLevelSetImageAdaptor | Converts one binary image to the appropriate level-set type provided by the template argument TLevelSet |
CBinaryImageToLevelSetImageAdaptor< TInput, MalcolmSparseLevelSetImage< TInput::ImageDimension > > | Partial template specialization for MalcolmSparseLevelSetImage |
CBinaryImageToLevelSetImageAdaptor< TInput, ShiSparseLevelSetImage< TInput::ImageDimension > > | Partial template specialization for ShiSparseLevelSetImage |
CBinaryImageToLevelSetImageAdaptor< TInput, WhitakerSparseLevelSetImage< TOutput, TInput::ImageDimension > > | Partial template specialization for WhitakerSparseLevelSetImage |
CBinaryImageToLevelSetImageAdaptor< TInputImage, LevelSetDenseImage< TLevelSetImage > > | Partial template specialization for LevelSetDenseImage |
CBinaryImageToLevelSetImageAdaptorBase | |
CBinaryImageToShapeLabelMapFilter | Converts a binary image to a label map and valuate the shape attributes |
CBinaryImageToSparseLevelSetImageAdaptorBase | Abstract class for converting binary image to sparse level-set |
CBinaryImageToStatisticsLabelMapFilter | Convenient class to convert a binary image to a label map and valuate the statistics attributes at once |
CBinaryMagnitudeImageFilter | Computes the square root of the sum of squares of corresponding input pixels |
CBinaryMask3DMeshSource | |
CBinaryMaskToNarrowBandPointSetFilter | Generate a PointSet containing the narrow band around the edges of a input binary image |
CBinaryMedianImageFilter | Applies a version of the median filter optimized for binary images |
CBinaryMinMaxCurvatureFlowFunction | |
CBinaryMinMaxCurvatureFlowImageFilter | Denoise a binary image using min/max curvature flow |
CBinaryMorphologicalClosingImageFilter | Binary morphological closing of an image |
CBinaryMorphologicalOpeningImageFilter | Binary morphological opening of an image |
CBinaryMorphologyImageFilter | Base class for fast binary dilation and erosion |
CBinaryNotImageFilter | Implements the BinaryNot logical operator pixel-wise between two images |
CBinaryOpeningByReconstructionImageFilter | Binary morphological closing of an image |
CBinaryProjectionImageFilter | Binary projection |
CBinaryPruningImageFilter | This filter removes "spurs" of less than a certain length in the input image |
CBinaryReconstructionByDilationImageFilter | Binary reconstruction by dilation of an image |
CBinaryReconstructionByErosionImageFilter | Binary reconstruction by erosion of an image |
CBinaryReconstructionLabelMapFilter | Mark the objects at least partially at the same position as the objects in a binary image |
CBinaryShapeKeepNObjectsImageFilter | Keep N objects according to their shape attributes |
CBinaryShapeOpeningImageFilter | Remove objects based on the value of their shape attribute |
CBinaryStatisticsKeepNObjectsImageFilter | Keep N objects according to their statistics attributes |
CBinaryStatisticsOpeningImageFilter | Remove objects based on the value of their Statistics attribute |
CBinaryThinningImageFilter | This filter computes one-pixel-wide edges of the input image |
CBinaryThresholdImageFilter | Binarize an input image by thresholding |
CBinaryThresholdImageFunction | Returns true is the value of an image lies within a range of thresholds This ImageFunction returns true (or false) if the pixel value lies within (outside) a lower and upper threshold value. The threshold range can be set with the ThresholdBelow, ThresholdBetween or ThresholdAbove methods. The input image is set via method SetInputImage() |
CBinaryThresholdProjectionImageFilter | BinaryThreshold projection |
CBinaryThresholdSpatialFunction | A spatial functions that returns if the internal spatial function is within user specified thresholds |
CBinomialBlurImageFilter | Performs a separable blur on each dimension of an image |
CBinShrinkImageFilter | Reduce the size of an image by an integer factor in each dimension while performing averaging of an input neighborhood |
CBioRadImageIO | ImageIO class for reading Bio-Rad images. Bio-Rad file format are used by confocal microscopes like MRC 1024, MRC 600 https://www.bio-rad.com/ |
CBioRadImageIOFactory | Create instances of BioRadImageIO objects using an object factory |
CBlackTopHatImageFilter | Black top hat extracts local minima that are smaller than the structuring element |
CBlobSpatialObject | Spatial object representing a potentially amorphous object |
►CBlockMatchingImageFilter | Computes displacements of given points from a fixed image in a floating image |
CThreadStruct | |
CBluePixelAccessor | Give access to the Blue component of a RGBPixel type |
CBMPImageIO | Read BMPImage file format |
CBMPImageIOFactory | Create instances of BMPImageIO objects using an object factory |
CBoolean | An alternative to bool for additional thread safety |
CBorderQuadEdgeMeshFilter | Transform one border of a QuadEdgeMesh into either a circle (conformal) or a square (arclength-wise) |
CBorderQuadEdgeMeshFilterEnums | Contains all enum classes used by |
CBoundedReciprocalImageFilter | Computes 1/(1+x) for each pixel in the image |
CBoundingBox | Represent and compute information about bounding boxes |
CBoxImageFilter | A base class for all the filters working on a box neighborhood |
CBoxMeanImageFilter | Implements a fast rectangular mean filter using the accumulator approach |
CBoxSigmaImageFilter | Implements a fast rectangular sigma filter using the accumulator approach |
CBoxSpatialObject | The class may be used to represent N-dimensional boxes. In two dimensions it is a rectangle, In three dimensions it is a cuboid.. |
CBresenhamLine | Compute indices along a line in n dimensions |
CBruker2dseqImageIO | Class that defines how to read Bruker file format |
CBruker2dseqImageIOFactory | Create instances of Bruker2dseqImageIO objects using an object factory |
CBSplineBaseTransform | A base class with common elements of BSplineTransform and BSplineDeformableTransform |
CBSplineCenteredL2ResampleImageFilterBase | Uses the "Centered L2" B-Spline pyramid implementation of B-Spline Filters to up/down sample an image by a factor of 2 |
CBSplineCenteredResampleImageFilterBase | Evaluates the Centered B-Spline interpolation of an image. Spline order may be from 0 to 5 |
CBSplineControlPointImageFilter | Process a given a B-spline grid of control points |
CBSplineControlPointImageFunction | Evaluate a B-spline object given a grid of control points |
CBSplineDecompositionImageFilter | Calculates the B-Spline coefficients of an image. Spline order may be from 0 to 5 |
CBSplineDeformableTransform | Deformable transform using a BSpline representation |
►CBSplineDerivativeKernelFunction | Derivative of a BSpline kernel used for density estimation and nonparametric regression |
CDispatch | |
CDispatchBase | |
CBSplineDownsampleImageFilter | Down-samples an image by a factor of 2 using B-Spline filter interpolation |
CBSplineExponentialDiffeomorphicTransform | Exponential transform using B-splines as the smoothing kernel |
CBSplineExponentialDiffeomorphicTransformParametersAdaptor | Helper class for multiresolution image registration |
CBSplineInterpolateImageFunction | Evaluates the B-Spline interpolation of an image. Spline order may be from 0 to 5 |
CBSplineInterpolationWeightFunction | Returns the weights over the support region used for B-spline interpolation/reconstruction |
►CBSplineKernelFunction | BSpline kernel used for density estimation and nonparametric regression |
CDispatch | |
CDispatchBase | |
CBSplineL2ResampleImageFilterBase | Uses the "Centered l2" B-Spline pyramid implementation of B-Spline Filters to up/down sample an image by a factor of 2 |
CBSplineResampleImageFilterBase | Uses the "l2" spline pyramid implementation of B-Spline Filters to up/down sample an image by a factor of 2 |
CBSplineResampleImageFunction | Resample image intensity from a BSpline coefficient image |
CBSplineScatteredDataPointSetToImageFilter | Image filter which provides a B-spline output approximation |
CBSplineSmoothingOnUpdateDisplacementFieldTransform | Representation of a smooth deformation field with B-splines |
CBSplineSmoothingOnUpdateDisplacementFieldTransformParametersAdaptor | Helper class for multiresolution image registration |
CBSplineSyNImageRegistrationMethod | Interface method for the performing greedy B-spline SyN image registration |
CBSplineTransform | Deformable transform using a BSpline representation |
CBSplineTransformInitializer | BSplineTransformInitializer is a helper class intended to initialize the control point grid such that it has a physically consistent definition. It sets the transform domain origin, physical dimensions and direction from information obtained from the image. It also sets the mesh size if asked to do so by calling SetTransformDomainMeshSize() before calling InitializeTransform() |
CBSplineTransformParametersAdaptor | BSplineTransformParametersAdaptor adapts a BSplineTransform to the new specified fixed parameters |
CBSplineUpsampleImageFilter | Uses B-Spline interpolation to upsample an image by a factor of 2. This class is the public interface for spline upsampling as defined by the ResamplerType |
CBufferedImageNeighborhoodPixelAccessPolicy | |
►CBuildInformation | Static information about this build |
CInformationValueType | |
CByteSwapper | Perform machine dependent byte swapping |
CBYUMeshIO | This class defines how to read and write BYU Geometry File Format |
CBYUMeshIOFactory | Create instances of BYUMeshIO objects using an object factory |
CCannyEdgeDetectionImageFilter | This filter is an implementation of a Canny edge detector for scalar-valued images |
CCannySegmentationLevelSetFunction | A refinement of the standard level-set function which computes a speed term and advection term based on pseudo-Canny edges. See CannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilter for complete information |
CCannySegmentationLevelSetImageFilter | Segments structures in images based on image features derived from pseudo-canny-edges |
CCastImageFilter | Casts input pixels to output pixel type |
CCastSpatialObjectFilter | This filter casts one spatialobject to another, when the class hierarchy supports it (e.g., Tube to PointBased). Particularly useful in Python where casting objects without public constructors (e.g., objects managed by smartpointers) is problematic |
►CCellInterface | An abstract interface for cells |
CMultiVisitor | A visitor that can visit different cell types in a mesh. CellInterfaceVisitor instances can be registered for each type of cell that needs to be visited |
CCellInterfaceVisitor | Abstract interface for a visitor class that can visit the cells in a Mesh |
CCellInterfaceVisitorImplementation | A template class used to implement a visitor object |
CCellTraitsInfo | A simple utility class to define the cell type inside a mesh type structure definition. This just makes a copy of existing type information that is needed for a cell type template parameter |
CCenteredAffineTransform | Affine transformation with a specified center of rotation |
CCenteredEuler3DTransform | CenteredEuler3DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
CCenteredRigid2DTransform | CenteredRigid2DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
CCenteredSimilarity2DTransform | CenteredSimilarity2DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
CCenteredTransformInitializer | CenteredTransformInitializer is a helper class intended to initialize the center of rotation and the translation of Transforms having the center of rotation among their parameters |
CCenteredVersorTransformInitializer | CenteredVersorTransformInitializer is a helper class intended to initialize the center of rotation, versor, and translation of the VersorRigid3DTransform |
►CCentralDifferenceImageFunction | Calculate the derivative by central differencing |
COutputTypeSpecializationStructType | |
CChainCodePath | Represent a path as a sequence of connected image index offsets |
CChainCodePath2D | Represent a 2D path as a sequence of connected image index offsets |
CChainCodeToFourierSeriesPathFilter | Filter that produces a Fourier series version of a chain code path |
CChangeInformationImageFilter | Change the origin, spacing and/or region of an Image |
CChangeLabelImageFilter | Change Sets of Labels |
CChangeLabelLabelMapFilter | Replace the label Ids of selected LabelObjects with new label Ids |
CChangeRegionLabelMapFilter | Change the region of a label map |
CCheckerBoardImageFilter | Combines two images in a checkerboard pattern |
CClampImageFilter | Casts input pixels to output pixel type and clamps the output pixel values to a specified range |
CClassifierBase | Base class for classifier objects |
CCleanQuadEdgeMeshFilter | TODO |
CClosingByReconstructionImageFilter | Closing by reconstruction of an image |
CCollidingFrontsImageFilter | Selects a region of space where two independent fronts run towards each other |
CColorTable | Define a color table for image visualisation |
CCommand | Superclass for callback/observer methods |
CCommandIterationUpdate | |
CCommandIterationUpdatev4 | Implementation of the Command Pattern to be invoked every iteration |
CCommandVnlIterationUpdate | |
CCommonEnums | Common enums used across the toolkit |
CCompareHistogramImageToImageMetric | Compares Histograms between two images to be registered to a Training Histogram |
CCompensatedSummation | Perform more precise accumulation of floating point numbers |
CComplexBSplineInterpolateImageFunction | Complex wrapper around BSplineInterpolateImageFunction |
CComplexConjugateImageAdaptor | Presents each pixel of a complex image as its complex conjugate |
CComplexToComplex1DFFTImageFilter | Perform the Fast Fourier Transform, complex input to complex output, but only along one dimension |
CComplexToComplexFFTImageFilter | Implements an API to enable the Fourier transform or the inverse Fourier transform of images with complex valued voxels to be computed |
CComplexToComplexFFTImageFilterEnums | Contains enum classes used by ComplexToComplexFFTImageFilter class |
CComplexToImaginaryImageAdaptor | Presents a complex image as being composed of imag() part of its pixels |
CComplexToImaginaryImageFilter | Computes pixel-wise the imaginary part of a complex image |
CComplexToModulusImageAdaptor | Presents a complex image as being composed of itk::Math::abs() part of its pixels |
CComplexToModulusImageFilter | Computes pixel-wise the Modulus of a complex image |
CComplexToPhaseImageAdaptor | Presents a complex image as being composed of arg() part of its pixels |
CComplexToPhaseImageFilter | Computes pixel-wise the modulus of a complex image |
CComplexToRealImageAdaptor | Presents a complex image as being composed of real() part of its pixels |
CComplexToRealImageFilter | Computes pixel-wise the real(x) part of a complex image |
CComposeDisplacementFieldsImageFilter | Compose two displacement fields |
CComposeImageFilter | ComposeImageFilter combine several scalar images into a multicomponent image |
CComposeScaleSkewVersor3DTransform | ComposeScaleSkewVersor3DTransform of a vector space (space coords) |
CCompositeTransform | This class contains a list of transforms and concatenates them by composition |
CCompositeTransformIOHelperTemplate | An adapter that adapts CompositeTransform into the TransformReader/Writer |
CConditionalConstIterator | A base class for other iterators where membership in the set of output pixels is conditional upon some property, calculation, etc. For example, a threshold iterator might walk a region and return only those pixels which meet a minimum intensity condition |
CConditionVariableType | |
CConfidenceConnectedImageFilter | Segment pixels with similar statistics using connectivity |
CConformalFlatteningMeshFilter | ConformalFlatteningMeshFilter applies a conformal mapping from 3D to 2D |
CConformalMatrixCoefficients | Compute a matrix filed by Conformal Coefficients of the edge wherever two vertices are connected by an edge |
CConicShellInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction | Spatial function implementation of a conic shell |
CConjugateGradientLineSearchOptimizerv4Template | Conjugate gradient descent optimizer with a golden section line search for nonlinear optimization |
CConjugateGradientOptimizer | Wrap of the vnl_conjugate_gradient |
CConnectedComponentFunctorImageFilter | A generic connected components filter that labels the objects in an arbitrary image |
CConnectedComponentImageFilter | Label the objects in a binary image |
CConnectedImageNeighborhoodShape | |
CConnectedRegionsMeshFilter | Extract portions of a mesh that are connected at vertices |
CConnectedThresholdImageFilter | Label pixels that are connected to a seed and lie within a range of values |
CConnectedThresholdImageFilterEnums | Contains all the enum classes used by the ConnectedThresholdImageFilter class |
CConstantBoundaryCondition | This boundary condition returns a constant value for out-of-bounds image pixels |
CConstantBoundaryImageNeighborhoodPixelAccessPolicy | |
CConstantPadImageFilter | Increase the image size by padding with a constant value |
CConstantVelocityFieldTransform | Provides local/dense/high-dimensionality transformation via a a constant velocity field |
CConstantVelocityFieldTransformParametersAdaptor | ConstantVelocityFieldTransformParametersAdaptor is a helper class intended to definition |
CConstNeighborhoodIterator | Const version of NeighborhoodIterator, defining iteration of a local N-dimensional neighborhood of pixels across an itk::Image |
CConstNeighborhoodIteratorWithOnlyIndex | Index-only version of ConstNeighborhoodIterator, defining iteration of a local N-dimensional neighborhood of indices across an itk::Image or itk::ImageBase |
CConstrainedRegionBasedLevelSetFunctionSharedData | Helper class used to share data in the ScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunction |
CConstrainedValueAdditionImageFilter | Implements pixel-wise the computation of constrained value addition |
CConstrainedValueDifferenceImageFilter | Implements pixel-wise the computation of constrained value difference |
►CConstShapedNeighborhoodIterator | Const version of ShapedNeighborhoodIterator, defining iteration of a local N-dimensional neighborhood of pixels across an itk::Image |
CConstIterator | |
CConstSliceIterator | A flexible iterator for ITK containers(i.e. itk::Neighborhood) that support pixel access through operator[] |
CConstSparseFieldLayerIterator | Used to iterate through an itkSparseFieldLayer |
CContinuousIndex | A templated class holding a point in n-Dimensional image space |
CContourDirectedMeanDistanceImageFilter | Computes the directed Mean distance between the boundaries of non-zero pixel regions of two images |
►CContourExtractor2DImageFilter | Computes a list of PolyLineParametricPath objects from the contours in a 2D image |
CContourData | |
CContourType | |
CVertexHash | |
CContourMeanDistanceImageFilter | Computes the Mean distance between the boundaries of non-zero regions of two images |
CContourSpatialObject | Representation of a Contour based on the spatial object classes |
CContourSpatialObjectEnums | |
CContourSpatialObjectPoint | Point used for a Contour definition |
CConvertLabelMapFilter | Converts the LabelObjects of a LabelMap to a different type of LabelObject |
CConvertPixelBuffer | Class to convert blocks of data from one type to another |
CConvertPixelBuffer< InputPixelType, Array< T >, OutputConvertTraits > | |
CConvertPixelBuffer< InputPixelType, VariableLengthVector< T >, OutputConvertTraits > | |
CConvolutionImageFilter | Convolve a given image with an arbitrary image kernel |
CConvolutionImageFilterBase | Abstract base class for the convolution image filters |
CConvolutionImageFilterBaseEnums | Contains all enum classes used by ConvolutionImageFilterBase class |
CCorrelationCoefficientHistogramImageToImageMetric | Computes correlation coefficient similarity measure between two images to be registered |
CCorrelationImageToImageMetricv4 | Class implementing normalized cross correlation image metric |
►CCorrelationImageToImageMetricv4GetValueAndDerivativeThreader | Processes points for CorrelationImageToImageMetricv4 GetValueAndDerivative |
CCorrelationMetricValueDerivativePerThreadStruct | |
►CCorrelationImageToImageMetricv4HelperThreader | |
CCorrelationMetricPerThreadStruct | |
CCorrespondenceDataStructureIterator | An iterator designed to easily traverse an CorrespondenceDataStructure |
CCosImageAdaptor | Presents an image as being composed of the std::cos() of its pixels |
CCosImageFilter | Computes the cosine of each pixel |
CCostFunctionTemplate | |
CCovarianceImageFunction | Calculate the covariance matrix in the neighborhood of a pixel in a Vector image |
CCovariantVector | A templated class holding a n-Dimensional covariant vector |
CCoxDeBoorBSplineKernelFunction | BSpline kernel used for density estimation and nonparametric regression |
CCreateObjectFunction | Used to create callback functions that create ITK Objects for use with the itk::ObjectFactory |
CCreateObjectFunctionBase | Define API for object creation callback functions |
CCropImageFilter | Decrease the image size by cropping the image by an itk::Size at both the upper and lower bounds of the largest possible region |
CCropLabelMapFilter | Crop a LabelMap image |
CCrossHelper | |
CCStyleCommand | A Command subclass that calls a pointer to a C function |
CCSVArray2DDataObject | Stores parsed data from csv files |
CCSVArray2DFileReader | Parses csv files and stores the data in a itkCSVArray2DDataObject |
CCSVFileReaderBase | A base class that contains common methods used for parsing csv files |
CCSVNumericObjectFileWriter | Writes out numeric itk data objects to a csv file |
CCumulativeGaussianCostFunction | Cost function for the Cumulative Gaussian Optimizer |
CCumulativeGaussianOptimizer | This is an optimizer specific to estimating the parameters of Cumulative Gaussian sampled data |
CCurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter | This filter performs anisotropic diffusion on a scalar itk::Image using the modified curvature diffusion equation (MCDE) |
CCurvatureFlowFunction | This class encapsulate the finite difference equation which drives a curvature flow denoising algorithm |
CCurvatureFlowImageFilter | Denoise an image using curvature driven flow |
CCurvatureNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunction | |
CCurvatureRegistrationFilter | Deformably register two images using the fast curvature algorithm |
CCurvesLevelSetFunction | This function is used in CurvesLevelSetImageFilter to segment structures in images based on user supplied edge potential map |
CCurvesLevelSetImageFilter | Segments structures in images based on user supplied edge potential map |
CCyclicShiftImageFilter | Perform a cyclic spatial shift of image intensities on the image grid |
CDanielssonDistanceMapImageFilter | This filter computes the distance map of the input image as an approximation with pixel accuracy to the Euclidean distance |
CDataObject | Base class for all data objects in ITK |
CDataObjectConstIterator | A forward iterator over the DataObject of a ProcessObject |
CDataObjectDecorator | Decorates any subclass of itkObject with a DataObject API |
CDataObjectError | Exception object for DataObject exceptions |
CDataObjectIterator | A forward iterator over the DataObject of a ProcessObject |
CDCMTKFileReader | |
CDCMTKImageIO | Read DICOM image file format |
CDCMTKImageIOEnums | Enums used by the DCMTKImageIO class |
CDCMTKImageIOFactory | Create instances of DCMTKImageIO objects using an object factory |
CDCMTKItem | |
CDCMTKSequence | |
CDCMTKSeriesFileNames | Generate a sequence of filenames from a DICOM series |
CDecimateFramesVideoFilter | Reduce a video's frame-rate by keeping every Nth frame |
CDecimationQuadEdgeMeshFilter | |
CDefaultConvertPixelTraits | Traits class used to by ConvertPixels to convert blocks of pixels |
CDefaultConvertPixelTraits< Matrix< VComponent, VRows, VCols > > | |
CDefaultConvertPixelTraits< Offset< VDimension > > | |
CDefaultConvertPixelTraits< std::complex< TComponent > > | |
CDefaultConvertPixelTraits< VariableLengthVector< VComponent > > | |
CDefaultConvertPixelTraits< VariableSizeMatrix< VComponent > > | |
CDefaultDynamicMeshTraits | A simple structure that holds type information for a mesh and its cells |
CDefaultImageToImageMetricTraitsv4 | A simple structure holding type information for ImageToImageMetricv4 classes |
CDefaultPixelAccessor | Give access to partial aspects a type |
►CDefaultPixelAccessorFunctor | Provides a common API for pixel accessors for Image and VectorImage |
CRebind | |
CDefaultStaticMeshTraits | |
CDefaultVectorPixelAccessor | Give access to partial aspects of a type |
►CDefaultVectorPixelAccessorFunctor | This class provides a common API for pixel accessors for Image and VectorImage. (between the DefaultVectorPixelAccessor and DefaultPixelAccessor) |
CRebind | |
CDeformableSimplexMesh3DBalloonForceFilter | Additional to its superclass this model adds an balloon force component to the internal forces |
CDeformableSimplexMesh3DFilter | Three-dimensional deformable model for image segmentation |
CDeformableSimplexMesh3DGradientConstraintForceFilter | Additional to its superclass this class reimplements the external forces methods in which the scan line algorithm is used to find highest gradient is found in the direction of the normal to each vertex within a specified range |
CDeformableSimplexMesh3DGradientConstraintForceFilterEnums | Contains all enum classes used by the DeformableSimplexMesh3DGradientConstraintForceFilter class |
CDelaunayConformingQuadEdgeMeshFilter | FIXME Add documentation |
CDemonsImageToImageMetricv4 | Class implementing demons metric |
CDemonsImageToImageMetricv4GetValueAndDerivativeThreader | Processes points for DemonsImageToImageMetricv4 GetValueAndDerivative |
CDemonsRegistrationFilter | Deformably register two images using the demons algorithm |
►CDemonsRegistrationFunction | |
CGlobalDataStruct | |
►CDenseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter | |
CDenseFDThreadStruct | |
CDerefError | |
CDerivativeImageFilter | Computes the directional derivative of an image. The directional derivative at each pixel location is computed by convolution with a derivative operator of user-specified order |
CDerivativeOperator | A NeighborhoodOperator for taking an n-th order derivative at a pixel |
CDiffeomorphicDemonsRegistrationFilter | Deformably register two images using a diffeomorphic demons algorithm |
CDifferenceOfGaussiansGradientImageFilter | Performs difference-of-gaussians gradient detection |
CDiffusionTensor3D | Represent a diffusion tensor as used in DTI images |
CDiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilter | This class takes as input one or more reference image (acquired in the absence of diffusion sensitizing gradients) and 'n' diffusion weighted images and their gradient directions and computes an image of tensors. (with DiffusionTensor3D as the pixel type). Once that is done, you can apply filters on this tensor image to compute FA, ADC, RGB weighted maps etc |
CDiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilterEnums | Contains all enum classes used by DiffusionTensor3DReconstructionImageFilter class |
CDilateObjectMorphologyImageFilter | Dilation of an object in an image |
CDirectedHausdorffDistanceImageFilter | Computes the directed Hausdorff distance between the set of non-zero pixels of two images |
CDirectFourierReconstructionImageToImageFilter | Direct fourier reconstruction filter of a tomographic volume |
CDirectory | Portable directory/filename traversal |
CDiscreteCurvatureQuadEdgeMeshFilter | FIXME |
CDiscreteCurvatureTensorQuadEdgeMeshFilter | FIXME Add documentation here |
CDiscreteGaussianCurvatureQuadEdgeMeshFilter | See the following paper title: Discrete Differential-Geometry Operators for Triangulated 2-Manifolds authors: Mark Meyer, Mathieu Desbrun, Peter Schroder, Alan H. Barr conference: VisMath '02 location: Berlin (Germany) |
CDiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFilter | Calculates image derivatives using discrete derivative gaussian kernels. This filter calculates Gaussian derivative by separable convolution of an image and a discrete Gaussian derivative operator (kernel) |
CDiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFunction | Compute the discrete gaussian derivatives of an the image at a specific location in space, i.e. point, index or continuous index. This class computes a single derivative given the order in each direction (by default zero). This class is templated over the input image type |
CDiscreteGaussianImageFilter | Blurs an image by separable convolution with discrete gaussian kernels. This filter performs Gaussian blurring by separable convolution of an image and a discrete Gaussian operator (kernel) |
CDiscreteGradientMagnitudeGaussianImageFunction | Compute the discrete gradient magnitude gaussian of an the image at a specific location in space, i.e. point, index or continuous index. This class computes a single derivative given the order in each direction (by default zero). This class is templated over the input image type |
CDiscreteHessianGaussianImageFunction | Compute the Hessian Gaussian of an image at a specific location in space by calculating discrete second-order gaussian derivatives. This class is templated over the input image type |
CDiscreteLevelSetImage | Abstract class for a level-set function on one Image |
CDiscreteMaximumCurvatureQuadEdgeMeshFilter | FIXME Add documentation here |
CDiscreteMeanCurvatureQuadEdgeMeshFilter | See the following paper title: Discrete Differential-Geometry Operators for Triangulated 2-Manifolds authors: Mark Meyer, Mathieu Desbrun, Peter Schroder, Alan H. Barr conference: VisMath '02 location: Berlin (Germany) |
CDiscreteMinimumCurvatureQuadEdgeMeshFilter | FIXME add documentation here |
CDiscretePrincipalCurvaturesQuadEdgeMeshFilter | FIXME add documentation here |
CDisplacementFieldJacobianDeterminantFilter | Computes a scalar image from a vector image (e.g., deformation field) input, where each output scalar at each pixel is the Jacobian determinant of the vector field at that location. This calculation is correct in the case where the vector image is a "displacement" from the current location. The computation for the jacobian determinant is: det[ dT/dx ] = det[ I + du/dx ] |
CDisplacementFieldToBSplineImageFilter | Class which takes a dense displacement field image and/or a set of points with associated displacements and smooths them using B-splines. The inverse can also be estimated |
CDisplacementFieldTransform | Provides local/dense/high-dimensionality transformation via a a displacement field |
CDisplacementFieldTransformParametersAdaptor | DisplacementFieldTransformParametersAdaptor is a helper class intended to definition |
CDivideImageFilter | Pixel-wise division of two images |
CDivideOrZeroOutImageFilter | |
►CDomainThreader | Multi-threaded processing on a domain by processing sub-domains per thread |
CThreadStruct | |
CDOMNode | Class to represent a node in a Document Object Model (DOM) tree structure |
CDOMNodeXMLReader | Class to read a DOM object from an XML file or an input stream |
CDOMNodeXMLWriter | Class to write a DOM object to an XML file or an output stream |
CDOMReader | Class to read an ITK object from an XML file or a DOM object, using the DOM APIs |
CDOMTextNode | Class to represent a special DOM node that holds a text string |
CDOMWriter | Class to write an ITK object to an XML file or a DOM object, using the DOM APIs |
CDoubleThresholdImageFilter | Binarize an input image using double thresholding |
CDTITubeSpatialObject | Representation of a tube based on the spatial object classes |
CDTITubeSpatialObjectPoint | Point used for a tube definition |
CDTITubeSpatialObjectPointEnums | Contains all enum classes used by DTITubeSpatialObjectPoint class |
CDynamicLoader | Portable loading of dynamic libraries or dll's |
CEdgeDecimationQuadEdgeMeshFilter | |
CEdgePotentialImageFilter | Computes the edge potential of an image from the image gradient |
CEigenAnalysis2DImageFilter | Computes pixel-wise the eigen values and eigen vectors of a 2D symmetrical matrix |
CElasticBodyReciprocalSplineKernelTransform | |
CElasticBodySplineKernelTransform | This class defines the elastic body spline (EBS) transformation |
CElementWrapperInterface | |
CElementWrapperPointerInterface | |
CEllipseSpatialObject | |
CEllipsoidInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction | Function implementation of an ellipsoid |
CEquivalencyTable | Hash table to manage integral label equivalencies |
CErodeObjectMorphologyImageFilter | Erosion of an object in an image |
►CESMDemonsRegistrationFunction | Fast implementation of the symmetric demons registration force |
CGlobalDataStruct | |
CESMDemonsRegistrationFunctionEnums | Contains all enum classes used by ESMDemonsRegistrationFunction class |
CEuclideanDistancePointMetric | Computes the minimum distance between a moving point-set and a fixed point-set. A vector of minimum closest point distance is created for each point in the moving point-set. No correspondence is needed. For speed consideration, the point-set with the minimum number of points should be used as the moving point-set. If the number of points is high, the possibility of setting a distance map should improve the speed of the closest point computation |
CEuclideanDistancePointSetToPointSetMetricv4 | Computes the Euclidan distance metric between two point sets |
CEuler2DTransform | Euler2DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
CEuler3DTransform | Euler3DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
CEventObject | Abstraction of the Events used to communicating among filters and with GUIs |
CExceptionObject | Standard exception handling object |
CExhaustiveOptimizer | Optimizer that fully samples a grid on the parametric space |
CExhaustiveOptimizerv4 | Optimizer that fully samples a grid on the parametric space |
CExpandImageFilter | Expand the size of an image by an integer factor in each dimension |
CExpectationBasedPointSetToPointSetMetricv4 | Computes an expectation-based metric between two point sets |
CExpImageAdaptor | Presents an image as being composed of the std::exp() of its pixels |
CExpImageFilter | Computes the exponential function of each pixel |
CExpNegativeImageAdaptor | Presents an image as being composed of the std::exp() of its pixels |
CExpNegativeImageFilter | Computes the function exp(-K.x) for each input pixel |
CExponentialDisplacementFieldImageFilter | Computes a diffeomorphic displacement field as the Lie group exponential of a vector field |
CExtensionVelocitiesImageFilter | Extend velocities smoothly from a particular level set |
CExtractImageFilter | Decrease the image size by cropping the image to the selected region bounds |
CExtractImageFilterEnums | |
CExtractOrthogonalSwath2DImageFilter | Extracts into rectangular form a "swath" image from the input image along the parametric path |
CExtrapolateImageFunction | Base class for all image extrapolaters |
CFancyString | A special string type that is used to aid I/O operations in DOM-based object readers/writers |
CFastApproximateRankImageFilter | A separable rank filter |
CFastChamferDistanceImageFilter | This class compute the signed (positive and negative) chamfer distance in a narrow band |
CFastIncrementalBinaryDilateImageFilter | Fast binary dilation |
CFastMarchingBase | Abstract class to solve an Eikonal based-equation using Fast Marching Method |
CFastMarchingExtensionImageFilter | Extend auxiliary variables smoothly using Fast Marching |
CFastMarchingExtensionImageFilterBase | Extend auxiliary variables smoothly using Fast Marching |
►CFastMarchingImageFilter | Solve an Eikonal equation using Fast Marching |
CAxisNodeType | |
CFastMarchingImageFilterBase | Apply the Fast Marching method to solve an Eikonal equation on an image |
CFastMarchingImageFilterEnums | Contains all enum classes used by the FastMarchingImageFilter class |
CFastMarchingImageToNodePairContainerAdaptor | Convenient adaptor class which converts Image into FastMarching::NodePairContainerType used for initializing the FastMarching |
CFastMarchingNumberOfElementsStoppingCriterion | Stopping Criterion is verified when Current Number of Elements is equal to or greater than the provided Target Number Of Elements |
CFastMarchingQuadEdgeMeshFilterBase | Fast Marching Method on QuadEdgeMesh |
CFastMarchingReachedTargetNodesStoppingCriterion | Stopping criterion for FastMarchingFilterBase |
CFastMarchingReachedTargetNodesStoppingCriterionEnums | Contains all enum classes used by FastMarchingReachedTargetNodesStoppingCriterion class |
CFastMarchingThresholdStoppingCriterion | Stopping Criterion is verified when Current Value is equal to or greater than the provided threshold |
CFastMarchingTraits | Base class traits to be used by the FastMarchingBase |
CFastMarchingTraits< Image< TInputPixel, VDimension >, Image< TOutputPixel, VDimension > > | |
CFastMarchingTraits< QuadEdgeMesh< TInputPixel, VDimension, TInputMeshTraits >, QuadEdgeMesh< TOutputPixel, VDimension, TOutputMeshTraits > > | |
CFastMarchingTraitsBase | |
CFastMarchingTraitsEnums | |
CFastMarchingUpwindGradientImageFilter | Generates the upwind gradient field of fast marching arrival times |
CFastMarchingUpwindGradientImageFilterBase | Generates the upwind gradient field of fast marching arrival times |
CFastMarchingUpwindGradientImageFilterEnums | Enums for itk::FastMarchingUpwindGradientImageFilter |
CFastSymmetricForcesDemonsRegistrationFilter | Deformably register two images using a symmetric forces demons algorithm |
►CFastSymmetricForcesDemonsRegistrationFunction | |
CGlobalDataStruct | |
CFFTConvolutionImageFilter | Convolve a given image with an arbitrary image kernel using multiplication in the Fourier domain |
CFFTDiscreteGaussianImageFilter | Blurs an image by convolution with a discrete gaussian kernel in the frequency domain |
CFFTDiscreteGaussianImageFilterEnums | Contains all enum classes used by FFTDiscreteGaussianImageFilter class |
CFFTDiscreteGaussianImageFilterFactory | Object Factory implementation for overriding DiscreteGaussianImageFilter with FFTDiscreteGaussianImageFilter |
CFFTImageFilterFactory | Object factory implementation for FFT filters |
CFFTImageFilterTraits | Helper defining pixel traits for templated FFT image filters |
CFFTImageFilterTraits< FFTWComplexToComplex1DFFTImageFilter > | |
CFFTImageFilterTraits< FFTWComplexToComplexFFTImageFilter > | |
CFFTImageFilterTraits< FFTWForward1DFFTImageFilter > | |
CFFTImageFilterTraits< FFTWForwardFFTImageFilter > | |
CFFTImageFilterTraits< FFTWHalfHermitianToRealInverseFFTImageFilter > | |
CFFTImageFilterTraits< FFTWInverse1DFFTImageFilter > | |
CFFTImageFilterTraits< FFTWInverseFFTImageFilter > | |
CFFTImageFilterTraits< FFTWRealToHalfHermitianForwardFFTImageFilter > | |
CFFTImageFilterTraits< VnlComplexToComplex1DFFTImageFilter > | |
CFFTImageFilterTraits< VnlComplexToComplexFFTImageFilter > | |
CFFTImageFilterTraits< VnlForward1DFFTImageFilter > | |
CFFTImageFilterTraits< VnlForwardFFTImageFilter > | |
CFFTImageFilterTraits< VnlHalfHermitianToRealInverseFFTImageFilter > | |
CFFTImageFilterTraits< VnlInverse1DFFTImageFilter > | |
CFFTImageFilterTraits< VnlInverseFFTImageFilter > | |
CFFTImageFilterTraits< VnlRealToHalfHermitianForwardFFTImageFilter > | |
CFFTNormalizedCorrelationImageFilter | Calculate normalized cross correlation using FFTs |
CFFTPadImageFilter | Pad an image to make it suitable for an FFT transformation |
CFFTShiftImageFilter | Shift the zero-frequency components of a Fourier transform to the center of the image |
CFFTWComplexToComplex1DFFTImageFilter | Only do FFT along one dimension using FFTW as a backend |
CFFTWComplexToComplexFFTImageFilter | Implements an API to enable the Fourier transform or the inverse Fourier transform of images with complex valued voxels to be computed using either FFTW from MIT or the FFTW interface in Intel MKL |
CFFTWFFTImageFilterInitFactory | Initialize FFTW FFT image filter factory backends |
CFFTWForward1DFFTImageFilter | Only do FFT along one dimension using FFTW as a backend |
CFFTWForwardFFTImageFilter | FFTW-based forward Fast Fourier Transform |
CFFTWGlobalConfiguration | |
CFFTWHalfHermitianToRealInverseFFTImageFilter | FFTW-based reverse Fast Fourier Transform |
CFFTWInverse1DFFTImageFilter | Only do FFT along one dimension using FFTW as a backend |
CFFTWInverseFFTImageFilter | FFTW-based inverse Fast Fourier Transform |
CFFTWRealToHalfHermitianForwardFFTImageFilter | FFTW-based forward Fast Fourier Transform |
CFileListVideoIO | VideoIO object for reading and writing videos as a sequence of frame files |
CFileListVideoIOFactory | Create instances of FileListVideoIO objects using an object factory |
CFileOutputWindow | Messages sent from the system are sent to a file |
CFileTools | This is a helper class to provide file/directory manipulations such as file creation, directory creation, etc |
CFiniteCylinderSpatialFunction | Function implementation of an finite cylinder |
CFiniteDifferenceFunction | |
CFiniteDifferenceImageFilter | |
►CFiniteDifferenceSparseImageFilter | This class implements a multi-threaded base class for Image to SparseImage finite difference processes |
CFDThreadStruct | |
CThreadRegionType | |
CFiniteDifferenceSparseImageFunction | This is the base class for function classes that can be used with filters derived from FiniteDifferenceSparseImageFilter |
►CFixedArray | Simulate a standard C array with copy semantics |
CConstReverseIterator | A const reverse iterator through an array |
CReverseIterator | A reverse iterator through an array |
CFixedCenterOfRotationAffineTransform | Affine transformation with a specified center of rotation |
►CFlatStructuringElement | A class to support a variety of flat structuring elements, including versions created by decomposition of lines |
CStructuringElementFacet | |
CFlipImageFilter | Flips an image across user specified axes |
CFloatingPointExceptions | Allows floating point exceptions to be caught during program execution |
CFloatingPointExceptionsEnums | Contains all enum classes used by FloatingPointExceptions class |
CFloodFilledFunctionConditionalConstIterator | Iterates over a flood-filled spatial function |
CFloodFilledImageFunctionConditionalConstIterator | Iterates over a flood-filled image function with read-only access to pixels |
CFloodFilledImageFunctionConditionalIterator | Iterates over a flood-filled image function with write access to pixels |
CFloodFilledSpatialFunctionConditionalConstIterator | Iterates over a flood-filled spatial function with read-only access to pixels |
CFloodFilledSpatialFunctionConditionalIterator | Iterates over a flood-filled spatial function with write access to pixels |
CForward1DFFTImageFilter | Perform the Fast Fourier Transform, in the forward direction, with real inputs, but only along one dimension |
CForwardDifferenceOperator | Operator whose inner product with a neighborhood returns a "half" derivative at the center of the neighborhood |
CForwardFFTImageFilter | Base class for forward Fast Fourier Transform |
CFourierSeriesPath | Represent a closed path through ND Space by its frequency components |
CFrameAverageVideoFilter | Average frames over a designated range in a video |
CFrameDifferenceVideoFilter | Compute the squared intensity difference between frame x and frame x+n |
CFreeSurferAsciiMeshIO | This class defines how to read and write freesurfer ASCII surface format. To use IO factory, define the suffix as *.fsa |
CFreeSurferAsciiMeshIOFactory | Create instances of FreeSurferAsciiMeshIO objects using an object factory |
CFreeSurferBinaryMeshIO | This class defines how to read Freesurfer binary surface file format. To use IO factory, define the suffix as *.fsb |
CFreeSurferBinaryMeshIOFactory | Create instances of FreeSurferBinaryMeshIO objects using an object factory |
CFrequencyBandImageFilter | Performs a frequency band filtering on a frequency domain image |
CFrequencyFFTLayoutImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex | A multi-dimensional iterator templated over image type that walks pixels within a region and is specialized to keep track of its image index location |
CFrequencyFFTLayoutImageRegionIteratorWithIndex | |
CFrequencyHalfHermitianFFTLayoutImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex | A multi-dimensional iterator templated over image type that walks pixels within a region and is specialized to keep track of its image index location |
CFrequencyHalfHermitianFFTLayoutImageRegionIteratorWithIndex | |
CFrequencyImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex | A multi-dimensional iterator templated over image type that walks pixels within a region and is specialized to keep track of its image index location |
CFrequencyImageRegionIteratorWithIndex | |
CFrequencyShiftedFFTLayoutImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex | A multi-dimensional iterator templated over image type that walks pixels within a region and is specialized to keep track of its image index location |
CFrequencyShiftedFFTLayoutImageRegionIteratorWithIndex | |
CFRPROptimizer | Implements Fletch-Reeves & Polak-Ribiere optimization using dBrent line search |
CFRPROptimizerEnums | Contains enum classes used by FRPROptimizer class |
CFrustumSpatialFunction | Spatial function implementation of a truncated pyramid |
CFrustumSpatialFunctionEnums | Enums for FrustumSpatialFunction class |
CFullToHalfHermitianImageFilter | Reduces the size of a full complex image produced from a forward discrete Fourier transform of a real image to only the non-redundant half of the image |
CFunctionBase | Base class for all ITK function objects |
CFunctionCommand | A Command subclass that calls a std::function object |
CGaborImageSource | Generate an n-dimensional image of a Gabor filter |
CGaborKernelFunction | Gabor kernel used for various computer vision tasks |
CGaussianBlurImageFunction | Compute the convolution of a neighborhood operator with the image at a specific location in space, i.e. point, index or continuous index. This class is templated over the input image type |
CGaussianDerivativeImageFunction | Compute the Gaussian derivatives of an the image at a specific location in space, i.e. point, index or continuous index |
CGaussianDerivativeOperator | A NeighborhoodOperator whose coefficients are a one dimensional, discrete derivative Gaussian kernel |
CGaussianDerivativeOperatorEnums | GaussianDerivativeOperator class enum classes |
CGaussianDerivativeSpatialFunction | N-dimensional Gaussian spatial function class |
CGaussianExponentialDiffeomorphicTransform | Exponential transform using a Gaussian smoothing kernel |
CGaussianExponentialDiffeomorphicTransformParametersAdaptor | Helper class for multiresolution image registration |
CGaussianImageSource | Generate an n-dimensional image of a Gaussian |
CGaussianInterpolateImageFunction | Evaluates the Gaussian interpolation of an image |
CGaussianKernelFunction | Gaussian kernel used for density estimation and nonparametric regression |
CGaussianOperator | A NeighborhoodOperator whose coefficients are a one dimensional, discrete Gaussian kernel |
CGaussianSmoothingOnUpdateDisplacementFieldTransform | Modifies the UpdateTransformParameters method to perform a Gaussian smoothing of the displacement field after adding the update array |
CGaussianSmoothingOnUpdateDisplacementFieldTransformParametersAdaptor | Helper class for multiresolution image registration |
CGaussianSmoothingOnUpdateTimeVaryingVelocityFieldTransform | Modifies the UpdateTransformParameters method to perform a Gaussian smoothing of the velocity field after adding the update array |
CGaussianSpatialFunction | N-dimensional Gaussian spatial function class |
CGaussianSpatialObject | Represents a multivariate Gaussian function |
CGDCMImageIO | ImageIO class for reading and writing DICOM V3.0 and ACR/NEMA 1&2 uncompressed images. This class is only an adaptor to the GDCM library |
CGDCMImageIOEnums | |
CGDCMImageIOFactory | Create instances of GDCMImageIO objects using an object factory |
CGDCMSeriesFileNames | Generate a sequence of filenames from a DICOM series |
CGE4ImageIO | Class that defines how to read GE4 file format |
CGE4ImageIOFactory | Create instances of GE4ImageIO objects using an object factory |
CGE5ImageIO | Class that defines how to read GE5 file format |
CGE5ImageIOFactory | Create instances of GE5ImageIO objects using an object factory |
CGEAdwImageIO | Class that defines how to read GEAdw file format |
CGEAdwImageIOFactory | Create instances of GEAdwImageIO objects using an object factory |
CGenerateImageSource | Base class for image sources which need to have image size, and other meta-data set |
CGeodesicActiveContourLevelSetFunction | This function is used in GeodesicActiveContourLevelSetImageFilter to segment structures in an image based on a user supplied edge potential map |
CGeodesicActiveContourLevelSetImageFilter | Segments structures in images based on a user supplied edge potential map |
CGeodesicActiveContourShapePriorLevelSetFunction | This function is used in GeodesicActiveContourShapePriorSegmentationLevelSetFilter to segment structures in an image based on user supplied edge potential map and shape model |
CGeodesicActiveContourShapePriorLevelSetImageFilter | Segments structures in an image based on a user supplied edge potential map and user supplied shape model |
CGeometricalQuadEdge | This class extends the QuadEdge by adding a reference to the Origin |
CGeometryUtilities | Groups some utility functions related to geometry |
CGetAverageSliceImageFilter | Averages a single dimension of an image |
CGiftiMeshIO | This class defines how to read and write Gifti file format |
CGiftiMeshIOFactory | Create instances of GiftiMeshIO objects using an object factory |
CGiplImageIO | Read GIPL (Guy's Image Processing Lab) file format |
CGiplImageIOFactory | Create instances of GiplImageIO objects using an object factory |
CGPUAnisotropicDiffusionFunction | |
CGPUAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter | |
CGPUBinaryThresholdImageFilter | GPU version of binary threshold image filter |
CGPUBinaryThresholdImageFilterFactory | |
CGPUBoxImageFilter | A base class for all the GPU filters working on a box neighborhood |
CGPUCastImageFilter | GPU version of CastImageFilter |
CGPUContextManager | Singleton class to store the GPU context |
CGPUDataManager | GPU memory manager implemented using OpenCL. Required by GPUImage class |
CGPUDemonsRegistrationFilter | Deformably register two images using the demons algorithm with GPU |
CGPUDemonsRegistrationFilterFactory | Object Factory implementation for GPUDemonsRegistrationFilter |
►CGPUDemonsRegistrationFunction | |
CGlobalDataStruct | |
CGPUDenseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter | |
CGPUDiscreteGaussianImageFilter | Blurs an image by separable convolution with discrete gaussian kernels. This filter performs Gaussian blurring by separable convolution of an image and a discrete Gaussian operator (kernel). GPUNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter is used to compute 1D directional discrete Gaussian filtering for each axis |
CGPUFiniteDifferenceFunction | |
CGPUFiniteDifferenceImageFilter | Base class for GPU Finite Difference Image Filters |
CGPUGradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter | |
CGPUGradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilterFactory | |
CGPUGradientNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunction | |
CGPUImage | Templated n-dimensional image class for the GPU |
CGPUImageDataManager | |
CGPUImageFactory | |
CGPUImageOps | Provides the kernels for some basic GPU Image Operations |
CGPUImageToImageFilter | Class to abstract the behaviour of the GPU filters |
CGPUInPlaceImageFilter | Base class for GPU filters that take an image as input and overwrite that image as the output |
►CGPUKernelManager | GPU kernel manager implemented using OpenCL |
CKernelArgumentList | |
CGPUMeanImageFilter | GPU-enabled implementation of the MeanImageFilter |
CGPUMeanImageFilterFactory | Object Factory implementation for GPUMeanImageFilter |
CGPUNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter | Applies a single NeighborhoodOperator to an image region using the GPU |
CGPUPDEDeformableRegistrationFilter | Deformably register two images using a PDE algorithm |
CGPUPDEDeformableRegistrationFunction | |
CGPUReduction | |
CGPUScalarAnisotropicDiffusionFunction | |
CGPUTraits | |
CGPUTraits< Image< TPixelType, VDimension > > | |
CGPUUnaryFunctorImageFilter | Implements pixel-wise generic operation on one image using the GPU |
CGradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter | This filter performs anisotropic diffusion on a scalar itk::Image using the classic Perona-Malik, gradient magnitude based equation |
CGradientDescentLineSearchOptimizerv4Template | Gradient descent optimizer with a golden section line search |
CGradientDescentOptimizer | Implement a gradient descent optimizer |
CGradientDescentOptimizerBasev4ModifyGradientByLearningRateThreaderTemplate | Modify the gradient by the learning rate for GradientDescentOptimizerBasev4 |
CGradientDescentOptimizerBasev4ModifyGradientByScalesThreaderTemplate | Modify the gradient by the parameter scales for GradientDescentOptimizerBasev4 |
CGradientDescentOptimizerBasev4Template | |
CGradientDescentOptimizerEnums | Contains all enum classes in the GradientDescentOptimizer class |
CGradientDescentOptimizerv4Template | Gradient descent optimizer |
CGradientDifferenceImageToImageMetric | Computes similarity between two objects to be registered |
CGradientImageFilter | Computes the gradient of an image using directional derivatives |
CGradientMagnitudeImageFilter | Computes the gradient magnitude of an image region at each pixel |
CGradientMagnitudeRecursiveGaussianImageFilter | Computes the Magnitude of the Gradient of an image by convolution with the first derivative of a Gaussian |
CGradientNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunction | |
CGradientRecursiveGaussianImageFilter | Computes the gradient of an image by convolution with the first derivative of a Gaussian |
CGradientVectorFlowImageFilter | This class computes a diffusion of the gradient vectors for graylevel or binary edge map derive from the image. It enlarges the capture range of the gradient force and make external force derived from the gradient work effectively in the framework of deformable model |
CGrayscaleConnectedClosingImageFilter | Enhance pixels associated with a dark object (identified by a seed pixel) where the dark object is surrounded by a brighter object |
CGrayscaleConnectedOpeningImageFilter | Enhance pixels associated with a bright object (identified by a seed pixel) where the bright object is surrounded by a darker object |
CGrayscaleDilateImageFilter | Grayscale dilation of an image |
CGrayscaleErodeImageFilter | Grayscale erosion of an image |
CGrayscaleFillholeImageFilter | Remove local minima not connected to the boundary of the image |
CGrayscaleFunctionDilateImageFilter | Grayscale function dilation of an image |
CGrayscaleFunctionErodeImageFilter | Grayscale function erosion of an image |
CGrayscaleGeodesicDilateImageFilter | Geodesic grayscale dilation of an image |
CGrayscaleGeodesicErodeImageFilter | Geodesic gray scale erosion of an image |
CGrayscaleGrindPeakImageFilter | Remove local maxima not connected to the boundary of the image |
CGrayscaleMorphologicalClosingImageFilter | Grayscale closing of an image |
CGrayscaleMorphologicalOpeningImageFilter | Grayscale opening of an image |
CGreenPixelAccessor | Give access to the Green component of a RGBPixel type |
CGridForwardWarpImageFilter | Warps a grid using an input deformation field |
CGridImageSource | Generate an n-dimensional image of a grid |
CGroupSpatialObject | Representation of a group based on the spatial object classes |
CHalfHermitianToRealInverseFFTImageFilter | Base class for specialized complex-to-real inverse Fast Fourier Transform |
CHalfToFullHermitianImageFilter | Expands a half image produced from a real-to-complex discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to the full complex image |
CHardConnectedComponentImageFilter | |
CHardwareWisdomFilenameGenerator | |
CHarmonicMatrixCoefficients | Compute a matrix filled with Harmonic coefficients, wherever two vertices are connected by an edge |
CHausdorffDistanceImageFilter | Computes the Hausdorff distance between the set of non-zero pixels of two images |
CHConcaveImageFilter | Identify local minima whose depth below the baseline is greater than h |
CHConvexImageFilter | Identify local maxima whose height above the baseline is greater than h |
CHDF5CommonPathNames | Secondary bass class of HDF5CommonPathNames common between templates |
CHDF5ImageIO | Class that defines how to read HDF5 file format. HDF5 IMAGE FILE FORMAT - As much information as I can determine from sourceforge.net/projects/HDF5lib |
CHDF5ImageIOFactory | Create instances of HDF5ImageIO objects using an object factory |
CHDF5TransformIOFactory | Create instances of HDF5TransformIO objects using an object factory |
CHDF5TransformIOTemplate | Read&Write transforms in HDF5 Format |
CHeavisideStepFunction | Implementation of the classical Heaviside step function |
CHeavisideStepFunctionBase | Base class of the Heaviside function |
CHessian3DToVesselnessMeasureImageFilter | Line filter to provide a vesselness measure for tubular objects from the hessian matrix |
CHessianRecursiveGaussianImageFilter | Computes the Hessian matrix of an image by convolution with the Second and Cross derivatives of a Gaussian |
►CHessianToObjectnessMeasureImageFilter | A filter to enhance M-dimensional objects in N-dimensional images |
CAbsLessCompare | |
CHexahedronCell | Represents a hexahedron (cuboid) for a Mesh |
CHexahedronCellTopology | Holds data defining the topological connections of the vertices and edges of a HexahedronCell |
CHilbertPath | Represent an n-dimensional Hilbert path for a given order |
CHistogramAlgorithmBase | Base class for algorithms operating on histograms |
CHistogramImageToImageMetric | Computes similarity between two objects to be registered |
CHistogramMatchingImageFilter | Normalize the grayscale values for a source image by matching the shape of the source image histogram to a reference histogram |
CHistogramThresholdCalculator | Base class to compute a threshold value based on the histogram of an image |
CHistogramThresholdImageFilter | Threshold an image using a HistogramThresholdCalculator |
CHistogramToEntropyImageFilter | The class takes a histogram as an input and gives the entropy image as the output. A pixel, at position I, in the output image is given by |
CHistogramToImageFilter | This class takes a histogram as an input and returns an image of type specified by the functor |
CHistogramToIntensityImageFilter | The class takes a histogram as an input and produces an image as the output. A pixel, at position I, in the output image is given by |
CHistogramToLogProbabilityImageFilter | The class takes a histogram as an input and gives the log probability image as the output. A pixel, at position I, in the output image is given by |
CHistogramToProbabilityImageFilter | The class takes a histogram as an input and gives the probability image as the output. A pixel, at position I, in the output image is given by |
CHMaximaImageFilter | Suppress local maxima whose height above the baseline is less than h |
CHMinimaImageFilter | Suppress local minima whose depth below the baseline is less than h |
CHostnameWisdomFilenameGenerator | |
CHoughTransform2DCirclesImageFilter | Performs the Hough Transform to find circles in a 2D image |
CHoughTransform2DLinesImageFilter | Performs the Hough Transform to find 2D straight lines in a 2D image |
CHuangThresholdCalculator | Computes the Huang's threshold for an image |
CHuangThresholdImageFilter | Threshold an image using the Huang Threshold |
CIdentityHelper | |
CIdentityTransform | Implementation of an Identity Transform |
►CImage | Templated n-dimensional image class |
CRebind | |
►CImageAdaptor | Give access to partial aspects of voxels from an Image |
CRebind | |
►CImageAlgorithm | A container of static functions which can operate on Images with Iterators |
CPixelSize | |
CStaticCast | |
CImageAndPathToImageFilter | Base class for filters that take both a path and an image as input and produce a path as output |
CImageBase | Base class for templated image classes |
CImageBoundaryCondition | A virtual base object that defines an interface to a class of boundary condition objects for use by neighborhood iterators |
►CImageBufferRange | |
CAccessorFunctorInitializer | |
CEmptyAccessorFunctor | |
CIteratorInitializer | |
CPixelProxy | |
CPixelProxy< false, TDummy > | |
CPixelProxy< true, TDummy > | |
►CQualifiedIterator | |
CPixelReferenceWrapper | |
CImageClassifierBase | Base class for the ImageClassifierBase object |
CImageConstIterator | A multi-dimensional image iterator templated over image type |
CImageConstIteratorWithIndex | A base class for multi-dimensional iterators templated over image type that are designed to efficiently keep track of the iterator position |
CImageConstIteratorWithOnlyIndex | A base class for multi-dimensional iterators templated over image type that are designed to provide only index information, and no pixel access |
CImageContainerInterface | Used for reference when writing containers conforming to this interface |
CImageDuplicator | A helper class which creates an image which is perfect copy of the input image |
CImageFileReader | Data source that reads image data from a single file |
CImageFileWriter | Writes image data to a single file |
CImageFileWriterException | Base exception class for IO problems during writing |
CImageFilterToVideoFilterWrapper | Wrap an ImageToImageFilter as a VideoToVideoFilter that operates on a single frame at a time |
CImageFunction | Evaluates a function of an image at specified position |
CImageGaussianModelEstimator | Base class for ImageGaussianModelEstimator object |
CImageHelper | Fast Index/Offset computation |
►CImageIOBase | Abstract superclass defines image IO interface |
CMapPixelType | |
CUnknownType | |
CImageIOFactory | Create instances of ImageIO objects using an object factory |
CImageIORegion | An ImageIORegion represents a structured region of data |
CImageIORegionAdaptor | Helper class for converting ImageRegions into ImageIORegions and back |
CImageIterator | A multi-dimensional iterator templated over image type |
CImageIteratorWithIndex | A base class for multi-dimensional iterators templated over image type that are designed to efficiently keep track of the iterator position |
CImageKernelOperator | A NeighborhoodOperator whose coefficients are from an image |
CImageKmeansModelEstimator | Base class for ImageKmeansModelEstimator object |
CImageLinearConstIteratorWithIndex | A multi-dimensional image iterator that visits image pixels within a region in a "scan-line" order |
CImageLinearIteratorWithIndex | A multi-dimensional image iterator that visits image pixels within a region in a "scan-line" order |
CImageMaskSpatialObject | Implementation of an image mask as spatial object |
CImageModelEstimatorBase | Base class for model estimation from images used for classification |
CImageMomentsCalculator | Compute moments of an n-dimensional image |
CImagePCADecompositionCalculator | Decomposes an image into directions along basis components |
CImagePCAShapeModelEstimator | Base class for ImagePCAShapeModelEstimator object |
CImageRandomConstIteratorWithIndex | A multi-dimensional image iterator that visits a random set of pixels within an image region |
CImageRandomConstIteratorWithOnlyIndex | A multi-dimensional image iterator that visits a random set of locations within an image region, providing index information |
CImageRandomIteratorWithIndex | A multi-dimensional image iterator that visits a random set of pixels within an image region |
CImageRandomNonRepeatingConstIteratorWithIndex | A multi-dimensional image iterator that visits a random set of pixels within an image region. All pixels in the image will be visited before any are repeated. A priority image may be passed to the iterator which will cause it to select certain sets of pixels (those with lower priority values) before others |
CImageRandomNonRepeatingIteratorWithIndex | A multi-dimensional image iterator that visits image pixels within a region in a random order, without repeating |
CImageRegion | An image region represents a structured region of data |
CImageRegionConstIterator | A multi-dimensional iterator templated over image type that walks a region of pixels |
CImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex | A multi-dimensional iterator templated over image type that walks an image region and is specialized to keep track of its index location |
CImageRegionConstIteratorWithOnlyIndex | A multi-dimensional iterator templated over image type that walks an image region and is specialized to keep track of its index location and safely support images of type ImageBase |
CImageRegionExclusionConstIteratorWithIndex | A multi-dimensional image iterator that walks an image region, excluding a second region that may partially or completely overlap the first, with read-only access to pixels |
CImageRegionExclusionIteratorWithIndex | A multi-dimensional image iterator that walks an image region, excluding a second region contained within the first, with write access to pixels |
CImageRegionIterator | A multi-dimensional iterator templated over image type that walks a region of pixels |
CImageRegionIteratorWithIndex | A multi-dimensional iterator templated over image type that walks pixels within a region and is specialized to keep track of its image index location |
►CImageRegionRange | |
CQualifiedIterator | |
CImageRegionReverseConstIterator | A multi-dimensional image iterator designed to walk a specified image region in reverse |
CImageRegionReverseIterator | A multi-dimensional image iterator which only walks a region |
CImageRegionSplitterBase | Divide an image region into several pieces |
CImageRegionSplitterDirection | |
CImageRegionSplitterMultidimensional | Divide a region into several pieces |
CImageRegionSplitterSlowDimension | Divide an image region along the slowest dimension |
CImageRegistrationMethod | Base class for Image Registration Methods |
CImageRegistrationMethodv4 | Interface method for the current registration framework |
CImageRegistrationMethodv4Enums | Contains all enum classes for ImageRegistrationMethodv4 class |
CImageReverseConstIterator | Multi-dimensional image iterator |
CImageReverseIterator | A multi-dimensional image iterator designed to walk a specified region in reverse |
CImageScanlineConstIterator | A multi-dimensional iterator templated over image type that walks a region of pixels, scanline by scanline or in the direction of the fastest axis |
CImageScanlineIterator | A multi-dimensional iterator templated over image type that walks a region of pixels, scanline by scanline or in the direction of the fastest axis |
CImageSeriesReader | Data source that reads image data from a series of disk files |
CImageSeriesWriter | Writes image data to a series of data files |
CImageSeriesWriterException | Base exception class for IO problems during writing |
CImageShapeModelEstimatorBase | Base class for statistical shape model estimation |
CImageSink | |
CImageSliceConstIteratorWithIndex | Multi-dimensional image iterator which only walks a region |
CImageSliceIteratorWithIndex | A multi-dimensional image iterator that extends the ImageLinearIteratorWithIndex from iteration along lines in an image to iteration along both lines and planes (slices) within an image |
►CImageSource | Base class for all process objects that output image data |
CThreadStruct | |
CImageSourceCommon | Secondary base class of ImageSource common between templates |
CImageSpatialObject | Implementation of an image as spatial object |
CImageToImageFilter | Base class for filters that take an image as input and produce an image as output |
CImageToImageFilterCommon | Secondary base class of ImageToImageFilter common between templates |
►CImageToImageMetric | Computes similarity between regions of two images |
CConstantPointerWrapper | |
CFixedImageSamplePoint | |
CMultiThreaderWorkUnitInfoImageToImageMetricWrapper | |
CImageToImageMetricv4 | |
CImageToImageMetricv4GetValueAndDerivativeThreader | Provides threading for ImageToImageMetricv4::GetValueAndDerivative |
CImageToImageMetricv4GetValueAndDerivativeThreader< ThreadedImageRegionPartitioner< TImageToImageMetricv4::VirtualImageDimension >, TImageToImageMetricv4 > | |
CImageToImageMetricv4GetValueAndDerivativeThreader< ThreadedIndexedContainerPartitioner, TImageToImageMetricv4 > | |
►CImageToImageMetricv4GetValueAndDerivativeThreaderBase | Provides threading for ImageToImageMetricv4::GetValueAndDerivative |
CGetValueAndDerivativePerThreadStruct | |
CImageToMeshFilter | ImageToMeshFilter is the base class for all process objects that output Mesh data and require image data as input. Specifically, this class defines the SetInput() method for defining the input to a filter |
CImageToParametricSpaceFilter | Generate a mesh of parametric space from input images |
CImageToPathFilter | Base class for filters that take an image as input and produce an path as output |
CImageToSpatialObjectMetric | Computes similarity between a moving spatial object and an Image to be registered |
CImageToSpatialObjectRegistrationMethod | Base class for Image Registration Methods |
CImageToVideoFilter | Converts Image to VideoStream representation with a temporal axis |
CImageToVTKImageFilter | Converts an ITK Image into a VTK image and plugs a ITK data pipeline to a VTK data pipeline |
CImageVectorOptimizerParametersHelper | Class to hold and manage parameters of type Image<Vector<...>,...>, used in Transforms, etc |
CImageVoxel | |
CImplicitManifoldNormalVectorFilter | This class implements the filter for computing the normal vectors from a scalar implicit function (i.e. a levelset image) and processing them |
CImportImageContainer | Defines an itk::Image front-end to a standard C-array |
CImportImageFilter | Import data from a standard C array into an itk::Image |
CIncompatibleOperandsError | |
CIndent | Control indentation during Print() invocation |
CIndex | Represent a n-dimensional index in a n-dimensional image |
►CIndexedContainerInterface | This should only be used for reference when writing containers conforming to this interface. This should only be used for reference when writing containers conforming to this interface. ITK uses generic programming to allow container type substitution, so polymorphism is not needed to use containers through this interface. This means that a container conforming to this interface need not be derived from it, and that their methods should not be virtual. However, the container must derive from Object in order to support the reference counting, modification time, and debug information required by this interface |
CConstIterator | Support const iteration operations through a container. Dereferencing the iterator must provide an object with the following methods: ElementIdentifier Index() const; const Element& Value() const; |
CIterator | Support iteration operations through a container. Dereferencing the iterator must provide an object with the following methods: ElementIdentifier Index() const; Element& Value(); |
►CIndexRange | |
►Cconst_iterator | |
CZeroIndex | |
CInitializationBiasedParticleSwarmOptimizer | Implementation of a biased/regularized Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm |
CInPlaceImageFilter | Base class for filters that take an image as input and overwrite that image as the output |
CInPlaceLabelMapFilter | Base class for filters that takes an image as input and overwrites that image as the output |
CInputDataObjectConstIterator | A forward iterator over inputs of a ProcessObject |
CInputDataObjectIterator | A forward iterator over inputs of a ProcessObject |
CIntensityWindowingImageFilter | Applies a linear transformation to the intensity levels of the input Image that are inside a user-defined interval. Values below this interval are mapped to a constant. Values over the interval are mapped to another constant |
CInteriorExteriorMeshFilter | InteriorExteriorMeshFilter takes an itk::Mesh and extracts from it a Sub-Mesh such that all its points Evaluate > 0 in an itk::SpatialFunction provided by the user |
CInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction | Returns whether or not a location is "inside" or "outside" a function |
CIntermodesThresholdCalculator | Computes the Intermodes's threshold for an image |
CIntermodesThresholdImageFilter | Threshold an image using the Intermodes Threshold |
CInterpolateImageFilter | Interpolate an image from two N-D images |
CInterpolateImageFunction | Base class for all image interpolators |
CInterpolateImagePointsFilter | Resamples an image at the coordinates specified by the user |
CIntrinsicMatrixCoefficients | Compute a matrix filled by intrinsic Coefficients of the edge, wherever two vertices are connected by an edge |
CInvalidArgumentError | |
CInvalidRequestedRegionError | |
CInverse1DFFTImageFilter | Perform the Fast Fourier Transform, in the reverse direction, with real output, but only along one dimension |
CInverseDeconvolutionImageFilter | The direct linear inverse deconvolution filter |
CInverseDisplacementFieldImageFilter | Computes the inverse of a displacement field |
CInverseEuclideanDistanceMatrixCoefficients | Compute a matrix filed with the inverse of the euclidean distance wherever two vertices are connected by an edge |
CInverseFFTImageFilter | Base class for inverse Fast Fourier Transform |
CInvertDisplacementFieldImageFilter | Iteratively estimate the inverse field of a displacement field |
CInvertIntensityImageFilter | Invert the intensity of an image |
CIOCommonEnums | Contains all enum classes used by IOCommon class |
CIOTestHelper | |
CIPLCommonImageIO | Class that defines how to read GE4 file format |
CIsoContourDistanceImageFilter | Compute an approximate distance from an interpolated isocontour to the close grid points |
CIsoDataThresholdCalculator | Computes the IsoData threshold for an image. Aka intermeans |
CIsoDataThresholdImageFilter | Threshold an image using the IsoData Threshold |
CIsolatedConnectedImageFilter | Label pixels that are connected to one set of seeds but not another |
CIsolatedWatershedImageFilter | Isolate watershed basins using two seeds |
CIsotropicFourthOrderLevelSetImageFilter | This class implements the 4th-order level set isotropic diffusion (smoothing) PDE |
CIsSmartPointer | |
CIterationReporter | Implements iterations tracking for a filter |
CIterativeDeconvolutionImageFilter | Abstract base class for filters that implement iterative deconvolution algorithms |
CIterativeInverseDisplacementFieldImageFilter | Computes the inverse of a displacement field |
CJensenHavrdaCharvatTsallisPointSetToPointSetMetricv4 | Implementation of the Jensen Havrda Charvat Tsallis Point Set metric |
CJoinImageFilter | Join two images, resulting in an image where each pixel has the components of the first image followed by the components of the second image |
CJoinSeriesImageFilter | Join N-D images into an (N+1)-D image |
CJointHistogramMutualInformationComputeJointPDFThreader | Provide a threaded computation of the joint PDF for JointHistogramMutualInformationImageToImageMetricv4 |
CJointHistogramMutualInformationComputeJointPDFThreader< ThreadedImageRegionPartitioner< TJointHistogramMetric::VirtualImageDimension >, TJointHistogramMetric > | |
CJointHistogramMutualInformationComputeJointPDFThreader< ThreadedIndexedContainerPartitioner, TJointHistogramMetric > | |
►CJointHistogramMutualInformationComputeJointPDFThreaderBase | Compute the JointPDF image |
CJointHistogramMIPerThreadStruct | |
►CJointHistogramMutualInformationGetValueAndDerivativeThreader | Processes points for JointHistogramMutualInformationImageToImageMetricv4 GetValueAndDerivative() |
CJointHistogramMIPerThreadStruct | |
CJointHistogramMutualInformationImageToImageMetricv4 | Computes the mutual information between two images to be registered using the method referenced below |
CJoinTraits | Trait to determine what datatype is needed if the specified pixel types are "joined" into a single vector |
CJPEG2000ImageIO | Supports for the JPEG2000 file format based on openjpeg |
CJPEG2000ImageIOFactory | Supports for the JPEG2000 file format based on openjpeg |
CJPEG2000ImageIOInternalEnums | This class contains all enum classes used by JPEG2000ImageIOInternal class |
CJPEGImageIO | ImageIO object for reading and writing JPEG images |
CJPEGImageIOFactory | Create instances of JPEGImageIO objects using an object factory |
CKalmanLinearEstimator | Implement a linear recursive estimator |
CKappaSigmaThresholdImageCalculator | Computes a Kappa-Sigma-Clipping threshold for an image |
CKappaSigmaThresholdImageFilter | Threshold an image using Kappa-Sigma-Clipping |
CKappaStatisticImageToImageMetric | Computes similarity between two binary objects to be registered |
CKernelFunctionBase | Kernel used for density estimation and nonparametric regression |
CKernelImageFilter | A base class for all the filters working on an arbitrary shaped neighborhood |
CKernelTransform | |
CKittlerIllingworthThresholdCalculator | Computes the KittlerIllingworth's threshold for an image |
CKittlerIllingworthThresholdImageFilter | Threshold an image using the KittlerIllingworth Threshold |
CKLMDynamicBorderArray | Object maintaining a reference to a list of borders associated with a region |
CKLMRegionGrowImageFilter | Base class for a region growing object that performs energy-based region growing for multiband images |
CKLMSegmentationBorder | Base class for KLMSegmentationBorder object |
CKLMSegmentationRegion | Base class for KLMSegmentationRegion object |
CKullbackLeiblerCompareHistogramImageToImageMetric | Computes the Kubler Lieblach(KL) metric between the histogram of the two images to be registered and a training histogram |
CLabelContourImageFilter | Labels the pixels on the border of the objects in a labeled image |
CLabeledPointSetToPointSetMetricv4 | Computes the distance metric and gradient between two labeled point sets |
►CLabelGeometryImageFilter | Given a label map and an optional intensity image, compute geometric features |
CLabelGeometry | Geometry stored per label |
CLabelImageGaussianInterpolateImageFunction | Interpolation function for multi-label images that implicitly smooths each unique value in the image corresponding to each label set element and returns the corresponding label set element with the largest weight |
CLabelImageToLabelMapFilter | Convert a labeled image to a label collection image |
CLabelImageToShapeLabelMapFilter | Converts a label image to a label map and valuates the shape attributes |
CLabelImageToStatisticsLabelMapFilter | Convenient class to convert a label image to a label map and valuate the statistics attributes at once |
►CLabelMap | Templated n-dimensional image to store labeled objects |
CConstIterator | A forward iterator over the LabelObjects of a LabelMap |
CIterator | A forward iterator over the LabelObjects of a LabelMap |
CLabelMapContourOverlayImageFilter | Apply a colormap to the contours (outlines) of each object in a label map and superimpose it on top of the feature image |
CLabelMapFilter | Base class for filters that take an image as input and overwrite that image as the output |
CLabelMapMaskImageFilter | Mask and image with a LabelMap |
CLabelMapOverlayImageFilter | Apply a colormap to a label map and superimpose it on an image |
CLabelMapToAttributeImageFilter | Convert a LabelMap to a labeled image |
CLabelMapToBinaryImageFilter | Convert a LabelMap to a binary image |
CLabelMapToLabelImageFilter | Converts a LabelMap to a labeled image |
CLabelMapToRGBImageFilter | Convert a LabelMap to a colored image |
►CLabelObject | The base class for the representation of a labeled binary object in an image |
CConstIndexIterator | |
CConstLineIterator | A forward iterator over the lines of a LabelObject |
CLabelObjectLine | |
►CLabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter | Computes overlap measures between the same set of labels of pixels of two images. Background is assumed to be 0 |
CLabelSetMeasures | Metrics stored per label |
CLabelOverlayImageFilter | Apply a colormap to a label image and put it on top of the input image |
CLabelSelectionLabelMapFilter | Remove the objects according to the value of their attribute |
CLabelShapeKeepNObjectsImageFilter | Keep N objects according to their shape attributes |
CLabelShapeOpeningImageFilter | Remove the objects according to the value of their shape attribute |
►CLabelStatisticsImageFilter | Given an intensity image and a label map, compute min, max, variance and mean of the pixels associated with each label or segment |
CLabelStatistics | Statistics stored per label |
CLabelStatisticsKeepNObjectsImageFilter | Keep N objects according to their statistics attributes |
CLabelStatisticsOpeningImageFilter | Remove the objects according to the value of their statistics attribute |
CLabelToRGBImageFilter | Apply a colormap to a label image |
CLabelUniqueLabelMapFilter | Make sure that the objects are not overlapping |
CLabelVotingImageFilter | This filter performs pixelwise voting among an arbitrary number of input images, where each of them represents a segmentation of the same scene (i.e., image) |
CLandmarkBasedTransformInitializer | |
CLandmarkDisplacementFieldSource | Computes a displacement field from two sets of landmarks |
CLandmarkSpatialObject | Representation of a Landmark based on the spatial object classes |
CLandweberDeconvolutionImageFilter | Deconvolve an image using the Landweber deconvolution algorithm |
►CLaplacianDeformationQuadEdgeMeshFilter | (abstract) base class for laplacian surface mesh deformation |
CHashOutputQEPrimal | |
CTriple | |
CLaplacianDeformationQuadEdgeMeshFilterEnums | Contains all enum classes used by LaplacianDeformationQuadEdgeMeshFilter class |
CLaplacianDeformationQuadEdgeMeshFilterWithHardConstraints | Laplacian mesh deformation with hard constraints (interpolating displacement for some handle points) |
CLaplacianDeformationQuadEdgeMeshFilterWithSoftConstraints | Laplacian deformation with soft constraints (approximating displacement for handle points) |
CLaplacianImageFilter | This filter computes the Laplacian of a scalar-valued image |
CLaplacianOperator | A NeighborhoodOperator for use in calculating the Laplacian at a pixel |
CLaplacianRecursiveGaussianImageFilter | Computes the Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) of an image |
CLaplacianSegmentationLevelSetFunction | This function is used in LaplacianSegmentationImageFilter to segment structures in an image based Laplacian edges |
CLaplacianSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter | Segments structures in images based on a second derivative image features |
CLaplacianSharpeningImageFilter | This filter sharpens an image using a Laplacian. LaplacianSharpening highlights regions of rapid intensity change and therefore highlights or enhances the edges. The result is an image that appears more in focus |
CLBFGS2Optimizerv4Enums | |
CLBFGS2Optimizerv4Template | Wrap of the libLBFGS[1] algorithm for use in ITKv4 registration framework. LibLBFGS is a translation of LBFGS code by Nocedal [2] and adds the orthantwise limited-memory Quasi-Newton method [3] for optimization with L1-norm on the parameters |
CLBFGSBOptimizer | Limited memory Broyden Fletcher Goldfarb Shannon minimization with simple bounds |
CLBFGSBOptimizerv4 | Limited memory Broyden Fletcher Goldfarb Shannon minimization with simple bounds |
CLBFGSOptimizer | Wrap of the vnl_lbfgs algorithm for use in ITKv4 registration framework. The vnl_lbfgs is a wrapper for the NETLIB fortran code by Nocedal [1] |
CLBFGSOptimizerBaseHelperv4 | Wrapper helper around vnl optimizer |
CLBFGSOptimizerBasev4 | Abstract base for vnl lbfgs algorithm optimizers in ITKv4 registration framework |
CLBFGSOptimizerv4 | Wrap of the vnl_lbfgs algorithm for use in ITKv4 registration framework. The vnl_lbfgs is a wrapper for the NETLIB fortran code by Nocedal [1] |
►CLevelSetBase | Abstract base class for the representation of a level-set function |
CDataType | Internal class used for one computed characteristic |
CLevelSetDataType | Convenient data structure to cache computed characteristics |
CLevelSetContainer | Container of Level-Sets |
CLevelSetContainer< TIdentifier, LevelSetDenseImage< TImage > > | Container class for dense level sets |
►CLevelSetContainerBase | Container of level set |
CConstIterator | |
CIterator | |
CLevelSetDenseImage | Base class for the "dense" representation of a level-set function on one image |
►CLevelSetDomainMapImageFilter | |
CLevelSetDomain | Specifies an image region where an unique std::list of level sets Id's are defined |
CLevelSetDomainPartition | Helper class used to share data in the ScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunction |
CLevelSetDomainPartitionBase | Helper class used to partition domain and efficiently compute overlap |
CLevelSetDomainPartitionImage | Helper class used to partition domain and efficiently compute overlap |
CLevelSetDomainPartitionImageWithKdTree | Helper class used to share data in the ScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunction |
CLevelSetDomainPartitionMesh | Helper class used to partition domain and efficiently compute overlap |
CLevelSetEquationAdvectionTerm | Derived class to represents an advection term in the level-set evolution PDE |
CLevelSetEquationBinaryMaskTerm | Class to represent the mask boundary as a negative energy |
CLevelSetEquationChanAndVeseExternalTerm | Class to represent the external energy Chan And Vese term |
CLevelSetEquationChanAndVeseInternalTerm | Class to represent the internal energy Chan And Vese term |
►CLevelSetEquationContainer | Class for holding a set of level set equations (PDEs) |
CConstIterator | |
CIterator | |
CLevelSetEquationCurvatureTerm | Derived class to represents a curvature term in the level-set evolution PDE |
CLevelSetEquationLaplacianTerm | Derived class to represents a propagation term in the level-set evolution PDE |
CLevelSetEquationOverlapPenaltyTerm | Class to represent the overlap penalty among many level-sets |
CLevelSetEquationPropagationTerm | Derived class to represents a propagation term in the level-set evolution PDE |
CLevelSetEquationRegionTerm | |
CLevelSetEquationTermBase | Abstract class to represents a term in the level-set evolution PDE |
►CLevelSetEquationTermContainer | Class for container holding the terms of a given level set update equation |
CConstIterator | |
CIterator | |
CLevelSetEvolution | Class for iterating and evolving the level-set function |
CLevelSetEvolution< TEquationContainer, LevelSetDenseImage< TImage > > | |
CLevelSetEvolution< TEquationContainer, MalcolmSparseLevelSetImage< VDimension > > | |
CLevelSetEvolution< TEquationContainer, ShiSparseLevelSetImage< VDimension > > | |
CLevelSetEvolution< TEquationContainer, WhitakerSparseLevelSetImage< TOutput, VDimension > > | |
CLevelSetEvolutionBase | Class for iterating and evolving the dense level-set function |
CLevelSetEvolutionComputeIterationThreader | Thread the ComputeIteration method |
CLevelSetEvolutionComputeIterationThreader< LevelSetDenseImage< TImage >, ThreadedImageRegionPartitioner< TImage::ImageDimension >, TLevelSetEvolution > | |
CLevelSetEvolutionComputeIterationThreader< LevelSetDenseImage< TImage >, ThreadedIteratorRangePartitioner< TLevelSetEvolution::DomainMapImageFilterType::DomainMapType::const_iterator >, TLevelSetEvolution > | |
CLevelSetEvolutionComputeIterationThreader< WhitakerSparseLevelSetImage< TOutput, VDimension >, ThreadedIteratorRangePartitioner< WhitakerSparseLevelSetImage< TOutput, VDimension >::LayerConstIterator >, TLevelSetEvolution > | |
CLevelSetEvolutionStoppingCriterion | |
CLevelSetEvolutionUpdateLevelSetsThreader | Thread the UpdateLevelSets method |
CLevelSetEvolutionUpdateLevelSetsThreader< LevelSetDenseImage< TImage >, ThreadedImageRegionPartitioner< TImage::ImageDimension >, TLevelSetEvolution > | |
►CLevelSetFunction | The LevelSetFunction class is a generic function object which can be used to create a level set method filter when combined with an appropriate finite difference image filter. (See FiniteDifferenceImageFilter.) |
CGlobalDataStruct | |
CLevelSetFunctionWithRefitTerm | This class extends the LevelSetFunction class by adding a grow term based on a target curvature stored in a sparse image |
CLevelSetImage | Abstract class for a level-set function on one Image |
CLevelSetMotionRegistrationFilter | Deformably register two images using level set motion |
►CLevelSetMotionRegistrationFunction | |
CGlobalDataStruct | |
CLevelSetNeighborhoodExtractor | Locate pixels of a particular level set |
CLevelSetNode | Represent a node in a level set |
CLevelSetQuadEdgeMesh | Base class for the surface mesh representation of a level-set function |
CLevelSetSparseImage | Base class for the sparse representation of a level-set function on one Image |
CLevelSetTypeDefault | Level set type information |
CLevelSetVelocityNeighborhoodExtractor | Locate pixels of a particular level set |
CLevenbergMarquardtOptimizer | Wrap of the vnl_levenberg_marquardt algorithm |
CLightObject | Light weight base class for most itk classes |
CLightProcessObject | LightProcessObject is the base class for all process objects (source, filters, mappers) in the Insight data processing pipeline |
►CLinearInterpolateImageFunction | Linearly interpolate an image at specified positions |
CDispatch | |
CDispatchBase | |
CLineCell | Represents a line segment for a Mesh |
CLineConstIterator | An iterator that walks a Bresenham line through an ND image with read-only access to pixels |
CLineIterator | An iterator that walks a Bresenham line through an ND image with write access to pixels |
CLineSpatialObject | Representation of a Line based on the spatial object classes |
CLineSpatialObjectPoint | Point used for a line definition |
CListNode | |
CLiThresholdCalculator | Computes the Li threshold for an image. Aka intermeans |
CLiThresholdImageFilter | Threshold an image using the Li Threshold |
CLog10ImageAdaptor | Presents an image as being composed of the std::log10() of its pixels |
CLog10ImageFilter | Computes the log10 of each pixel |
CLogger | Used for logging information during a run |
CLoggerBase | Used for logging information during a run |
CLoggerBaseEnums | |
CLoggerManager | Used for centrally managing loggers |
CLoggerOutput | Used for overriding itk::OutputWindow to redirect messages to itk::Logger |
CLoggerThreadWrapper | Used for providing logging service as a separate thread |
CLoggerThreadWrapperEnums | Enums for LoggerThreadWrapper |
CLogImageAdaptor | Presents an image as being composed of the std::log() of its pixels |
CLogImageFilter | Computes the log() of each pixel |
CLogOutput | Represents an output stream |
CLSMImageIO | ImageIO class for reading LSM (Zeiss) images LSM is a line of confocal laser scanning microscopes produced by the Zeiss company LSM files are essentially extensions of the TIFF multiple image stack file format |
CLSMImageIOFactory | Create instances of LSMImageIO objects using an object factory |
CMagnitudeAndPhaseToComplexImageFilter | Implements pixel-wise conversion of magnitude and phase data into complex voxels |
CMahalanobisDistanceThresholdImageFunction | Returns true if the pixel value of a vector image has a Mahalanobis distance below the value specified by the threshold |
CMalcolmSparseLevelSetImage | Derived class for the Malcolm representation of level-set function |
CManifoldParzenWindowsPointSetFunction | Point set function based on n-dimensional parzen windowing |
CManualWisdomFilenameGenerator | |
►CMapContainer | A wrapper of the STL "map" container |
CConstIterator | The const iterator type for the map |
CIterator | The non-const iterator type for the map |
CMapData | Base class for map data containers |
CMapFileParser | TODO |
CMapRecord | MapRecord class |
CMaskedFFTNormalizedCorrelationImageFilter | Calculate masked normalized cross correlation using FFTs |
CMaskedMovingHistogramImageFilter | |
CMaskedRankImageFilter | Rank filter of a greyscale image |
CMaskFeaturePointSelectionFilter | Generate a PointSet containing the feature points selected from a masked 3D input image |
CMaskImageFilter | Mask an image with a mask |
CMaskNegatedImageFilter | Mask an image with the negation (or logical compliment) of a mask |
CMaskNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter | Applies a single NeighborhoodOperator to an image, processing only those pixels that are under a mask |
►CMatchCardinalityImageToImageMetric | Computes similarity between two objects to be registered |
CThreadStruct | |
CMathematicalMorphologyEnums | Mathematical Morphology enum classes |
CMatlabTransformIOFactory | Create instances of MatlabTransformIO objects using an object factory |
CMatlabTransformIOTemplate | Create instances of MatlabTransformIOTemplate objects |
CMatrix | A templated class holding a M x N size Matrix |
CMatrixCoefficients | Superclass for all the matrix coefficients computation classes |
CMatrixIndexSelectionImageFilter | Extracts the selected indices of a matrix image that is the input pixel type |
CMatrixOffsetTransformBase | Matrix and Offset transformation of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
CMatrixOrthogonalityTolerance | |
CMatrixOrthogonalityTolerance< double > | |
CMatrixOrthogonalityTolerance< float > | |
CMatrixResizeableDataObject | Allows a VNL matrix to be a DataObject with the flexibility of being resizable |
►CMattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetric | Computes the mutual information between two images to be registered using the method of Mattes et al |
CMMIMetricPerThreadStruct | |
►CMattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetricv4 | Computes the mutual information between two images to be registered using the method of Mattes et al |
CDerivativeBufferManager | |
CMattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetricv4GetValueAndDerivativeThreader | Processes points for MattesMutualInformationImageToImageMetricv4 GetValueAndDerivative |
CMaxFunctor | |
CMaximumEntropyThresholdCalculator | Computes the MaximumEntropy's threshold for an image |
CMaximumEntropyThresholdImageFilter | Threshold an image using the MaximumEntropy Threshold |
CMaximumImageFilter | Implements a pixel-wise operator Max(a,b) between two images |
CMaximumProjectionImageFilter | Maximum projection |
CMaxMeasureBoundCriterion | |
CMaxPriorityQueueElementWrapper | |
CMeanImageFilter | Applies an averaging filter to an image |
CMeanImageFunction | Calculate the mean value in the neighborhood of a pixel |
CMeanProjectionImageFilter | Mean projection |
CMeanReciprocalSquareDifferenceImageToImageMetric | Computes similarity between two objects to be registered |
CMeanReciprocalSquareDifferencePointSetToImageMetric | Computes similarity between pixel values of a point set and intensity values in an image |
►CMeanSquareRegistrationFunction | |
CGlobalDataStruct | |
CMeanSquaresHistogramImageToImageMetric | Computes mean squared difference similarity measure between two images to be registered |
►CMeanSquaresImageToImageMetric | TODO |
CPerThreadS | |
CMeanSquaresImageToImageMetricv4 | Class implementing a mean squares metric |
CMeanSquaresImageToImageMetricv4GetValueAndDerivativeThreader | Processes points for MeanSquaresImageToImageMetricv4 GetValueAndDerivative |
CMeanSquaresPointSetToImageMetric | Computes similarity between pixel values of a point set and intensity values of an image |
CMedianImageFilter | Applies a median filter to an image |
CMedianImageFunction | Calculate the median value in the neighborhood of a pixel |
CMedianProjectionImageFilter | Median projection |
CMemberCommand | A Command subclass that calls a pointer to a member function |
CMemoryAllocationError | |
CMemoryProbe | Computes the memory allocated between two points in code |
CMemoryProbesCollectorBase | Aggregates a set of memory probes |
CMemoryUsageObserver | Provides the memory usage of the process |
CMemoryUsageObserverBase | |
CMergeLabelMapFilter | Merges several Label Maps |
CMergeLabelMapFilterEnums | Contains all enum classes used by MergeLabelMapFilter class |
►CMesh | Implements the N-dimensional mesh structure |
CBoundaryAssignmentIdentifier | |
CMeshConvertPixelTraits | Traits class used to by ConvertPixels to convert blocks of pixels |
CMeshEnums | |
CMeshFileReader | Mesh source that reads mesh data from a single file |
CMeshFileReaderException | Base exception class for IO conflicts |
CMeshFileWriter | Writes mesh data to a single file |
CMeshFileWriterException | Base exception class for IO problems during writing |
►CMeshIOBase | Abstract superclass defines mesh IO interface |
CMapComponentType | |
CUnknownType | |
CMeshIOFactory | Create instances of MeshIO objects using an object factory |
CMeshRegion | A mesh region represents an unstructured region of data |
CMeshSource | Base class for all process objects that output mesh data |
CMeshSpatialObject | Implementation of an Mesh as spatial object |
CMeshToMeshFilter | MeshToMeshFilter is the base class for all process objects that output mesh data, and require mesh data as input. Specifically, this class defines the SetInput() method for defining the input to a filter |
CMetaArrayReader | |
CMetaArrayWriter | |
CMetaArrowConverter | Converts between MetaObject<->SpatialObject |
CMetaBlobConverter | Converts between MetaObject<->SpatialObject |
CMetaContourConverter | Converts between MetaObject<->SpatialObject |
CMetaConverterBase | Base class for MetaObject<->SpatialObject converters |
CMetaDataDictionary | Provides a mechanism for storing a collection of arbitrary data types |
CMetaDataObject | Allows arbitrary data types to be stored as MetaDataObjectBase types, and to be stored in a MetaDataDictionary |
CMetaDataObjectBase | The common interface for MetaDataObject's |
CMetaDTITubeConverter | Converts between MetaObject<->SpatialObject |
CMetaEllipseConverter | Converts between MetaObject<->SpatialObject |
CMetaEvent | Event abstract class |
CMetaGaussianConverter | Converts between MetaObject<->SpatialObject |
CMetaGroupConverter | Converts between MetaObject<->SpatialObject |
CMetaImageConverter | Converts between MetaObject<->SpatialObject |
CMetaImageIO | Read MetaImage file format |
CMetaImageIOFactory | Create instances of MetaImageIO objects using an object factory |
CMetaImageMaskConverter | Converts between MetaObject<->SpatialObject |
CMetaLandmarkConverter | Converts between MetaObject<->SpatialObject |
CMetaLineConverter | Converts between MetaObject<->SpatialObject |
CMetaMeshConverter | Converts between MetaObject<->SpatialObject |
CMetaSceneConverter | Converts between MetaObject and SpatialObject group |
CMetaSurfaceConverter | Converts between MetaObject<->SpatialObject |
CMetaTubeConverter | Converts between MetaObject<->SpatialObject |
CMetaVesselTubeConverter | Converts between MetaObject<->SpatialObject |
CMINCImageIO | Class that defines how to read MINC file format |
CMINCImageIOFactory | Create instances of MINCImageIO objects using an object factory |
CMinFunctor | |
CMinimumImageFilter | Implements a pixel-wise operator Min(a,b) between two images |
CMinimumMaximumImageCalculator | Computes the minimum and the maximum intensity values of an image |
CMinimumMaximumImageFilter | Computes the minimum and the maximum intensity values of an image |
CMinimumProjectionImageFilter | Minimum projection |
CMiniPipelineSeparableImageFilter | A separable filter for filter which are using radius |
►CMinMaxCurvatureFlowFunction | |
CDispatch | |
CDispatchBase | |
CMinMaxCurvatureFlowImageFilter | Denoise an image using min/max curvature flow |
CMinMeasureBoundCriterion | |
CMinPriorityQueueElementWrapper | |
CMirrorPadImageFilter | Increase the image size by padding with replicants of the input image value |
CModulusImageFilter | Computes the modulus (x % dividend) pixel-wise |
CMomentsThresholdCalculator | Computes the Moments's threshold for an image |
CMomentsThresholdImageFilter | Threshold an image using the Moments Threshold |
CMorphologicalGradientImageFilter | Compute the gradient of a grayscale image |
CMorphologicalWatershedFromMarkersImageFilter | Morphological watershed transform from markers |
CMorphologicalWatershedImageFilter | Watershed segmentation implementation with morphological operators |
CMorphologyImageFilter | Base class for the morphological operations such as erosion and dilation |
CMovingHistogramDilateImageFilter | Grayscale dilation of an image |
CMovingHistogramErodeImageFilter | Grayscale erosion of an image |
CMovingHistogramImageFilter | Implements a generic moving histogram algorithm |
►CMovingHistogramImageFilterBase | Implements a generic moving histogram algorithm |
CDirectionCost | |
CMovingHistogramMorphologicalGradientImageFilter | Morphological gradients enhance the variation of pixel intensity in a given neighborhood |
CMovingHistogramMorphologyImageFilter | Base class for MovingHistogramDilateImageFilter and MovingHistogramErodeImageFilter |
CMRASlabIdentifier | Identifies slabs in MR images comparing minimum intensity averages |
►CMRCHeaderObject | This class is a light wrapper for a couple of plain old data structures, so that they can be utilized in a MetaDataDictionary |
CFeiExtendedHeader | |
CHeader | |
CMRCImageIO | An ImageIO class to read the MRC file format. The MRC file format frequently has the extension ".mrc" or ".rec". It is used frequently for electron microscopy and is an emerging standard for cryo-electron tomography and molecular imaging. The format is used to represent 2D, 3D images along with 2D tilt series for tomography |
CMRCImageIOFactory | Create instances of MRCImageIO objects using an object factory |
CMRFImageFilter | Implementation of a labeler object that uses Markov Random Fields to classify pixels in an image data set |
CMRFImageFilterEnums | Contains all enum classes in MRFImageFilter class; |
CMRIBiasEnergyFunction | Represents a cost function for MRI bias field correction optimization |
CMRIBiasFieldCorrectionFilter | Corrects 3D MRI bias field |
CMultiGradientOptimizerv4Template | Multiple gradient-based optimizers are combined in order to perform a multi-objective optimization |
CMultiLabelSTAPLEImageFilter | This filter performs a pixelwise combination of an arbitrary number of input images, where each of them represents a segmentation of the same scene (i.e., image) |
CMultiphaseDenseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter | |
CMultiphaseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter | |
►CMultiphaseSparseFiniteDifferenceImageFilter | This class implements a finite difference partial differential equation solver for evolving surfaces embedded in volumes as level-sets |
CSparseDataStruct | |
CMultipleLogOutput | Allows writing simultaneously to multiple streams. Note that the class derives from std::streambuf and contains a std::set<> of LogOutput |
CMultipleValuedCostFunction | This class is a base for the CostFunctions returning a multiple values |
CMultipleValuedNonLinearOptimizer | This class is a base for the Optimization methods that optimize a multiple valued function |
CMultipleValuedNonLinearVnlOptimizer | This class is a base for the Optimization methods that optimize a multi-valued function |
CMultipleValuedVnlCostFunctionAdaptor | This class is an Adaptor that allows to pass itk::MultipleValuedCostFunctions to vnl_optimizers expecting a vnl_cost_function |
CMultiplyImageFilter | Pixel-wise multiplication of two images |
CMultiResolutionImageRegistrationMethod | Base class for multi-resolution image registration methods |
CMultiResolutionPDEDeformableRegistration | Framework for performing multi-resolution PDE deformable registration |
CMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter | Framework for creating images in a multi-resolution pyramid |
CMultiScaleHessianBasedMeasureImageFilter | A filter to enhance structures using Hessian eigensystem-based measures in a multiscale framework |
CMultiScaleHessianBasedMeasureImageFilterEnums | This class contains all enum classes used by MultiScaleHessianBasedMeasureImageFilter class |
CMultiStartOptimizerv4Template | Multi-start searches over input parameters and returns the best metric value |
►CMultiThreaderBase | A class for performing multithreaded execution |
CArrayCallback | |
CRegionAndCallback | |
CWorkUnitInfo | |
CMultiThreaderBaseEnums | Enums for MultiThreaderBase |
CMultiTransform | This abstract class contains a list of transforms and provides basic methods |
►CMultivariateLegendrePolynomial | 2D and 3D multivariate Legendre Polynomial |
CCoefficientVectorSizeMismatch | Exception object |
CSimpleForwardIterator | Iterator which only supports forward iteration and Begin(), IsAtEnd(), and Get() method which work just like as SimpleImageRegionIterator |
CMutualInformationHistogramImageToImageMetric | Computes the mutual information between two images to be registered using the histograms of the intensities in the images. This class is templated over the type of the fixed and moving images to be compared |
►CMutualInformationImageToImageMetric | Computes the mutual information between two images to be registered |
CSpatialSample | |
CN4BiasFieldCorrectionImageFilter | Implementation of the N4 bias field correction algorithm |
►CNarrowBand | Narrow Band class |
CRegionType | |
CNarrowBandCurvesLevelSetImageFilter | Segments structures in images based on user supplied edge potential map |
►CNarrowBandImageFilterBase | This class implements a multi-threaded finite difference image to image solver that can be applied to an arbitrary list of pixels |
CThreadRegionType | |
CNarrowBandLevelSetImageFilter | A base class which defines the API for implementing a special class of image segmentation filters using level set methods |
CNarrowBandThresholdSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter | Segments structures in images based on intensity values |
CNaryAddImageFilter | Pixel-wise addition of N images |
CNaryFunctorImageFilter | Perform a generic pixel-wise operation on N images |
CNaryMaximumImageFilter | Computes the pixel-wise maximum of several images |
CNearestNeighborExtrapolateImageFunction | Nearest neighbor extrapolation of a scalar image |
CNearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction | Nearest neighbor interpolation of a scalar image |
CNeighborhood | A light-weight container object for storing an N-dimensional neighborhood of values |
CNeighborhoodAccessorFunctor | Provides accessor interfaces to Get pixels and is meant to be used on pointers contained within Neighborhoods. A typical user should not need to use this class directly. This class is used by the neighborhood iterators to get pixels from pixel pointers or assign a pixel to an address |
CNeighborhoodAllocator | A memory allocator for use as the default allocator type in Neighborhood |
CNeighborhoodBinaryThresholdImageFunction | Determine whether all the pixels in the specified neighborhood meet a threshold criteria |
CNeighborhoodConnectedImageFilter | Label pixels that are connected to a seed and lie within a neighborhood |
CNeighborhoodInnerProduct | Defines the inner product operation between an Neighborhood and a NeighborhoodOperator |
CNeighborhoodIterator | Defines iteration of a local N-dimensional neighborhood of pixels across an itk::Image |
CNeighborhoodOperator | Virtual class that defines a common interface to all neighborhood operator subtypes |
CNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter | Applies a single NeighborhoodOperator to an image region |
CNeighborhoodOperatorImageFunction | Compute the convolution of a neighborhood operator with the image at a specific location in space, i.e. point, index or continuous index. This class is templated over the input image type |
CNiftiImageIO | Class that defines how to read Nifti file format. Nifti IMAGE FILE FORMAT - As much information as I can determine from sourceforge.net/projects/Niftilib |
CNiftiImageIOEnums | |
CNiftiImageIOFactory | Create instances of NiftiImageIO objects using an object factory |
CNodeOfPermutation | A node to be used when computing permutations |
CNodePair | Represents a Node and its associated value (front value) |
CNoiseBaseImageFilter | An Abstract Base class for Noise image filters |
CNoiseImageFilter | Calculate the local noise in an image |
CNonLinearOptimizer | Wrap of the vnl_nonlinear_minimizer to be adapted |
CNormalBandNode | This is a data storage class that can is used as the node type for the SparseImage class |
CNormalizedCorrelationImageFilter | Computes the normalized correlation of an image and a template |
CNormalizedCorrelationImageToImageMetric | Computes similarity between two images to be registered |
CNormalizedCorrelationPointSetToImageMetric | Computes similarity between pixel values of a point set and intensity values of an image |
CNormalizedMutualInformationHistogramImageToImageMetric | Computes normalized mutual information between two images to be registered using the histograms of the intensities in the images |
CNormalizeImageFilter | Normalize an image by setting its mean to zero and variance to one |
CNormalizeToConstantImageFilter | Scales image pixel intensities to make the sum of all pixels equal a user-defined constant |
CNormalQuadEdgeMeshFilter | Filter which computes normals to faces and vertices and store it in the output mesh. Normals to face are first computed, then normals to vertices are computed as linear combination of neighbor face normals, i.e |
CNormalQuadEdgeMeshFilterEnums | Contains enum classes used by NormalQuadEdgeMeshFilter class |
CNormalVectorDiffusionFunction | This class defines all the necessary functionality for performing isotropic and anisotropic diffusion operations on vector neighborhoods from a sparse image |
CNormalVectorFunctionBase | This class defines the common functionality for Sparse Image neighborhoods of unit vectors |
CNot | |
CNotC | |
CNotImageFilter | Implements the NOT logical operator pixel-wise on an image |
CNrrdImageIO | Read and write the "Nearly Raw Raster Data" (Nrrd) image format. The Nrrd format was developed as part of the Teem package (teem.sourceforge.net) |
CNrrdImageIOFactory | Create instances of NrrdImageIO objects using an object factory |
CNthElementImageAdaptor | Presents an image as being composed of the N-th element of its pixels |
CNthElementImageAdaptorHelper | |
CNthElementPixelAccessor | Give access to the N-th of a Container type |
CNthElementPixelAccessor< TOutputPixelType, itk::VariableLengthVector< TPixelType > > | |
CNumberOfFacesCriterion | |
CNumberOfPointsCriterion | |
CNumberToString | Convert floating and fixed point numbers to strings |
CNumberToString< void > | |
CNumericSeriesFileNames | Generate an ordered sequence of filenames |
CNumericTraits | Define additional traits for native types such as int or float |
CNumericTraits< Array< T > > | NumericTraits for Array |
CNumericTraits< CovariantVector< T, D > > | Define numeric traits for CovariantVector |
CNumericTraits< DiffusionTensor3D< T > > | Define numeric traits for DiffusionTensor3D |
CNumericTraits< FixedArray< T, D > > | Define numeric traits for FixedArray |
CNumericTraits< Point< T, D > > | NumericTraits for Point |
CNumericTraits< RGBAPixel< T > > | Define numeric traits for RGBAPixel |
CNumericTraits< RGBPixel< T > > | Define numeric traits for RGBPixel |
CNumericTraits< std::vector< T > > | |
CNumericTraits< SymmetricSecondRankTensor< T, D > > | Define numeric traits for SymmetricSecondRankTensor |
CNumericTraits< VariableLengthVector< T > > | Define numeric traits for VariableLengthVector |
CNumericTraits< Vector< T, D > > | NumericTraits for Vector |
CObject | Base class for most ITK classes |
CObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter | ObjectByObjectLabelMapFilter applies an image pipeline to all the objects of a label map and produce a new label map |
CObjectEnums | |
CObjectFactory | Create instances of a class |
CObjectFactoryBase | Create instances of classes using an object factory |
CObjectFactoryEnums | |
CObjectMorphologyImageFilter | Base class for the morphological operations being applied to isolated objects in an image |
►CObjectStore | A specialized memory management object for allocating and destroying contiguous blocks of objects |
CMemoryBlock | |
CObjectStoreEnums | Enums for ObjectStore |
CObjectToObjectMetric | Computes similarity between regions of two objects |
CObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate | Base class for all object-to-object similarity metrics added in ITKv4 |
CObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplateEnums | This class contains all the enum classes used by the ObjectToObjectMetricBaseTemplate class |
CObjectToObjectMultiMetricv4 | This class takes one or more ObjectToObject metrics and assigns weights to their derivatives to compute a single result |
CObjectToObjectOptimizerBaseTemplate | Abstract base for object-to-object optimizers |
CObjectToObjectOptimizerBaseTemplateEnums | This class contains all the enum classes used by ObjectToObjectOptimizerBaseTemplate class |
COBJMeshIO | This class defines how to read and write Object file format |
COBJMeshIOFactory | Create instances of OBJMeshIO objects using an object factory |
COctree | Represent a 3D Image with an Octree data structure |
COctreeBase | Provides non-templated access to templated instances of Octree |
COctreeEnums | |
COctreeNode | A data structure representing a node in an Octree |
COctreeNodeBranch | |
COFFMeshIO | This class defines how to read and write Object file format |
COFFMeshIOFactory | Create instances of OFFMeshIO objects using an object factory |
COffset | Represent a n-dimensional offset between two n-dimensional indexes of n-dimensional image |
COnePlusOneEvolutionaryOptimizer | 1+1 evolutionary strategy optimizer |
COnePlusOneEvolutionaryOptimizerv4 | 1+1 evolutionary strategy optimizer |
COnesMatrixCoefficients | Compute a matrix filled by 1s wherever two vertices are connected by an edge |
COneWayEquivalencyTable | Hash table to manage integral label equivalencies that are order dependent |
COpenCVBasicTypeBridge | |
COpenCVBasicTypeBridge< itk::Index< 2 >, cv::Point > | |
COpenCVBasicTypeBridge< itk::Index< 3 >, cv::Point3i > | |
COpenCVBasicTypeBridge< itk::Matrix< T, VRows, VColumns >, cv::Matx< T, VRows, VColumns > > | |
COpenCVBasicTypeBridge< itk::Size< 2 >, cv::Size > | |
COpenCVBasicTypeBridge< TPoint, cv::Point3_< typename TPoint::CoordinateType > > | |
COpenCVBasicTypeBridge< TPoint, cv::Point_< typename TPoint::CoordinateType > > | |
COpenCVBasicTypeBridge< TVector, cv::Vec< typename TVector::ValueType, TVector::Dimension > > | |
►COpenCVImageBridge | This class provides static methods to convert between OpenCV images and itk::Image |
CHandleRGBPixel | |
CHandleRGBPixel< RGBPixel< TValue >, VDimension > | |
COpenCVVideoCapture | This class implements OpenCV's VideoCapture API and takes an itk VideoStream as input |
COpenCVVideoIO | VideoIO object for reading and writing videos using OpenCV |
COpenCVVideoIOFactory | Create instances of OpenCVVideoIO objects using an object factory |
COpeningByReconstructionImageFilter | Opening by reconstruction of an image |
COptimizer | Generic representation for an optimization method |
COptimizerParameters | Class to hold and manage different parameter types used during optimization |
COptimizerParameterScalesEstimatorTemplate | OptimizerParameterScalesEstimatorTemplate is the base class offering a empty method of estimating the parameter scales for optimizers |
COptimizerParametersHelper | Basic helper class to manage parameter data as an Array type, the default type |
COr | |
COrC | |
COrientImageFilter | Permute axes and then flip images as needed to obtain agreement in coordinateOrientation codes |
COrImageFilter | Implements the OR bitwise operator pixel-wise between two images |
COrthogonallyCorrected2DParametricPath | Represent an orthogonally corrected 2D parametric path |
COrthogonalSwath2DPathFilter | Filter that optimizes a 2D path relative to an image |
COtsuMultipleThresholdsCalculator | Computes Otsu's multiple thresholds for a histogram |
COtsuMultipleThresholdsImageFilter | Threshold an image using multiple Otsu Thresholds |
COtsuThresholdCalculator | Computes the Otsu's threshold for an image |
COtsuThresholdImageFilter | Threshold an image using the Otsu Threshold |
COutputDataObjectConstIterator | A forward iterator over outputs of a ProcessObject |
COutputDataObjectIterator | A forward iterator over outputs of a ProcessObject |
COutputWindow | Messages sent from the system are collected by this object |
CPadImageFilter | Increase the image size by padding. Superclass for filters that fill in extra pixels |
CPadImageFilterBase | Increase the image size by padding. Superclass for filters that fill in extra pixels |
CPadLabelMapFilter | Pad a LabelMap image |
CParallelSparseFieldCityBlockNeighborList | A convenience class for storing indices which reference neighbor pixels within a neighborhood |
►CParallelSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter | This class implements a finite difference partial differential equation solver for evolving surfaces embedded in volumes as level-sets |
CThreadDataUnaligned | |
CParallelSparseFieldLevelSetNode | |
CParameterizationQuadEdgeMeshFilter | Compute a planar parameterization of the input mesh |
CParametricBlindLeastSquaresDeconvolutionImageFilter | Least-squares blind deconvolution filter that also estimates the parameters of a user-supplied parametric point-spread function |
CParametricImageSource | Base class for all parametric image sources |
CParametricPath | Represent a parametric path through ND Space |
CParametricSpaceToImageSpaceMeshFilter | ParametricSpaceToImageSpaceMeshFilter takes an itk::Mesh on which the point Data is expected to contain itk::Index of itk::Image pixels associated with each point of the Mesh, and construct with them a new mesh whose points are in the coordinates of those pixels |
CParticleSwarmOptimizer | Implementation of a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm |
►CParticleSwarmOptimizerBase | Abstract implementation of a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm |
CParticleData | |
CPasteImageFilter | Paste an image (or a constant value) into another image |
CPatchBasedDenoisingBaseImageFilter | Base class for patch-based denoising algorithms |
CPatchBasedDenoisingBaseImageFilterEnums | Contains all enum classes used by the PatchBasedDenoisingBaseImageFilter class |
►CPatchBasedDenoisingImageFilter | Derived class implementing a specific patch-based denoising algorithm, as detailed below |
CThreadDataStruct | |
CThreadFilterStruct | |
CPath | Represent a path through ND Space |
CPathAndImageToPathFilter | Base class for filters that take both a path and an image as input and produce a path as output |
CPathConstIterator | PathConstIterator iterates (traces) over a path through an image |
CPathIterator | PathIterator iterates (traces) over a path through an image |
CPathSource | Base class for all process objects that output path data |
CPathToChainCodePathFilter | Filter that produces a chain code version of a path |
CPathToImageFilter | Base class for filters that take a Path as input and produce an image as output. Base class for filters that take a Path as input and produce an image as output. By default, if the user does not specify the size of the output image, the maximum size of the path's bounding box is used. The default spacing of the image is given by the spacing of the input path (currently assumed internally to be 1.0) |
CPathToPathFilter | Base class for filters that take a path as input and produce a path as output |
CPCAShapeSignedDistanceFunction | Compute the signed distance from a N-dimensional PCA Shape |
CPDEDeformableRegistrationFilter | Deformably register two images using a PDE algorithm |
CPDEDeformableRegistrationFunction | |
CPeriodicBoundaryCondition | A function object that determines values outside of image boundaries according to periodic (wrap-around) conditions |
CPermuteAxesImageFilter | Permutes the image axes according to a user specified order |
CPhasedArray3DSpecialCoordinatesImage | Templated 3D nonrectilinear-coordinate image class for phased-array "range" images |
CPhysicalPointImageSource | Generate an image of the physical locations of each pixel |
CPipelineMonitorImageFilter | Enables monitoring, recording and debugging of the pipeline execution and information exchange |
CPixelAccessor | Give access to partial aspects of a type |
CPixelTraits | Traits for a pixel that define the dimension and component type |
CPNGImageIO | ImageIO object for reading and writing PNG images |
CPNGImageIOFactory | Create instances of PNGImageIO objects using an object factory |
CPoint | A templated class holding a geometric point in n-Dimensional space |
CPoint1D | |
CPointBasedSpatialObject | This class serves as the base class for point-based spatial objects |
CPointSet | A superclass of the N-dimensional mesh structure; supports point (geometric coordinate and attribute) definition |
CPointSetBase | A superclass of PointSet supports point (geometric coordinate and attribute) definition |
CPointSetFunction | Evaluates a function of an image at specified position |
CPointSetToImageFilter | Base class for filters that take a PointSet as input and produce an image as output. By default, if the user does not specify the size of the output image, the maximum size of the point-set's bounding box is used |
CPointSetToImageMetric | Computes similarity between a point set and an image |
CPointSetToImageRegistrationMethod | Base class for PointSet to Image Registration Methods |
CPointSetToPointSetMetric | Computes similarity between two point sets |
CPointSetToPointSetMetricv4 | Computes similarity between two point sets |
CPointSetToPointSetMetricWithIndexv4 | Computes similarity between two point sets |
CPointSetToPointSetRegistrationMethod | Base class for PointSet to PointSet Registration Methods |
CPointSetToSpatialObjectDemonsRegistration | Implementation of Demons Registration between a PointSet and a SpatialObject |
CPointsLocator | Accelerate geometric searches for points |
CPolygonCell | Represents a polygon in a Mesh |
CPolygonGroupSpatialObjectXMLFileReader | |
CPolygonGroupSpatialObjectXMLFileWriter | |
CPolygonSpatialObject | TODO |
CPolyLineCell | Represents a series of connected line segments for a Mesh |
CPolylineMask2DImageFilter | Implements 2D image masking operation constrained by a contour |
CPolylineMaskImageFilter | Implements image masking operation constrained by a polyline on a plane perpendicular to certain viewing direction |
CPolyLineParametricPath | Represent a path of line segments through ND Space |
►CPoolMultiThreader | A class for performing multithreaded execution with a thread pool back end |
CThreadPoolInfoStruct | |
CPowellOptimizer | Implements Powell optimization using Brent line search |
CPowellOptimizerv4 | Implements Powell optimization using Brent line search |
CPriorityQueueContainer | |
CProcessAborted | |
CProcessObject | The base class for all process objects (source, filters, mappers) in the Insight data processing pipeline |
►CProgressAccumulator | Facilitates progress reporting for filters that wrap around multiple other filters |
CFilterRecord | |
CProgressReporter | Implements progress tracking for a filter |
CProgressTransformer | Transforms progress updates from [0%, 100%] to desired scale |
CProjectedIterativeDeconvolutionImageFilter | Mix-in class that adds a projection step after each iteration |
CProjectedLandweberDeconvolutionImageFilter | Deconvolve an image using the projected Landweber deconvolution algorithm |
CProjectionImageFilter | Implements an accumulation of an image along a selected direction |
CPyCommand | Command subclass that calls a Python callable object, e.g. a Python function |
CPyImageFilter | ImageToImageFilter subclass that calls a Python callable object, e.g. a Python function or a class with a call method |
CQuadEdge | Base class for the implementation of a quad-edge data structure as proposed in "Guibas and Stolfi 1985" |
CQuadEdgeMesh | Mesh class for 2D manifolds embedded in ND space |
CQuadEdgeMeshBaseIterator | Base iterator class for QuadEdgeMesh |
CQuadEdgeMeshBoundaryEdgesMeshFunction | Build a list of references to edges (as GeometricalQuadEdge::RawPointer) each one representing a different boundary component |
CQuadEdgeMeshConstFrontIterator | Const quad edge mesh front iterator |
CQuadEdgeMeshConstIterator | Const iterator for QuadEdgeMesh |
CQuadEdgeMeshConstIteratorGeom | Const geometrical iterator |
CQuadEdgeMeshDecimationCriterion | |
CQuadEdgeMeshDecimationQuadricElementHelper | TODO explicit specification for VDimension=3!!! |
CQuadEdgeMeshEulerOperatorCreateCenterVertexFunction | Create a vertex at the barycenter of the given face |
CQuadEdgeMeshEulerOperatorDeleteCenterVertexFunction | Delete the vertex, connected edges and faces and create a new face in place of the previous vertex' one-ring |
CQuadEdgeMeshEulerOperatorFlipEdgeFunction | Flip an edge |
CQuadEdgeMeshEulerOperatorFlipEdgeFunctionEnums | Contains enumerations for QuadEdgeMeshEulerOperatorFlipEdgeFunction class |
CQuadEdgeMeshEulerOperatorJoinFacetFunction | Join the two facets which are on both sides of a given internal edge |
CQuadEdgeMeshEulerOperatorJoinVertexFunction | Collapse a given edge by joining its dest and its org |
CQuadEdgeMeshEulerOperatorSplitEdgeFunction | Given Edge is split into two and associated faces see their degree increased by one (a triangle is transformed into a quad for example) |
CQuadEdgeMeshEulerOperatorSplitFacetFunction | Given two edges h and g sharing the same Left() face, create a new edge joining h->Destination() to g->Destination(), thus splitting the original Left() |
CQuadEdgeMeshEulerOperatorSplitVertexFunction | Split a vertex into two new connected vertices |
CQuadEdgeMeshExtendedTraits | Extended traits for a QuadEdgeMesh |
►CQuadEdgeMeshFrontBaseIterator | Front iterator on Mesh class |
CFrontAtom | Atomic information associated to each edge of the front |
CQuadEdgeMeshFrontIterator | Non const quad edge front iterator |
CQuadEdgeMeshFunctionBase | Base class for mesh function object modifiers |
CQuadEdgeMeshIterator | Non const iterator for QuadMesh |
CQuadEdgeMeshIteratorGeom | Non const geometrical iterator |
CQuadEdgeMeshLineCell | Class that connects the QuadEdgeMesh with the Mesh |
CQuadEdgeMeshPoint | Wrapper around a itk::Point in order to add a reference to an entry in the edge ring |
CQuadEdgeMeshPolygonCell | |
CQuadEdgeMeshScalarDataVTKPolyDataWriter | This class saves a QuadMesh into a VTK-legacy file format, including its scalar data associated with points |
CQuadEdgeMeshTopologyChecker | Make some basic checks in order to verify that the considered mesh is not degenerated and correctly represents a surface with a potential boundary |
CQuadEdgeMeshToQuadEdgeMeshFilter | Duplicates the content of a Mesh |
CQuadEdgeMeshTraits | Class holding the traits of the QuadEdgeMesh |
CQuadEdgeMeshZipMeshFunction | Fuse the incoming edge and its Onext() follower (like a zipper does) |
CQuadraticEdgeCell | Represents a second order line segment for a Mesh |
CQuadraticTriangleCell | Represents a second order triangular patch for a Mesh |
CQuadraticTriangleCellTopology | QuadraticTriangleCellTopology holds data defining the topological connections of the vertices and edges of a TriangleCell |
CQuadricDecimationQuadEdgeMeshFilter | Quadric decimation |
CQuadrilateralCell | Represents a quadrilateral for a Mesh |
CQuadrilateralCellTopology | Holds data defining the topological connections of the vertices and edges of a QuadrilateralCell |
CQuasiNewtonOptimizerv4EstimateNewtonStepThreaderTemplate | Estimate the quasi-Newton step in a thread |
CQuasiNewtonOptimizerv4Template | Implement a Quasi-Newton optimizer with BFGS Hessian estimation |
CQuaternionRigidTransform | QuaternionRigidTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
CQuaternionRigidTransformGradientDescentOptimizer | Implement a gradient descent optimizer |
CRandomImageSource | Generate an n-dimensional image of random pixel values |
CRandomPermutation | Produce a random permutation of a collection |
CRangeError | |
CRankImageFilter | Rank filter of a greyscale image |
CRawImageIO | Read and write raw binary images |
CRawImageIOFactory | |
CRayCastInterpolateImageFunction | Projective interpolation of an image at specified positions |
CRealTimeClock | Provides a timestamp from a real-time clock |
CRealTimeInterval | A data structure for representing the time span between two RealTimeStamps, with similar high precision and a large dynamic range to what the RealTimeStamps offer |
CRealTimeStamp | The RealTimeStamp is a data structure for representing time with high precision and a large dynamic range |
CRealToHalfHermitianForwardFFTImageFilter | Base class for specialized real-to-complex forward Fast Fourier Transform |
CReceptorMemberCommand | A Command subclass that calls a pointer to a member function |
CReconstructionByDilationImageFilter | Grayscale reconstruction by dilation of an image |
CReconstructionByErosionImageFilter | Grayscale reconstruction by erosion of an image |
CReconstructionImageFilter | Performs a grayscale geodesic reconstruction – for performance comparison with GrayscaleGeodesicDilateImageFilter |
CRectangularImageNeighborhoodShape | |
CRecursiveGaussianImageFilter | Base class for computing IIR convolution with an approximation of a Gaussian kernel |
CRecursiveGaussianImageFilterEnums | Contains all enum classes used by RecursiveGaussianImageFilter class |
CRecursiveMultiResolutionPyramidImageFilter | Creates a multi-resolution pyramid using a recursive implementation |
CRecursiveSeparableImageFilter | Base class for recursive convolution with a kernel |
CRedPixelAccessor | Give access to the red component of a RGBPixel type |
CReflectiveImageRegionConstIterator | Multi-dimensional image iterator which only walks a region |
CReflectiveImageRegionIterator | Multi-dimensional image iterator which only walks a region |
CRegion | A region represents some portion or piece of data |
CRegionalMaximaImageFilter | Produce a binary image where foreground is the regional maxima of the input image |
CRegionalMinimaImageFilter | Produce a binary image where foreground is the regional minima of the input image |
►CRegionBasedLevelSetFunction | LevelSet function that computes a speed image based on regional integrals |
CGlobalDataStruct | |
CRegionBasedLevelSetFunctionData | Helper class used to share data in the ScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunction |
CRegionBasedLevelSetFunctionSharedData | Helper class used to share data in the ScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunction |
CRegionFromReferenceLabelMapFilter | Set the region from a reference image |
CRegionGrowImageFilter | Base class for RegionGrowImageFilter object |
CRegionOfInterestImageFilter | Extract a region of interest from the input image |
CRegistrationParameterScalesEstimator | Implements a registration helper class for estimating scales of transform parameters and step sizes |
CRegistrationParameterScalesEstimatorEnums | This class contains all the enum classes used by RegistrationParameterScalesEstimator class |
CRegistrationParameterScalesFromIndexShift | Registration helper class for estimating scales of transform parameters from the maximum voxel shift in image index space caused by a parameter change |
CRegistrationParameterScalesFromJacobian | Implements a registration helper class for estimating scales of transform parameters from Jacobian norms |
CRegistrationParameterScalesFromPhysicalShift | Registration helper class for estimating scales of transform parameters a step sizes, from the maximum voxel shift in physical space caused by a parameter change |
CRegistrationParameterScalesFromShiftBase | Registration helper base class for estimating scales of transform parameters from the maximum voxel shift caused by a parameter change |
CRegularExpressionSeriesFileNames | Generate an ordered sequence of filenames that match a regular expression |
CRegularizedHeavisideStepFunction | Base class of the Regularized (smoothed) Heaviside functions |
CRegularSphereMeshSource | Inputs are the center of the mesh, the scale (radius in each dimension) of the mesh and a resolution parameter, which corresponds to the recursion depth while creating a spherical triangle mesh |
CRegularStepGradientDescentBaseOptimizer | Implement a gradient descent optimizer |
CRegularStepGradientDescentBaseOptimizerEnums | Contains all enum classes for RegularStepGradientDescentBaseOptimizer class |
CRegularStepGradientDescentOptimizer | Implement a gradient descent optimizer |
CRegularStepGradientDescentOptimizerv4 | Regular Step Gradient descent optimizer |
CReinitializeLevelSetImageFilter | Reinitialize the level set to the signed distance function |
►CRelabelComponentImageFilter | Relabel the components in an image such that consecutive labels are used |
CRelabelComponentObjectType | |
CRelabelLabelMapFilter | This filter relabels the LabelObjects; the new labels are arranged consecutively with consideration for the background value |
CRenyiEntropyThresholdCalculator | Computes the RenyiEntropy's threshold for an image |
CRenyiEntropyThresholdImageFilter | Threshold an image using the RenyiEntropy Threshold |
CResampleImageFilter | Resample an image via a coordinate transform |
CRescaleIntensityImageFilter | Applies a linear transformation to the intensity levels of the input Image |
CResourceProbe | Computes the change of a value between two points in code |
CResourceProbesCollectorBase | Aggregates a set of probes |
CRGBAPixel | Represent Red, Green, Blue and Alpha components for color images |
CRGBGibbsPriorFilter | The RGBGibbsPriorFilter applies Gibbs Prior model for the segmentation of MRF images |
CRGBPixel | Represent Red, Green and Blue components for color images |
CRGBToLuminanceImageAdaptor | Presents a color image as being composed of the Luminance of its pixels |
CRGBToLuminanceImageFilter | Converts an RGB image into a grayscale image |
CRGBToVectorImageAdaptor | Presents an image of pixel type RGBPixel as being and image of Vectors |
CRichardsonLucyDeconvolutionImageFilter | Deconvolve an image using the Richardson-Lucy deconvolution algorithm |
CRigid2DTransform | Rigid2DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
CRigid3DPerspectiveTransform | Rigid3DTramsform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
CRigid3DTransform | Rigid3DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
CRingBuffer | Templated ring buffer for holding anything |
CRobustAutomaticThresholdCalculator | Compute the robust automatic threshold |
CRobustAutomaticThresholdImageFilter | Threshold an image using robust automatic threshold selection (RATS) method |
CRoundImageFilter | Rounds the value of each pixel |
CSaltAndPepperNoiseImageFilter | Alter an image with fixed value impulse noise, often called salt and pepper noise |
CScalableAffineTransform | Affine transformation with a specified center of rotation |
CScalarAnisotropicDiffusionFunction | |
CScalarChanAndVeseDenseLevelSetImageFilter | Dense implementation of the Chan and Vese multiphase level set image filter |
CScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunction | LevelSet function that computes a speed image based on regional integrals of probabilities |
CScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunctionData | Helper class used to share data in the ScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunction |
CScalarChanAndVeseSparseLevelSetImageFilter | Sparse implementation of the Chan and Vese multiphase level set image filter |
CScalarConnectedComponentImageFilter | A connected components filter that labels the objects in an arbitrary image. Two pixels are similar if they are within threshold of each other. Uses ConnectedComponentFunctorImageFilter |
CScalarImageKmeansImageFilter | Classifies the intensity values of a scalar image using the K-Means algorithm |
CScalarRegionBasedLevelSetFunction | LevelSet function that computes a speed image based on regional integrals |
CScalarToRGBColormapImageFilter | Implements pixel-wise intensity->rgb mapping operation on one image |
CScalarToRGBColormapImageFilterEnums | Contains all enum classes for ScalarToRGBColormapImageFilter class |
CScaleLogarithmicTransform | Logarithmic Scale transformation of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
CScaleSkewVersor3DTransform | ScaleSkewVersor3DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
CScaleTransform | Scale transformation of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
CScaleVersor3DTransform | This transform applies a Versor rotation, translation and anisotropic scale to the space |
►CScanlineFilterCommon | Helper class for a group of filters which operate on scan-lines |
CRunLength | |
CWorkUnitData | |
CScatterMatrixImageFunction | Calculate the scatter matrix in the neighborhood of a pixel in a Vector image |
CSegmentationBorder | Base class for SegmentationBorder object |
CSegmentationLevelSetFunction | |
CSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter | A base class which defines the API for implementing a special class of image segmentation filters using level set methods |
CSegmentationRegion | Base class for SegmentationRegion object |
CShanbhagThresholdCalculator | Computes the Shanbhag threshold for an image. Aka intermeans |
CShanbhagThresholdImageFilter | Threshold an image using the Shanbhag Threshold |
CShapeDetectionLevelSetFunction | This function is used in the ShapeDetectionLevelSetImageFilter to segment structures in an image based on a user supplied edge potential map |
CShapeDetectionLevelSetImageFilter | Segments structures in images based on a user supplied edge potential map |
CShapedFloodFilledFunctionConditionalConstIterator | Iterates over a flood-filled spatial function with read-only access to pixels |
CShapedFloodFilledImageFunctionConditionalConstIterator | Iterates over a flood-filled image function with read-only access to pixels |
CShapedFloodFilledImageFunctionConditionalIterator | Iterates over a flood-filled image function with write access to pixels |
►CShapedImageNeighborhoodRange | |
CCheckPolicy | |
CEmptyPixelAccessParameter | |
COptionalPixelAccessParameter | |
COptionalPixelAccessParameter< TPolicy, false > | |
CPixelProxy | |
CPixelProxy< false, TDummy > | |
CPixelProxy< true, TDummy > | |
CQualifiedIterator | |
CRegionData | |
►CShapedNeighborhoodIterator | A neighborhood iterator which can take on an arbitrary shape |
CIterator | |
CShapeKeepNObjectsLabelMapFilter | Keep N objects according to their shape attributes |
CShapeLabelMapFilter | The valuator class for the ShapeLabelObject |
CShapeLabelObject | A Label object to store the common attributes related to the shape of the object |
CShapeOpeningLabelMapFilter | Remove objects according to the value of their shape attribute |
CShapePositionLabelMapFilter | Mark a single pixel in the label object which correspond to a position given by an attribute |
CShapePriorMAPCostFunction | Represents the maximum aprior (MAP) cost function used ShapePriorSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter to estimate the shape parameters |
CShapePriorMAPCostFunctionBase | Represents the base class of maximum aprior (MAP) cost function used ShapePriorSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter to estimate the shape parameters |
►CShapePriorSegmentationLevelSetFunction | This function is used in ShapePriorSegmentationLevelSetFilter to segment structures in an image based on user supplied edge potential map and shape model |
CShapePriorGlobalDataStruct | |
CShapePriorSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter | A base class which defines the API for implementing a level set segmentation filter with statistical shape influence |
CShapeRelabelImageFilter | Relabel objects according to their shape attributes |
CShapeRelabelLabelMapFilter | Relabels objects according to their shape attributes |
CShapeSignedDistanceFunction | Base class for functions which evaluates the signed distance from a shape |
►CShapeUniqueLabelMapFilter | Remove some pixels in the label object according to the value of their shape attribute to ensure that a pixel is not in to objects |
CLineOfLabelObject | |
CLineOfLabelObjectComparator | |
CShiftScaleImageFilter | Shift and scale the pixels in an image |
CShiftScaleLabelMapFilter | Shifts and scales a label map filter, giving the option to change the background value |
CShiSparseLevelSetImage | Derived class for the shi representation of level-set function |
CShotNoiseImageFilter | Alter an image with shot noise |
CShrinkImageFilter | Reduce the size of an image by an integer factor in each dimension |
CSiemensVisionImageIO | Class that defines how to read SiemensVision file format |
CSiemensVisionImageIOFactory | Create instances of SiemensVisionImageIO objects using an object factory |
CSigmoidImageFilter | Computes the sigmoid function pixel-wise |
CSignedDanielssonDistanceMapImageFilter | This filter computes the signed distance map of the input image as an approximation with pixel accuracy to the Euclidean distance |
CSignedMaurerDistanceMapImageFilter | This filter calculates the Euclidean distance transform of a binary image in linear time for arbitrary dimensions |
CSimilarity2DTransform | Similarity2DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
CSimilarity3DTransform | Similarity3DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
CSimilarityIndexImageFilter | Measures the similarity between the set of non-zero pixels of two images |
CSimpleConstMemberCommand | A Command subclass that calls a pointer to a member function |
CSimpleContourExtractorImageFilter | Computes an image of contours which will be the contour of the first image |
CSimpleDataObjectDecorator | Decorates any "simple" data type (data types without smart pointers) with a DataObject API |
CSimpleFilterWatcher | Simple mechanism for monitoring the pipeline events of a filter and reporting these events to std::cout |
CSimpleMemberCommand | A Command subclass that calls a pointer to a member function |
CSimpleWisdomFilenameGenerator | |
CSimplexMesh | The class represents a 2-simplex mesh |
►CSimplexMeshAdaptTopologyFilter | This filter changes the topology of a 2-simplex mesh |
CSimplexCellVisitor | |
CSimplexMeshGeometry | Handle geometric properties for vertices of a simplex mesh |
►CSimplexMeshToTriangleMeshFilter | This filter converts a 2-simplex mesh into a triangle mesh |
CSimplexCellVisitor | |
►CSimplexMeshVolumeCalculator | Adapted from itkSimplexMeshToTriangleFilter to calculate the volume of a simplex mesh using the barycenters and normals. call Compute() to calculate the volume and GetVolume() to get the value. For an example see itkDeformableSimplexMesh3DFilter.cxx (Thomas Boettger. Division Medical and Biological Informatics, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg.) |
CSimplexCellVisitor | |
►CSingletonIndex | Implementation detail |
CGlobalObject | |
CSingleValuedCostFunction | This class is a base for the CostFunctions returning a single value |
CSingleValuedCostFunctionv4Template | This class is a base for a CostFunction that returns a single value |
CSingleValuedNonLinearOptimizer | This class is a base for the Optimization methods that optimize a single valued function |
CSingleValuedNonLinearVnlOptimizer | This class is a base for the Optimization methods that optimize a single valued function |
CSingleValuedNonLinearVnlOptimizerv4 | This is a base for the ITKv4 Optimization methods using the vnl library |
CSingleValuedVnlCostFunctionAdaptor | This class is an Adaptor that allows to pass itk::SingleValuedCostFunctions to vnl_optimizers expecting a vnl_cost_function |
CSingleValuedVnlCostFunctionAdaptorv4 | This class is an Adaptor that allows to pass itk::ObjectToObjectMetricBase objects to vnl_optimizers expecting a vnl_cost_function. For use in the ITKv4 registration framework |
CSinImageAdaptor | Presents an image as being composed of the std::sin() of its pixels |
CSinImageFilter | Computes the sine of each pixel |
CSinRegularizedHeavisideStepFunction | Sin-based implementation of the Regularized (smoothed) Heaviside functions |
CSize | Represent a n-dimensional size (bounds) of a n-dimensional image |
CSliceBySliceImageFilter | Apply a filter or a pipeline slice by slice on an image |
CSliceImageFilter | Slices an image based on a starting index and a stopping index, and a step size |
CSliceIterator | A flexible iterator for itk containers(i.e. itk::Neighborhood) that support pixel access through operator[] |
►CSLICImageFilter | Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) super-pixel segmentation |
CUpdateCluster | |
CSmapsData_2_6 | Read a smaps stream and return the memory usage information. Smaps files have been added since the linux kernel 2.6 |
CSmapsFileParser | Read a smap file (typically located in /proc/PID/smaps) and extract the memory usage information. Any smaps data reader can be used in template as long as they implement a operator>>(istream&) and have GetXXXUsage() methods |
CSmapsRecord | An entry in a smaps file |
CSmartPointer | Implements transparent reference counting |
CSmoothingQuadEdgeMeshFilter | QuadEdgeMesh Smoothing Filter |
CSmoothingRecursiveGaussianImageFilter | Computes the smoothing of an image by convolution with the Gaussian kernels implemented as IIR filters |
CSobelEdgeDetectionImageFilter | A 2D or 3D edge detection using the Sobel operator |
CSobelOperator | A NeighborhoodOperator for performing a directional Sobel edge-detection operation at a pixel location |
CSparseFieldCityBlockNeighborList | A convenience class for storing indices which reference neighbor pixels within a neighborhood |
CSparseFieldFourthOrderLevelSetImageFilter | This class implements the fourth order level set PDE framework |
►CSparseFieldLayer | A very simple linked list that is used to manage nodes in a layer of a sparse field level-set solver |
CRegionType | |
CSparseFieldLayerIterator | The non-const version of the ConstSparseFieldLayerIterator |
CSparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter | This class implements a finite difference partial differential equation solver for evolving surfaces embedded in volumes as level-sets |
CSparseFieldLevelSetNode | |
CSparseImage | A storage type for sparse image data |
CSpatialFunction | N-dimensional spatial function class |
CSpatialFunctionImageEvaluatorFilter | Evaluates a SpatialFunction onto a source image |
CSpatialObject | Implementation of the composite pattern |
CSpatialObjectDuplicator | |
CSpatialObjectFactory | Create instances of SpatialObjects |
CSpatialObjectFactoryBase | Create instances of SpatialObjects |
CSpatialObjectPoint | Point used for spatial objects |
CSpatialObjectProperty | |
CSpatialObjectReader | |
CSpatialObjectToImageFilter | Base class for filters that take a SpatialObject as input and produce an image as output. By default, if the user does not specify the size of the output image, the maximum size of the object's bounding box is used. The spacing of the image is given by the spacing of the input Spatial object |
CSpatialObjectToImageStatisticsCalculator | |
CSpatialObjectToPointSetFilter | Base class for filters that take a SpatialObject as input and produce a PointSet as output. The pointset created is in physical space |
CSpatialObjectWriter | TODO |
CSpatialOrientationAdapter | Converts SpatialOrientationEnums to/from direction cosines |
CSpatialOrientationEnums | Enums for spatial orientation of images |
CSpecialCoordinatesImage | Templated n-dimensional nonrectilinear-coordinate image base class |
CSpeckleNoiseImageFilter | Alter an image with speckle (multiplicative) noise |
CSphereSignedDistanceFunction | Compute the signed distance from a N-dimensional sphere |
CSphereSpatialFunction | Spatial function implementation of a sphere |
CSPSAOptimizer | An optimizer based on simultaneous perturbation.. |
CSPSAOptimizerEnums | Contains all enum classes used by SPSAOptimizer class |
CSqrtImageAdaptor | Presents an image as being composed of the std::sqrt() of its pixels |
CSqrtImageFilter | Computes the square root of each pixel |
CSquaredDifferenceImageFilter | Implements pixel-wise the computation of squared difference |
CSquaredEdgeLengthDecimationQuadEdgeMeshFilter | |
CSquareImageFilter | Computes the square of the intensity values pixel-wise |
CStandardDeviationProjectionImageFilter | Mean projection |
CSTAPLEImageFilter | The STAPLE filter implements the Simultaneous Truth and Performance Level Estimation algorithm for generating ground truth volumes from a set of binary expert segmentations |
CStatisticsImageFilter | Compute min, max, variance and mean of an Image |
CStatisticsKeepNObjectsLabelMapFilter | Keep N objects according to their statistics attributes |
CStatisticsLabelMapFilter | The valuator class for the StatisticsLabelObject |
CStatisticsLabelObject | A Label object to store the common attributes related to the statistics of the object |
CStatisticsOpeningLabelMapFilter | Remove the objects according to the value of their statistics attribute |
CStatisticsPositionLabelMapFilter | Mark a single pixel in the label object which correspond to a position given by an attribute |
CStatisticsRelabelImageFilter | Relabel objects according to their shape attributes |
CStatisticsRelabelLabelMapFilter | Relabel objects according to their shape attributes |
CStatisticsUniqueLabelMapFilter | Remove some pixels in the label object according to the value of their statistics attribute to ensure that a pixel is not in multiple objects |
CStdStreamLogOutput | Represents a standard stream output stream |
CStdStreamStateSave | Save a stream's format state and restore it upon destruction |
CStimulateImageIO | ImageIO class for reading SDT/SPR (Stimulate) images This format is similar to a MetaImageIO file: The user should specify the .spr file (not the data file : .sdt) |
CStimulateImageIOFactory | Create instances of StimulateImageIO objects using an object factory |
CSTLConstContainerAdaptor | An adapter object that casts a [const itk::XxxContainer] into [const std::xxx] and enables access to the underlying data structure |
CSTLContainerAdaptor | An adapter object that casts a itk::XxxContainer into std::xxx and enables access to the underlying data structure |
CStochasticFractalDimensionImageFilter | This filter computes the stochastic fractal dimension of the input image |
CStoppingCriterionBase | An abstract base class to represent a stopping criterion for an iterative algorithm |
CStreamingImageFilter | Pipeline object to control data streaming for large data processing |
CStreamingImageIOBase | A base class for specific ImageIO file formats which support streaming |
CStreamingProcessObject | Base class interface to process data on multiple requested input chunks |
CStringTools | A set of tools to manipulate a string |
CStructHashFunction | Generic hash function for an arbitrary struct (or class) |
CSubtractImageFilter | Pixel-wise subtraction of two images |
CSumOfSquaresImageFunction | Calculate the sum of squares in the neighborhood of a pixel |
CSumProjectionImageFilter | Sum projection |
CSurfaceSpatialObject | Representation of a Surface based on the spatial object classes |
CSurfaceSpatialObjectPoint | Point used for a Surface definition |
CSymmetricEigenAnalysis | Find Eigen values of a real 2D symmetric matrix. It serves as a thread-safe alternative to the class: vnl_symmetric_eigensystem, which uses netlib routines |
CSymmetricEigenAnalysisEnums | This class contains all enum classes used by SymmetricEigenAnalysis class |
CSymmetricEigenAnalysisFixedDimension | |
CSymmetricEigenAnalysisFixedDimensionImageFilter | Computes the eigen-values of every input symmetric matrix pixel |
CSymmetricEigenAnalysisImageFilter | Computes the eigen-values of every input symmetric matrix pixel |
CSymmetricEllipsoidInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction | Function implementation of an ellipsoid |
CSymmetricForcesDemonsRegistrationFilter | Deformably register two images using the demons algorithm |
►CSymmetricForcesDemonsRegistrationFunction | |
CGlobalDataStruct | |
CSymmetricSecondRankTensor | Represent a symmetric tensor of second rank |
CSyNImageRegistrationMethod | Interface method for the performing greedy SyN image registration |
CSysResourceMemoryUsageObserver | |
CTanImageAdaptor | Presents an image as being composed of the std::tan() of its pixels |
CTanImageFilter | Computes the tangent of each input pixel |
CTBBMultiThreader | A class for performing multithreaded execution with a thread pool back end, uses the Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) library |
CTemporalDataObject | DataObject subclass with knowledge of temporal region |
CTemporalDataObjectEnums | Contains all enum classes used by TemporalUnit class |
CTemporalProcessObject | TemporalProcessObject implements a ProcessObject for the itk pipeline with the notion of a temporal region |
CTemporalRegion | Region subclass that holds a region in time |
CTensorFractionalAnisotropyImageFilter | Computes the Fractional Anisotropy for every pixel of a input tensor image |
CTensorRelativeAnisotropyImageFilter | Computes the Relative Anisotropy for every pixel of a input tensor image |
CTernaryAddImageFilter | Pixel-wise addition of three images |
CTernaryFunctorImageFilter | Implements pixel-wise generic operation of three images |
CTernaryGeneratorImageFilter | Implements pixel-wise generic operation of three images or images with constants |
CTernaryMagnitudeImageFilter | Compute the pixel-wise magnitude of three images |
CTernaryMagnitudeSquaredImageFilter | Compute the pixel-wise squared magnitude of three images |
CTernaryOperatorImageFilter | Return the value of input 2 if input 1 is false, and that of input 3 otherwise |
CTetrahedronCell | TetrahedronCell represents a tetrahedron for a Mesh |
CTetrahedronCellTopology | TetrahedronCellTopology holds data defining the topological connections of the vertices and edges of a TetrahedronCell |
CTextOutput | |
CThinPlateR2LogRSplineKernelTransform | |
CThinPlateSplineKernelTransform | |
CThreadedDomainPartitioner | Virtual base class for partitioning a domain into subsets to be processed per thread when parallel processing |
CThreadedImageRegionPartitioner | Class for partitioning of an ImageRegion |
CThreadedIndexedContainerPartitioner | Partitions an indexed container |
CThreadedIteratorRangePartitioner | Partitions an iterator range for threading |
CThreadedIteratorRangePartitionerDomain | Domain type for the ThreadedIteratorRangePartitioner |
CThreadLogger | Providing logging service as a separate thread |
CThreadPool | Thread pool maintains a constant number of threads |
CThresholdImageFilter | Set image values to a user-specified value if they are below, above, or outside threshold values |
CThresholdLabelerImageFilter | Label an input image according to a set of thresholds |
CThresholdMaximumConnectedComponentsImageFilter | Finds the threshold value of an image based on maximizing the number of objects in the image that are larger than a given minimal size |
CThresholdSegmentationLevelSetFunction | This function is used in ThresholdSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter to segment structures in images based on intensity values |
CThresholdSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter | Segments structures in images based on intensity values |
CTIFFImageIO | ImageIO object for reading and writing TIFF images |
CTIFFImageIOFactory | Create instances of TIFFImageIO objects using an object factory |
CTikhonovDeconvolutionImageFilter | An inverse deconvolution filter regularized in the Tikhonov sense |
►CTileImageFilter | Tile multiple input images into a single output image |
CTileInfo | |
CTimeProbe | Computes the time passed between two points in code |
CTimeProbesCollectorBase | Aggregates a set of time probes |
CTimeStamp | Generate a unique, increasing time value |
CTimeVaryingBSplineVelocityFieldImageRegistrationMethod | Interface method for the current registration framework using the time varying velocity field transform |
CTimeVaryingBSplineVelocityFieldTransform | Integrate a time-varying velocity field represented by a B-spline control point lattice |
CTimeVaryingBSplineVelocityFieldTransformParametersAdaptor | TimeVaryingBSplineVelocityFieldTransformParametersAdaptor is a helper class intended to definition |
CTimeVaryingVelocityFieldImageRegistrationMethodv4 | Interface method for the current registration framework using the time varying velocity field transform |
CTimeVaryingVelocityFieldIntegrationImageFilter | Integrate a time-varying velocity field using 4th order Runge-Kutta |
CTimeVaryingVelocityFieldTransform | Transform objects based on integration of a time-varying velocity field |
CTimeVaryingVelocityFieldTransformParametersAdaptor | TimeVaryingVelocityFieldTransformParametersAdaptor is a helper class intended to definition |
CTobogganImageFilter | Toboggan image segmentation The Toboggan segmentation takes a gradient magnitude image as input and produces an (over-)segmentation of the image based on connecting each pixel to a local minimum of gradient. It is roughly equivalent to a watershed segmentation of the lowest level |
CTorusInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction | Spatial function implementation of torus symmetric about the z-axis in 3D |
CTotalProgressReporter | A progress reporter for concurrent threads |
CTransform | Transform points and vectors from an input space to an output space |
CTransformBaseTemplateEnums | Contains all enum classes used by TransformBaseTemplate class |
CTransformFactory | Create instances of Transforms |
CTransformFactoryBase | Create instances of Transforms |
CTransformFileReaderTemplate | TODO |
CTransformFileWriterTemplate | TODO |
CTransformGeometryImageFilter | Modify an image's geometric meta-data, changing its "physical" extent |
CTransformIOBaseTemplate | Abstract superclass defining the Transform IO interface |
CTransformIOFactoryTemplate | Create instances of TransformIO objects using an object factory |
CTransformMeshFilter | TransformMeshFilter applies a transform to all the points of a mesh |
CTransformParametersAdaptor | Base helper class intended for multi-resolution image registration |
CTransformParametersAdaptorBase | Base helper class intended for multi-resolution image registration |
CTransformToDisplacementFieldFilter | Generate a displacement field from a coordinate transform |
CTranslationTransform | Translation transformation of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
CTriangleCell | |
CTriangleCellTopology | |
CTriangleHelper | A convenience class for computation of various triangle elements in 2D or 3D |
CTriangleMeshCurvatureCalculator | Calculator to compute curvature of a triangle mesh. Set the input triangle mesh and the required curvature type first. Default curvature type is Gauss. After computing curvature the result can be obtained using the getter method. It throws exception if the input mesh is not set. The implementation is the same as in VTK |
CTriangleMeshCurvatureCalculatorEnums | |
CTriangleMeshToBinaryImageFilter | 3D Rasterization algorithm Courtesy of Dr David Gobbi of Atamai Inc |
CTriangleMeshToSimplexMeshFilter | This filter converts a triangle mesh into a 2-simplex mesh |
CTriangleThresholdCalculator | Computes the Triangle's threshold for an image |
CTriangleThresholdImageFilter | Threshold an image using the Triangle Threshold |
CTubeSpatialObject | Representation of a tube based on the spatial object classes |
CTubeSpatialObjectPoint | Point used for a tube definition |
CTxtTransformIOFactory | Create instances of TxtTransformIO objects using an object factory |
CTxtTransformIOTemplate | Create instances of TxtTransformIOTemplate objects |
CUnaryCorrespondenceMatrix | A matrix used to store the Unary Metric for medial node comparisons between two images |
CUnaryFrequencyDomainFilter | Performs a unary operation on a frequency domain image |
CUnaryFunctorImageFilter | Implements pixel-wise generic operation on one image |
CUnaryGeneratorImageFilter | Implements pixel-wise generic "operation" on one image |
CUnconstrainedRegionBasedLevelSetFunctionSharedData | Helper class used to share data in the ScalarChanAndVeseLevelSetFunction |
►CUnsharpMaskImageFilter | Edge enhancement filter |
CUnsharpMaskingFunctor | |
CUnsharpMaskLevelSetImageFilter | This class implements a detail enhancing filter by making use of the 4th-order level set isotropic diffusion (smoothing) PDE |
CUpdateMalcolmSparseLevelSet | Base class for updating the Malcolm representation of level-set function |
CUpdateShiSparseLevelSet | Base class for updating the Shi representation of level-set function |
CUpdateWhitakerSparseLevelSet | Base class for updating the level-set function |
CValarrayImageContainer | Defines a front-end to the std\::<valarray> container that conforms to the ImageContainerInterface |
CValuedRegionalExtremaImageFilter | Uses a flooding algorithm to set all voxels that are not a regional extrema to the max or min of the pixel type |
CValuedRegionalMaximaImageFilter | Transforms the image so that any pixel that is not a regional maxima is set to the minimum value for the pixel type. Pixels that are regional maxima retain their value |
CValuedRegionalMinimaImageFilter | Transforms the image so that any pixel that is not a regional minima is set to the maximum value for the pixel type. Pixels that are regional minima retain their value |
CVanHerkGilWermanDilateImageFilter | |
CVanHerkGilWermanErodeDilateImageFilter | Class to implement erosions and dilations using anchor methods. This is the base class that must be instantiated with appropriate definitions of greater, less and so on. The SetBoundary facility isn't necessary for operation of the anchor method but is included for compatibility with other morphology classes in itk |
CVanHerkGilWermanErodeImageFilter | |
►CVariableLengthVector | Represents an array whose length can be defined at run-time |
CAllocateRootPolicy | |
CAlwaysReallocate | |
CDontShrinkToFit | |
CDumpOldValues | |
CKeepOldValues | |
CKeepValuesRootPolicy | |
CNeverReallocate | |
CShrinkToFit | |
CVariableLengthVectorExpression | |
CVariableSizeMatrix | A templated class holding a M x N size Matrix |
CVarianceImageFunction | Calculate the variance in the neighborhood of a pixel |
CVector | A templated class holding a n-Dimensional vector |
CVectorAnisotropicDiffusionFunction | |
CVectorConfidenceConnectedImageFilter | Segment pixels with similar statistics using connectivity |
CVectorConnectedComponentImageFilter | A connected components filter that labels the objects in a vector image. Two vectors are pointing similar directions if one minus their dot product is less than a threshold. Vectors that are 180 degrees out of phase are similar. Assumes that vectors are normalized |
CVectorCurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter | |
CVectorCurvatureNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunction | |
CVectorGradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter | |
CVectorGradientMagnitudeImageFilter | Computes a scalar, gradient magnitude image from a multiple channel (pixels are vectors) input |
CVectorGradientNDAnisotropicDiffusionFunction | |
►CVectorImage | Templated n-dimensional vector image class |
CRebind | A structure which enable changing any image class' pixel type to another |
CVectorImageNeighborhoodAccessorFunctor | Provides accessor interfaces to Access pixels and is meant to be used on pointers to pixels held by the Neighborhood class |
CVectorImageToImageAdaptor | Presents a VectorImage and extracts a component from it into an image |
CVectorImageToImageMetricTraitsv4 | A simple structure holding type information for ImageToImageMetricv4 classes |
CVectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilter | Extracts the selected index of the vector that is the input pixel type |
CVectorInterpolateImageFunction | Base class for all vector image interpolators |
CVectorLinearInterpolateImageFunction | Linearly interpolate a vector image at specified positions |
CVectorLinearInterpolateNearestNeighborExtrapolateImageFunction | Linearly interpolate or NN extrapolate a vector image at specified positions |
CVectorMagnitudeImageFilter | Take an image of vectors as input and produce an image with the magnitude of those vectors |
CVectorMeanImageFunction | Calculate the mean value in the neighborhood of a pixel in a Vector image |
CVectorNearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction | Nearest neighbor interpolate a vector image at specified positions |
CVectorNeighborhoodInnerProduct | Defines the inner product operation between an itk::Neighborhood and an itk::NeighborhoodOperator |
CVectorNeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter | Applies a single scalar NeighborhoodOperator to an itk::Vector image region |
CVectorRescaleIntensityImageFilter | Applies a linear transformation to the magnitude of pixel vectors in a vector Image |
CVectorThresholdSegmentationLevelSetFunction | This function is used in VectorThresholdSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter to segment structures in images based on the Mahalanobis distance |
CVectorThresholdSegmentationLevelSetImageFilter | Segments structures in images based on intensity values |
CVectorToRGBImageAdaptor | Presents an image of pixel type Vector as being and image of RGBPixel type |
CVelocityFieldTransform | Provides local/dense/high-dimensionality transformation via a a velocity field |
CVersion | Track the current version of the software |
CVersor | A templated class holding a unit quaternion |
CVersorRigid3DTransform | VersorRigid3DTransform of a vector space (e.g. space coordinates) |
CVersorTransform | |
CVersorTransformOptimizer | Implement a gradient descent optimizer |
CVertexCell | Represents a single vertex for a Mesh |
CVideoFileReader | Reader that creates a VideoStream |
CVideoFileWriter | Writer that takes in a VideoStream and writes the frames to a file |
CVideoIOBase | Abstract superclass defines video IO interface |
CVideoIOBaseEnums | This contains all enum classes used from VideoIOBase class |
CVideoIOFactory | Create instances of VideoIO objects using an object factory |
CVideoIOFactoryEnums | Contains all enum classes used by VideoIOFactory class |
►CVideoSource | A TemporalProcessObject that produces a VideoStream |
CThreadStruct | |
CVideoStream | A DataObject that holds a buffered portion of a video |
CVideoToVideoFilter | Base class for filters that use a VideoStream as input and output |
Cvidl_itk_istream | Implementation of VXL's vidl_istream using an itk VideoStream |
CViewImage | Class with static function to visualize an image using just vtk. It accepts 2D and 3D images |
CVMMapData_10_2 | TODO |
CVMMapFileParser | Read the output of a vmmap command and extract the memory usage information. Used for MAC OS X machines |
CVMMapRecord | Contains an entry in a smaps file |
CVMMapSummaryRecord | Contains an entry in a smaps file |
CVnlComplexToComplex1DFFTImageFilter | Perform the FFT along one dimension of an image using Vnl as a backend |
CVnlComplexToComplexFFTImageFilter | VNL based complex to complex Fast Fourier Transform |
►CVnlFFTCommon | Common routines related to Vnl's FFT implementation |
CVnlFFTTransform | |
CVnlFFTImageFilterInitFactory | Initialize Vnl FFT image filter factory backends |
CVnlForward1DFFTImageFilter | Perform the FFT along one dimension of an image using Vnl as a backend |
CVnlForwardFFTImageFilter | VNL based forward Fast Fourier Transform |
CVnlHalfHermitianToRealInverseFFTImageFilter | VNL-based reverse Fast Fourier Transform |
CVnlInverse1DFFTImageFilter | Perform the FFT along one dimension of an image using Vnl as a backend |
CVnlInverseFFTImageFilter | VNL-based reverse Fast Fourier Transform |
CVnlRealToHalfHermitianForwardFFTImageFilter | VNL-based forward Fast Fourier Transform |
CVolumeSplineKernelTransform | |
►CVoronoiDiagram2D | Implements the 2-Dimensional Voronoi Diagram |
CVoronoiEdge | |
►CVoronoiDiagram2DGenerator | Implement the Sweep Line Algorithm for the construction of the 2D Voronoi Diagram |
CFortuneEdge | |
CFortuneHalfEdge | |
CFortuneSite | Small data structures for Fortune's Method and some public variables/methods not for external access |
CVoronoiPartitioningImageFilter | |
CVoronoiSegmentationImageFilter | |
CVoronoiSegmentationImageFilterBase | Base class for VoronoiSegmentationImageFilter |
CVoronoiSegmentationRGBImageFilter | |
CVotingBinaryHoleFillingImageFilter | Fills in holes and cavities by applying a voting operation on each pixel |
CVotingBinaryImageFilter | Applies a voting operation in a neighborhood of each pixel |
CVotingBinaryIterativeHoleFillingImageFilter | Fills in holes and cavities by iteratively applying a voting operation |
CVoxBoCUBImageIO | Read VoxBoCUBImage file format |
CVoxBoCUBImageIOFactory | Create instances of VoxBoCUBImageIO objects using an object factory |
CVTKImageExport | Connect the end of an ITK image pipeline to a VTK pipeline |
►CVTKImageExportBase | Superclass for VTKImageExport instantiations |
CCallbackTypeProxy | Provide compatibility between VTK 4.4 and earlier versions |
CVTKImageImport | Connect the end of an VTK pipeline to an ITK image pipeline |
CVTKImageIO | ImageIO class for reading VTK images |
CVTKImageIOFactory | Create instances of VTKImageIO objects using an object factory |
CVTKImageToImageFilter | Converts a VTK image into an ITK image and plugs a VTK data pipeline to an ITK datapipeline |
CVTKPolyDataMeshIO | This class defines how to read and write vtk legacy file format |
CVTKPolyDataMeshIOFactory | Create instances of VTKPolyDataMeshIO objects using an object factory |
CVTKPolyDataReader | Reads a vtkPolyData file and create an itkMesh |
CVTKPolyDataWriter | Writes an itkMesh to a file in VTK file format |
CVXLVideoIO | VideoIO object for reading and writing videos using VXL |
CVXLVideoIOFactory | Create instances of VXLVideoIO objects using an object factory |
CWarpHarmonicEnergyCalculator | Compute the harmonic energy of a deformation field |
CWarpImageFilter | Warps an image using an input displacement field |
CWarpMeshFilter | WarpMeshFilter applies a deformation field to all the points of a mesh. The deformation field is represented as an image of Vectors |
CWarpVectorImageFilter | Warps an image using an input displacement field |
CWatershedImageFilter | A low-level image analysis algorithm that automatically produces a hierarchy of segmented, labeled images from a scalar-valued image input |
CWatershedMiniPipelineProgressCommand | |
CWeakPointer | Implements a weak reference to an object |
CWeightedAddImageFilter | Computes a weighted sum of two images pixel-wise |
CWhitakerSparseLevelSetImage | Derived class for the sparse-field representation of level-set function |
CWhiteTopHatImageFilter | White top hat extracts local maxima that are larger than the structuring element |
CWienerDeconvolutionImageFilter | The Wiener deconvolution image filter is designed to restore an image convolved with a blurring kernel while keeping noise enhancement to a minimum |
CWindowedSincInterpolateImageFunction | Use the windowed sinc function to interpolate |
CWisdomFilenameGeneratorBase | |
CWrapPadImageFilter | Increase the image size by padding with replicants of the input image value |
CXMLFileOutputWindow | Messages sent from the system are sent to a file with each message enclosed by XML tags |
CXMLFilterWatcher | Simple mechanism for monitoring the pipeline events of a filter and reporting these events to std::cout. Formats reports with xml |
CXMLReader | Template base class for an XMLReader Its purpose really is just to define the simple interface for extracting the object resulting from reading the XML File. Since it doesn't define any of the pure virtual methods in XMLReaderBase, It can't be instantiated by itself |
CXMLReaderBase | |
CXMLWriterBase | |
CXor | |
CXorC | |
CXorImageFilter | Computes the XOR bitwise operator pixel-wise between two images |
CYenThresholdCalculator | Computes the Yen's threshold for an image |
CYenThresholdImageFilter | Threshold an image using the Yen Threshold |
CZeroCrossingBasedEdgeDetectionImageFilter | This filter implements a zero-crossing based edge detector |
CZeroCrossingImageFilter | This filter finds the closest pixel to the zero-crossings (sign changes) in a signed itk::Image |
CZeroFluxNeumannBoundaryCondition | A function object that determines a neighborhood of values at an image boundary according to a Neumann boundary condition where first, upwind derivatives on the boundary are zero. This is a useful condition in solving some classes of differential equations |
CZeroFluxNeumannImageNeighborhoodPixelAccessPolicy | |
CZeroFluxNeumannPadImageFilter | Increase the image size by padding according to the zero-flux Neumann boundary condition |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Ctuple_element< VTupleIndex, itk::ImageRegion< VImageDimension > > | |
Ctuple_size< itk::ImageRegion< VImageDimension > > | |
CAddImageFilter | |
CAddImageFilter | Pixel-wise addition of two images |
CAlgorithm | Algorithm or implementation used in the dilation/erosion operations |
CAnchorUtilities | Functionality in common for anchor openings/closings and erosions/dilation |
CArea | |
CBorderPick | |
CBorderTransform | |
CChoiceMethod | |
CComponentState | |
CCompression | |
CConnectivity | |
CCostFunction | Base class for cost functions intended to be used with Optimizers |
CCross | Compute the cross product of two vectors of dimension 3, independently of the type of the values of vector's elements |
CDecodingFormat | |
CDecodingFormat | |
CDFMFormat | |
CExtractionImageFilterEnums | Enums for itk::ExtractImageFilter |
CFilterState | |
CGaussianOrder | |
CGEImageHeader | |
CGPUFiniteDifferenceFilterEnum | |
CGradientDescentOptimizerBasev4 | Abstract base class for gradient descent-style optimizers |
CGradientEnum | |
CGradientImageFormat | |
CGradientSource | |
CImageInfo | A container for an image and its description |
CInterface | Wrapper for FFTW API |
CInterface | Wrapper for FFTW API |
CInvalidRequestRegionError | Exception object for invalid requested region |
CIOCommon | |
CIOCommon | |
CIOModeEnum | |
CKernelSource | |
CLabel | |
CLBFGSBOptimizerHelper | Wrapper helper around vnl_lbfgsb |
CLBFGSBOptimizerHelperv4 | Wrapper helper around vnl_lbfgsb |
CLogLevel | |
CMetricCategory | |
CMetricSamplingStrategy | Enum type for metric sampling strategy |
CMRFStop | |
CNiftiFileEnum | |
CNoiseModel | |
COptimization | |
CPowImageFilter | |
CPowImageFilter | Computes the powers of 2 images |
CProcessedOutputType | |
CQuickView | A convenient class to render itk images with vtk |
CRayCastHelperEnums | Contains all enum classes used by RayCastHelper class |
CReadFrom | |
CRedirectOutputParameters | |
CRegressionTestParameters | |
CRGBColormapFilter | |
CRGBImageInfo | A container for an rgb image and its description |
CSamplingStrategy | |